Research Grants
Research at SEAS is growing. Our research expenditures have increased by 30% as our faculty continue to successfully compete for research grants across a range of disciplines. The departmental listing below includes just a sample of recently awarded grants.
- Biomedical Engineering
Researcher: Dr. Chung Hyuk Park
Research project title: Collaborative Research: FDT-BioTech: Advancing Mathematical and Statistical Foundations to Enhance Human Digital Twin of Neurophysiological Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $799,312/GW’s share of the grant is $549,341
Purpose: This project aims to develop the mathematical foundations for a digital twin (DT) for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The DT will leverage computationally efficient machine learning methods to integrate dynamic, multi-modal, and multi-source data for diagnosis and progression simulation. It will model brain activities with a unified data structure in association with behavioral characteristics and interventions/therapies aligned with neuro-developmental processes. Utilizing the DT, we will develop methods for personalized predictions and uncertainty quantification. A human-centered, reinforcement learning approach will be used to recommend personalized treatment plans.
Collaborators: GW Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, George Mason UniversityResearcher: Dr. Chung Hyuk Park
Research project title: Collaborative Research: Designing Intelligent Industrial Robots for STEM Inclusion by Leveraging Self-Determination Theory to Foster Autistic Talent in Manufacturing Work
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $1,499,984/GW’s share of the grant is $380,000
Purpose: This proposal aims to (1) co-create support approaches based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to address fundamental and critical psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness) through a mix of interviews, focus group discussions, and human-in-the-loop simulation, and (2) enhance robot intelligence to accurately identify and meet workers' psychological needs in manufacturing settings, resulting in support that is adaptive and individualized.
Collaborators: Virginia Tech, Rochester Institute of TechnologyResearcher: Dr. Jason Zara (PI), Dr. Ekundayo Shittu
Research project title: Research for All (R4A)
Granting organization: The Kern Family Foundation
Funding: $2,024,000
Purpose: To expand access to undergraduate research opportunities.
Collaborators: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of Washington Tacoma, Valparaiso University, Olin College, George Fox University, North Carolina A&T State University, and Campbell UniversityResearcher: Dr. Luyao Lu
Research project title: CAREER: Optoelectronic lab-on-a-chip technology for high content automated multiparametric physiological analyses of live cells
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $500,000
Purpose: This project will develop and validate miniaturized lab-on-a-chip platforms that allow for fast, real-time, multiparametric interrogation of live cell physiology at meaningful levels of spatiotemporal precision inside cell culture environment.Researcher: Dr. Luyao Lu
Research project title: Soft wireless multimodal cardiac implantable devices for long-term investigating heart failure pathogenesis
Granting organization: NIH/NHLBI
Funding: $2,788,759/GW’s share of the grant is $1.68 million
Purpose: To develop ultra-soft, wireless, implantable, cardiac tools and apply them to chronically study multiple crucial cardiac properties and their links during heart failure development, progression, and termination.
Collaborators: Northwestern UniversityResearcher: Dr. Emilia Entcheva
Research project title: EFRI CEE: Human Cardiac Opto-Epigenetics with HDAC Inhibitors
Granting organization: National Science Foundation EFRI (Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation)
Funding: $2 million/GW’s share of the grant is $1.48 million
Purpose: To develop a framework to optically manipulate and track chromatin dynamics using photo-switchable HDAC inhibitors in human iPS-CMs
Collaborators: Zhenyu Li (GW), Alejandro Villagra (GW Cancer Center), Ralph Mazitschek (Harvard/Mass General), Shu Jia (Georgia Tech)Researcher: Dr. Vesna Zderic
Research project title: Therapeutic Ultrasound for Stimulation of Insulin Release
Granting organization: NIH/NIBIB
Funding: $1,964,448
Purpose: The main goals are to determine biological mechanisms employed in the therapeutic ultrasound effects on the pancreas and how therapeutic ultrasound may impact the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Collaborators: Aleksandar Jeremic (Biology), Anastas Popratiloff (GW Imaging Center), Samuel Simmens (Biostatistics)- Civil & Environmental Engineering
Researchers: Dr. Danmeng Shuai, Dr. Yun Shen
Research project title: Vesicle-Cloaked Virus Clusters as Emerging Pathogens: Will They Challenge Current Disinfection Paradigm?
Granting organization: NIH
Funding: $489,586
Purpose: Evaluate the performance and mechanism of conventional and novel disinfectants for inactivating vesicle-cloaked virus clusters, an emerging environmental pathogenResearchers: Dr. Danmeng Shuai, Dr. Yun Shen
Research project title: Persistence and Inactivation of Vesicle-Cloaked Enteric Virus Clusters in Agricultural Reuse Water
Granting organization: USDA-NIFA
Funding: $750,000
Purpose: Understand the fate, transport, and inactivation of vesicle-cloaked virus clusters in water reuse for agricultural irrigation, soil environment, and vegetables and fruitsResearcher: Dr. Danmeng Shuai,
Research project title: Partnership: Development of Single- and Double-Atom Catalysts for Treating Agricultural Wastewater
Granting organization: USDA-NIFA
Funding: $728,000/$409,500
Purpose: Develop and implement single and double atom catalysts for removing persistent organic micropollutants from agricultural wastewater
Collaborators: Dr. Hanning Chen at the University of Texas at Austin and Dr. Feng Lin at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityResearcher: Dr. Danmeng Shuai
Research project title: Integrated Experimental and Computational Studies for Understanding the Interplay of Photoreactive Materials and Persistent Contaminants
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $549,546/GW’s share of the grant is $310,000
Purpose: To understand the photo-catalytic transformation of persistent organic contaminants in natural aquatic environment
Collaborators: GW Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at ChicagoResearcher: Dr. Leila Farhadi
Research project title: Coupled Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Recharge from Remotely Sensed Land Surface Moisture and Temperature
Granting organization: NASA—Career Award in the New (Early Career) Investigator Program in Earth Sciences
Funding: $260,000
Purpose: To quantify and map the patterns and dynamics of evapotranspiration and recharge flux using remotely sensed land surface state observations that are widely available across a range of spatial and temporal scales, landscapes and climatesResearcher: Dr. Majid Manzari
Research project title: Validation of Constitutive and Numerical Modeling Techniques for Soil Liquefaction Analysis
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $488,217
Purpose: To produce high quality experimental data on seismic response of a few important geo-structural systems that contain liquefiable soils, and to assess the capabilities and limitations of the leading constitutive and numerical modeling techniques currently used in geotechnical practice.Researcher: Dr. Pedro Silva
Research project title: Collaborative Research: Self-Centering Pendulum Shear Walls in Buildings via Nonlinear Elastic Kinematics
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $730,000/Dr. Silva’s share of the grant is $400,000
Purpose: To test Dr. Silva’s hypothesis that changing the interface between a wall and its footer from a flat surface to a curved surface will increase the amount of energy that can be dissipated during an earthquake, thereby limiting damage to the wall and deformations to the building from the earthquake
Collaborators: Michigan State UniversityResearcher: Dr. Rumana Riffat
Research project title: Evaluation of PdNA (Partial Denitrification-Annamox) and Secondary Treatment Processes.
Granting organization: DC Water
Funding: $156,000
Purpose: The research project will evaluate PdNA (Partial Denitrification-Annamox) processes for nitrogen removal and its application in secondary treatment processes for wastewater.Researcher: Dr. Samer Hamdar
Research project title: Research Assistant for Staff Projects
Granting organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Funding: $286,301
Purpose: The objective of this project is to provide support to the FHWA Safety Office by conducting different research tasks developing data analytics and AI tools to analyze large amount of information collected by different detectors.
Collaborators: LeidosResearcher: Dr. Sameh Badie, Dr. Samer Hamdar
Research project title: Design and Detailing Guidelines for Enhanced Security and Safety of Bridges against Human-Made Hazards
Granting organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Funding: $131,545
Purpose: Develop a stochastic framework for quantifying the probability of failure of a bridge system subjected to heavy truck collisions.Researcher: Dr. Samer Hamdar
Research project title: AVA: Automated Vehicles for All
Granting organization: US Department of Transportation
Funding: $7,063,787; GW's Share: $1,240,878
Purpose: This project aims at developing and deploying autonomous vehicles in rural and urban environments and assess their safety.
Collaborators: Texas Department of Transportation; Texas A&M University; University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; University of California, Davis.Researcher: Dr. Samer Hamdar
Research project title: Third Generation Simulation (TGSim) Data: A Closer Look at the Impacts of Automated Driving Systems on Human Behavior
Granting organization: Federal Highway Administration
Funding: $432,717; GW's Share: $139,890
Purpose: This project aims at collecting extensive traffic data in the presence in autonomous vehicles in naturalistic congested settings. This data is used to develop microscopic lateral and longitudinal models for a third generation of simulation tools to be utilized by different decision makers.
Collaborators: University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; Northwestern University.Researcher: Dr. Samer Hamdar
Research project title: Traffic Health Indicators for Safer TECHnologies (THIS-TECH): Data Driven Research with Roadway Simulation and Vehicular Instrumentation
Granting organization:
Funding: $620,927
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to collect driving health information in a controlled setting while developing technology tools for integration in a vehicular ecosystem.Researcher: Dr. Tianshu Li
Research project title: Manipulation Atomic Ordering Manufacture of Semiconductors (µ-ATOMS)
Granting organization: DOE (EFRC)
Funding: $10.3 million/Dr. Li's share: $800,000
Purpose: To develop the manipulation of short-range order in Group IV semiconductor alloys as a new tool in the fabrication of semiconductor properties and devices that fosters innovation.
Collaborators: University of Arkansas, Sandia National Lab, Dartmouth College, Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Arizona State University, University of Delaware, and University of Arkansas at Pine BluffResearcher: Dr. Tianshu Li
Research project title: Understanding and breaking the materials barriers of SiGeSn alloys for infrared devices
Granting organization: AFOSR/MURI
Funding: $7.5 million/Dr. Li's share: $1.05 million
Purpose: To develop high quality, stable (Si)GeSn alloys for lighter, faster, higher signal-to-noise, and more energy efficient 2-5 μm infrared imaging devices at significantly lower cost as the next generation of infrared imaging technology.
Collaborators: University of Arkansas, Dartmouth College, Arizona State University, University of Massachusetts BostonResearcher: Dr. Tianshu Li
Research project title: Collaborative Research: An integrated software for large-scale modeling of crystal nucleation
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $639,106/Dr Li's share: $328,339
Purpose: To develop a critical cyber infrastructure that will enable a predictive description of the key microscopic factors contributing to crystal nucleation at the molecular level.
Collaborators: University of California DavisResearcher: Dr. Xitong Liu, Dr. Tianshu Li
Research project title: Collaborative Research: Elucidating the Coupling of Inorganic Scaling and Organic Fouling in Reverse Osmosis Desalination: An Integrated Experimental and Computational Approach
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $345,507
Purpose: This project will fundamentally elucidate the interactions of inorganic scalants with organic foulants at the membrane-water interface and inform design principles for reverse osmosis membranes possessing resistance to combined scaling and fouling.
Collaborators: Colorado State UniversityResearcher: Dr. Xitong Liu
Research project title: Collaborative Research: Deciphering the nanoscale interactions during mineral nucleation and scale formation on polymer surfaces
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $282,196
Purpose: The long-term goal is to develop design principles for scaling-resistant polymer surfaces by deciphering the mechanisms for mineral nucleation and scale formation. The immediate goal of this research project will be to elucidate the nanoscale forces that mediate scaling mechanisms of silica and gypsum, two common and problematic scaling minerals in groundwater, on polymer surfaces.
Collaborators: University of MarylandResearcher: Dr. Xitong Liu, Dr. Danmeng Shuai
Research project title: PARTNERSHIP: Biomass-based Nanocomposite Electrodes with Insertion Materials for Desalinating Brackish Agricultural Drainage
Granting organization: USDA-NIFA
Funding: $744,000
Purpose: The goal of the project is to design carbon nanofiber-intercalation material electrodes and electro-deionization devices for the sustainable treatment of brackish agricultural drainage.
Collaborators: George Mason University- Computer Science
Researcher: Dr. James Hahn
Research project title: 3D body shape analysis for predicting sarcopenia and obesity in older adults
Granting organization: NIH
Funding: $333, 125/GW's share of the grant is $309,800
Purpose: In this proposal, we use AI and optical body scans to develop low-cost, convenient, widely-available, and accurate approaches that can augment care of older adults, and in particular, for the care of individuals with sarcopenia and obesity
Collaborators: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of California Berkeley, University of Connecticut, and GW's School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, and Milken Institute School of Public HealthResearcher: Dr. Arkady Yerukhimovich
Research project title: CAREER: Sketching for Secure Computation on Large Inputs
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $597,620
Purpose: To develop protocols for secure computation that provide efficient privacy protection for large inputs and big data.Researcher: Dr. James Hahn
Research project title: Advancing 3D optical body surface scan technology to assess physiological and psychological effects in highly obese population
Granting organization: National Institutes of Health National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Funding: : $2.2 million/R01 grantResearcher: Dr. James Hahn
Research project title: Neonatal Endotracheal Intubation: Enhancing Training Through Computer Simulation and Automated Evaluation
Granting organization: National Institutes of Health’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
Funding: $1.6 million/R01 grantResearcher: Dr. Robert Pless
Research project title: An Object-Centric Approach for Image Analysis to Combat Human Trafficking
Granting organization: US Department of Justice
Funding: $1 million
Purpose: To develop novel deep learning approaches to index, search, and visualize imagery, and to deploy these in a prototype search tool with a focus on fighting human traffickingResearcher: Dr. Rachelle Heller, Dr. Costis Toregas
Research project title: DOD CySP Bootcamp: Ready, Set, Go
Granting organization: NSA/DoD
Funding: $280,000
Purpose: DOD CySP Bootcamp: Ready, Set, Go, a two night-three day bootcamp for newly admitted CySP Scholar will be held from July 23, 2023 to July 26, 2023 at The George Washington UniversityResearcher: Dr. Hyeong-Ah Choi
Research project title: Coverage, Capacity, and Resilience Enhancement in Limited PSN
Granting organization: National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST)
Funding: $700,000
Purpose: To research public safety networks
Collaborators: Dr. Xiuzhen Cheng (GW, Computer Science), Dr. Yanxiang Zhao (GW, Math), Dr. Gokhan Sahin (Miami University), and Dr. Wei Cheng (VCU)Researcher: Dr. Xiuzhen (Susan) Cheng
Research project title: Privacy Attacks and Defense Mechanisms in Online Social Networks
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $1.1 million/Dr. Cheng’s share of the grant is $544,168
Purpose: To identify the potential privacy disclosure channels in online social networks and study privacy-preserving countermeasures that suppress access to private information from unauthorized entities without impeding the ability for users to initiate social interactions and share user-created content via online social networks
Collaborators: George Mason University and Georgia State UniversityResearcher: Dr. Timothy Wood
Research project title: OpenNetVM: A Software Platform Enabling Network Function Virtualization Research
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $650,000/GW’s share of the grant is $325,000
Purpose: To expand on the open source networking platform being developed by Ph.D., masters, and undergraduate students at GW
Collaborators: University of California RiversideResearcher: Dr. Xiuzhen (Susan) Cheng
Research project title: Acquisition, Collection, and Computation of Dynamic Big Sensory Data in Smart Cities
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $1.15 million/Dr. Cheng’s share of the grant is $279,107
Purpose: To develop foundations and technologies for the analytical use of big sensory data to benefit smart cities for monitoring and control
Collaborators: George Mason University, Georgia State University, and Virginia Commonwealth UniversityResearcher: Dr. Timothy Wood
Research project title: Fine Grained Protection for Scalable Single-use Services
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $532,000/GW’s share of the grant is $266,000
Purpose: To explore how to provide scalable security services to networked services at the OS and virtualization layers
Collaborators: Worcester Polytechnic InstituteResearcher: Dr. Timothy Wood
Research project title: Mobile Elastic Edge Clouds for Scalable, Low-Latency Services
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $377,000/GW’s share of the grant is $145,000
Purpose: To focus on the network and cloud infrastructures needed to support emerging mobile applications like augmented reality
Collaborators: University of California Riverside and University of Massachusetts AmherstResearcher: Dr. Rachelle Heller
Granting organization: National Security Agency
Funding: $125,000
Purpose: To research and implement an online course to prepare adjunct faculty in cybersecurity for the community colleges
Collaborators: Dr. Lance Hoffman (GW, Computer Science) and Dr. Costis Toregas (GW, Computer Science)- Electrical & Computer Engineering
Researcher: Dr. Payman Dehghanian
Research project title: AMPS: Risk-Averse Optimization for Stressed Power Grids: Models, Theory, and Algorithms
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $150,000
Purpose: This project aims to offer new decision-making algorithms for stressed power grids that provide guidance and support to power system operators and help them hedge against the consequences of deadly wildfires in a timely and effective manner, thus enhancing the resilience of the power grid and dependent critical infrastructures.
Collaborators: GW School of Business Department of Decision SciencesResearcher: Dr. Payman Dehghanian
Research project title: Collaborative Research: NNA Research: Foundations for Improving Resilience in the Energy Sector against Wildfires on Alaskan Lands (FIREWALL)
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $2,822,000; GW Portion: $900,000
Purpose: The FIREWALL research project will advance the knowledge on (1) how elements of the natural environment, energy infrastructure, and social systems interact with one another before, during, and following wildfires, and (2) how to enable a collaborative framework for decision-making and communication among multi-sectoral stakeholders to reduce wildfire risks faced by communities and electric utilities.
Collaborators: University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Washington State University (WSU)Researcher: Dr. Payman Dehghanian
Research project title: Mobility-As-A-Service for Resilience Delivery in Power Grids: Stochastic Programming Advancements under Decision-Dependent Uncertainties
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $415,000
Purpose: This project aims to offer a new decision-making paradigm to deploy mobile power sources (e.g., mobile energy storage systems, mobile emergency generators, electric vehicles, and electric buses) for enhancing the resilience of communities and critical infrastructures when facing extreme events.
Collaborators: GW School of Business Department of Decision SciencesResearcher: Dr. Payman Dehghanian
Research project title: Collaborative Research: NNA Track 2: Foundations for Improving Resilience in the Energy Sector against Wildfires on Alaskan Lands (FIREWALL)
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $250,000; GW Portion: $125,000
Purpose: Through the lens of energy resilience, the project supports building stronger ties and facilitates a two-way dialogue among researchers, local communities, and stakeholders to provide solutions for emergency preparedness, operational endurance, and enhanced resilience to wildfires.
Collaborators: University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA)Researcher: Dr. Payman Dehghanian
Research project title: Electric Vehicle Fleet Management for Resilience in Energy Networks: Stochastic Programming Advancements under Endogenous Uncertainty
Granting organization: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Funding: $451,500
Purpose: This project devises new stochastic programming optimization models that
characterize endogenous uncertainty in the electric vehicle fleet routing and scheduling decision-making.
Collaborators: GW School of Business Department of Decision SciencesResearcher: Dr. Suresh Subramaniam
Research project title: Design and Provisioning for Inter-Datacenter Multi-granular Flexible Optical Networks
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $496,000/GW’s share of the grant is $300,000
Purpose: To develop design and provisioning strategies for multi-granular inter-datacenter Flexible Optical Networks
Collaborators: San Jose State UniversityResearcher: Dr. Suresh Subramaniam, Dr. Guru Venkataramani
Research project title: CNS Core: Small: Expedient computing: A framework for energy-efficient and timely computing at the edge
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $584,714
Purpose: This project lays the foundation for a new computing paradigm at the edge called expedient computing.Researcher: Dr. Suresh Subramaniam
Research project title: Collaborative Research: NeTS: JUNO3: End-to-end network slicing and orchestration in future programmable converged wireless-optical networks
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $236,260
Purpose: This project tackles challenges in providing end-to-end network slices with guaranteed performance in converged optical-wireless networks.
Collaborators: North Carolina State University, Nagoya University and University of Electrocommunications (Japan)- Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
Researcher: Dr. Joseph A. Barbera, Dr. Joost Santos
Research project title: NCR NDMS Medical Surge Capacity, Capability, and Interoperability (MSCCI)
Granting organization: Department of Defense/Medical Technical Enterprise Consortium/National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health
Funding: $736,052
Purpose: Modeling combat casualty care through civilian healthcare facilities and conducting patient throughput simulation to identify issues and develop recommendations for medical surge, capacity, capability, and interoperability.
Collaborators: GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences and GW School of Public HealthResearcher: Dr. John Helveston
Research project title: Quantifying the Benefits and Constraints of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Smart Charging Adoption
Granting organization: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Energy & Environment Program
Funding: $516,677
Purpose: Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) are expected to be the largest source of new electricity demand in coming decades, but the timing of that charging could lead to detrimental effects if left unmanaged. Utility-controlled "smart" charging of PEVs has the potential to mitigate these effects and streamline the integration of renewable electricity sources. This proposal aims to measure the smart charging preferences of PEV owners and then integrate those preferences into energy system simulations to model the social, behavioral, and economic constraints of different PEV smart charging programs and quantify the associated environmental benefits. Results will identify economically feasible smart charging program features that deliver environmental benefits from grid flexibility.Researcher: Dr. John Helveston
Research project title: Quantifying New and Used Plug-in Electric Vehicle Market Dynamics in Disadvantaged Communities
Granting organization: Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office
Funding: $474,517
Purpose: Electrifying the vehicle fleet is a cornerstone of most plans to curb the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change, but plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are still not accessible for most car buyers in the U.S. Policy interventions will be needed to make PEVs more accessible to disadvantaged communities (DACs), but little is known about the needs and preferences of these communities as well as the market dynamics governing the used vehicle market--where most people in DACs buy vehicles. This research will generate new knowledge about vehicle ownership in DACs as well as the market dynamics governing the new and used markets to guide future policy decisions aimed at making PEVs more accessible to more diverse communities.Researcher: Dr. Caitlin Grady
Research project title: Engaged student learning through coupled ethical-epistemic pedagogy
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $393,800
Purpose: This project aims to serve the national interest by advancing the understanding of best practices in engineering curricula for teaching engineering ethics. It leverages research from the fields of philosophy, cognitive design theory, and engineering ethics to address a pressing concern: How can we better equip our future engineers to act ethically and understand the broad societal implications of their work?Researcher: Dr. Mukes Kapilashrami, Dr. Edward Saltzberg, Dr. Jonathan Deason
Research project title: Development of a National Digitalization Readiness Index
Granting organization: United Nations Climate Technology Center Network
Funding: Full budget $225,000; GW share $143,000
Purpose: Development of a national digitalization readiness index to strengthen the capacities of developing countries to address technological challenges and opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Collaborators: Korean National Institute of Green TechnologyResearcher: Dr. David Broniatowski
Research project title: Evaluating the Explainability and Interpretability of AI Systems
Granting organization: NIST
Funding: $994,325
Purpose: In this project, we will develop measures to evaluate the interpretability and explainability of computational artificial intelligence (AI) systems in the domain of antibiotic resistance.
Collaborators: Valerie F. Reyna, Cornell UniversityResearcher: Dr. Jonathan Deason
Research project title: Compliance and Implementation of UNFCCC Climate Change Processes
Granting organization: UNFCCC Secretariat
Funding: $39,000
Purpose: Assistance to participants in the UNFCCC processes, including orientation to compliance and implementation under the Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol, and UNFCCC processes.
Collaborators: GW Environmental and Energy Management Institute, GW Columbian College of Arts and SciencesResearcher: Dr. John Helveston
Research project title: Investigation of used electric vehicle movements, sales and availability
Granting organization: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Funding: $109,743
Purpose: This project explores a large database of used vehicle listings to understand the market dynamics of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) adoption in the used market. Understanding where, when, and how PEVs are purchased, used, and repurposed are key to understanding adoption rates and needs for the supporting electric charging infrastructure.Researcher: Dr. Caitlin Grady
Research project title: CAREER: Ethical implications of connected critical infrastructure in the food-energy-water nexus
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $405,237
Purpose: The objective of this research is to provide explicit consideration of critical infrastructure and stakeholder values in quantification efforts to further understand FEW environmental sustainability.Researcher: Dr. Joost Santos
Research project title: Collaborative Research: Organizing Decentralized Resilience in Critical Interdependent-infrastructure Systems and Processes
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $2 million/GW’s share of the grant is $201,574
Purpose: To develop an integrated resilience modeling framework for mitigating the effects of hurricanes on interdependent-infrastructure systems and human-infrastructure interactions
Collaborators: Florida International University, Virginia Tech, University of Central Florida, and West Virginia UniversityResearcher: Dr. Ekundayo Shittu
Research project title: INFEWS: Quantifying Complex Adaptive FEW Systems with a Coupled Agent-based Modeling Framework
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $499,991/GW’s share of the grant is $139,500
Purpose: To generate understanding of the food-energy-water system of systems (FEWSoS) of the Columbia River and Mekong River that is transferable to other river basins
Collaborators: University of Houston and Lehigh University; Tsinghua University (China)—under separate funding
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Researcher: Dr. Michael Keidar
Research project title: Plasma Medicine Initiative (PMI)
Granting organization: U.S. Patent Innovations LLC
Funding: $5.2 million
Purpose: To revolutionize cancer therapy by introducing a novel modality in cancer treatment that uses a cool-to-the-touch jet of ionized gases, or cold atmospheric plasma (“CAP”). The Plasma Medicine Initiative will enable the transition of this novel technology into translational and clinical stages.Researcher: Dr. Michael Keidar
Research project title: Industry University Cooperative Research Center
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $750,000
Purpose: To establish a new Industry University Cooperative Research Center, focused on high-pressure plasma energy, agriculture, and biomedical technologies
Collaborators: University of Michigan and Drexel UniversityResearcher: Dr. Taeyoung Lee
Research project title: Uncertainty Quantification, Estimation, and Optimal Control for Stochastic Hybrid Systems on a Manifold
Granting organization: Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Funding: $600,000/Dr. Lee’s share of the grant is $318,000
Purpose: To construct an intrinsic framework of stochastic analysis for complex dynamical systems undergoing both continuous stochastic processes and discrete random transitions on a manifold
Collaborators: University of California, San DiegoResearcher: Dr. Lorena Barba
Research project title: Cyberinfrastructure Reproducibility Project: Computational Science and Engineering
Granting organization: National Science Foundation
Funding: $299,847
Purpose: To use methodical replication of studies in computational fluid dynamics as the model for understanding sources of non-reproducibility in science, and for developing guiding principles of study design that can guarantee, as much as possible, reproducible findingsResearcher: Dr. Lijie Grace Zhang
Research project title: Understanding Multi-stage Neural Stem Cell Function via 4D Bioprinting Reprogrammable System
Granting organization: NSF
Funding: $490,000
Purpose: This study focuses on 4D printing a novel reprogrammable smart system with a time-dependent dynamic transformation, which can provide an efficient means to cater to the different neurodevelopmental stages undergone by neural stem cells and will improve neural tissue regeneration.