SEAS Together

Student Programming and Advisory Board

SEAS Together

Through the Inclusive Excellence Initiative, GW Engineering aspires to be a community in which all members have a strong sense of belonging and an equitable opportunity to thrive. We further aspire to be a leading organization in addressing systemic issues and promoting inclusive excellence throughout the fields of engineering and computing science.

In order to foster a safe, welcoming, supportive, and inclusive community for all students the School of Engineering and Applied Science has created the SEAS Together: Student Programming. The mission of the advisory board is to ensure that all students feel like they belong and have a voice while by working together to support each other.

Student Programming and Advisory Board

The programming and advising board coordinates activities to build an inclusive and support community for all students, advocates and promotes access for underrepresented students, and helps to educate and bring awareness around inclusive excellence.

The board helps to bridge the gap between the GW Engineering administration and the student body.

Alana (She/Her)

Alana (She/Her)

Events Co-Coordinator

Bessie (She/Her)

Bessie (She/Her)

Events Co-Coordinator


Anna (She/Her)

Anna (She/Her)

Marketing Co-Manager

Amarachi (She/Her)

Amarachi (She/Her)

Marketing Co-Manager


Staff Advisors, Coordinators, and Allies


Ava headshot

Tenisha "Ava" Williams (She/Her)

Staff Advisor

Brooke Duncan

Brooke Duncan (She/Her)

Staff Advisor


Ria Vargis

Ria Vargis (She/Her)

Dean’s Fellow for Inclusive Excellence and the Student Experience and Co-Chair

Sameen Ahmad

Sameen Ahmad (She/Her)

Undergraduate Student Coordinator and Co-Chair


SEAS Together Community Resource Hub

In SEAS, we are committed to creating a welcoming and supportive community for all. Therefore, the SEAS Together Community Resource Hub is a compilation of resources and organizations in order to help students build connections. Although the list of resources is broad and diverse, we acknowledge that they do not include all available organizations on campus that foster diversity, inclusion and belonging. If you have any suggestions or would like to request an addition to this growing list, please contact us at [email protected].

Asian and Pacific Islander Students
Black Students
Commuter Students
First Generation Students
International Students
Latinx Students
LGBTQIA+ Students

Being an Ally and Advocate

We can all work together to build a community that is safe and inclusive for all. As an ally and advocate it is important we are open and continuously learning.  If you have any suggestions or would like to request an addition to this growing list, please contact us at [email protected].

Educational Resources
Land and Labor Acknowledgement Resources
We acknowledge that we reside on the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Piscataway, Anacostan, and Nacotchtank Peoples who served as stewards of the region for generations, and inhabit a place where Black people were enslaved, forced to work for free, and abused. It is critical that we name and understand the painful history of enslavement, genocide, and forced removal from the region, and honor and respect the diverse people still connected to and responsible for creating, building, and nurturing this land. 


Resources to Help You Succeed

Academic & Career Resources

GW and SEAS offer students a number of free academic and career resources. We recommend that you use these resources to help you make the most of your college experience.

Student Support and Engagement Resources

GW provides students with a variety of support and engagement resources to help you succeed. Below is a list of some of the resources available to GW students:

Scholarship & Fellowship Opportunities

Whether you are a prospective undergraduate considering applying to GW or current SEAS undergraduate who is looking for funding for your undergraduate study or considering applying to graduate study, we have information on scholarships and fellowships that may be appropriate for you. Visit our Financial Aid and Scholarships page to learn more

Name Change Resources

To ensure all members of our community feel welcome, GW has two approaches to the name change policy which includes (1) GWeb (Class Rosters and Blackboards), GWorld, and GWmail; and (2) transcripts, graduation papers, and other official documents. These processes are outlined below:

Changes to GWeb, GWorld, and GWMail

  • Log onto GWeb -> CLICK “Student Record and Registration” -> CLICK “Student Records Information Menu” ->  CLICK “View/Update Preferred First Name” -> Add your preferred name and save it.
  • Contact the GWorld Office  and be sure to have your old GWorld available. Tell them you’d like to update your GWorld to match your preferred name (for FREE). They will review with you the process from there.
  • After the update has been made in GWeb, you can email GWIT via [email protected] and request your email account be updated to match your preferred name.

Transcripts, Diploma, and Employment Records

In order to change your name on your transcripts, diploma, or employment records, you must legally change your name. After a legal name change is documented, your name can be changed on all official documents. If you are an alumnus, you can also request an updated diploma with your current legal name. For both, you will need to fill out the Request For Name Update form. After the form is complete, contact the Office of the Registrar and a university official will review with you the rest of the process.


Reporting a Bias Related Incident

It is our hope that all members of our community feel responsible for the well-being of each and every student. We strongly encourage students, faculty, and staff to report possible bias incidents. The Bias Incident Response Team will evaluate your report and determine the best way to respond.



Contact Us

If you are interested in getting involved with the SEAS Together: Programming and Advisory Board, please [email protected]