Majid T. Manzari

Majid T. Manzari
Department Chair and Professor
Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor Majid Manzari's Earthquake Engineering and Structures Lab conducts advanced experimental and computational research in earthquake engineering, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials, geomechanics, and geotechnical engineering. Current projects include: multiscale meshfree modeling of geostructures containing liquefiable soils, seismic response of nuclear fuel assemblies, fatigue of aluminum weldments, and development of efficient and robust techniques for implementation of elastoplastic models of engineering materials.
- B.S., Tehran University, 1984
- M.S., Tehran University, 1986
- Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1994
Higher-order Continua
- Manzari, M.T. (2004). "Application of Micropolar Plasticity to Post Failure Analysis in Geomechanics." International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 28(10), 1011-1032.
- Manzari, M.T. and. Regueiro, R. A. (2005). "Gradient Plasticity Modeling of Geomaterials in a Meshfree Environment." Mechanics Research Communication, 32, pp. 536-546.
Constitutive Modeling of Engineering Materials
- Manzari, M.T. and Nour, M. A. (1997). "On Implicit Integration of Bounding Surface Plasticity Models", Computers and Structures, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 385-395.
- Manzari, M.T. and Dafalias, Y. F. (1997). "A Critical State Two-Surface Plasticity Model for Sands." Geotechnique, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 252-272.
- Manzari, M.T. and Nour, M. A. (2000). "Significance of Soil Dilatancy in Slope Stability Analysis." ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, Vol. 126, pp. 75-81.
- Dafalias, Y. F., Manzari, M.T., and Akaishi, M. (2002). "A Simple Anisotropic Clay Plasticity Model." Mechanics Research Communication, 29, 241-245.
- Dafalias, Y. F. and Manzari, M.T. (2004). "Simple Plasticity Sand Model Accounting for Fabric Change Effects." ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 130(6), 622-634.
- Yonten, K., Manzari, M.T., Marzoughi, D. and Eskandarian, A. (2005). "An Assessment of Constitutive Models of Concrete in the Crashworthiness Simulation of Roadside Safety Structures." International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 5-19.
- Dafalias, M.T., Manzari, M.T., and Papadimitriou, A. G. (2006). "SANICLAY: Simple Anisotropic Clay Plasticity Model, International Journal for Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, in press.
Mixed Finite Elements and Heat Transfer
- Manzari, Mehrdad T. and Manzari, Majid T. (1998). "A Mixed Approach to Finite Element Analysis of Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Problems." International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow. Vol. 8, No.1, 83-96.
- Manzari, Mehrdad T. and Manzari, Majid T. (1999). "On Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Heat Conduction." International Journal of Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 853-866.
- Lee, J. D., Manzari, M.T., Shen, Y., and Zeng, W. (2000). "A Finite Element Approach to Transient Thermal Analysis of Work Rolls in Rolling Process." Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 4, pp. 706-716.
Ferroelectric Solids
- Zeng, W., Manzari, M.T., Lee, J. D., and Shen, Y. (2002). "Fully-coupled Nonlinear Analysis of Piezoelectric Solids involving Domain Switching." International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56, 13-34.
- Zeng W., Manzari, M.T., Lee, J. D. and Shen, Y.L. (2003). "Domain Switching Effect on Fracture of Piezoelectric Solids." Mechanics Research Communication, 30, 267-275.
- Zeng W., Manzari, M.T., Lee, J. D. and Shen, Y.L. (2003). "An Analysis Of The Effect of Domain Switching on Fracture Behavior of Piezoelectric Solids." International Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 12, 88-95.
Dynamics of Two-Phase Media
- Manzari, M.T. (1996). "On Finite Deformation Dynamic Analysis of Saturated Soils." Archives of Mechanics, 48, 2, pp. 281-310.
- Manzari, M.T. (1996). "Finite Deformation Analysis of Liquefaction-Induced Flow Failures in Soil Embankments." Int. J. Geotech. Geolog. Engrg., 14, 2, pp. 83-110.
- Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials. Edited by H. I. Ling, A. Anandarajah, M. T. Manzari, V. Kaliakin. CRC Press, 2003.
- Theory of Elastic Stability, S. P. Timoshenko and James Gere. Persian Translation by M. T. Manzari, Tehran University press, 1990.