Student Organizations

Make the most of your time as a student at GW and SEAS. Join a SEAS student organization, participate in activities across campus, or join your national professional society and meet engineers and computer scientists already working in your field.

Joining a SEAS Student Organizations

Be A Part of It! Find an engineering or computer science-related organization that interests you. Extra-curricular activities are a good way to meet friends and round out your college experience.

SEAS Student Organizations

The Engineers' Council (E-Council)

Email: [email protected]

E-Council, also known as the Engineers Council is the umbrella organization that oversees and facilitates collaboration between SEAS student organizations, and among the general student body within SEAS. E-council helps plan and organize numerous SEAS events such as the Organization Fairs, Late Night SEH, Engineers Week, and the Engineers Ball. E-Council represents the general engineering student body to the administration of SEAS and GW, encourages diversity and inclusion within SEAS, and provides ongoing leadership and professional development for member organizations and students within SEAS.

School of Engineering and Applied Science Student Peer Advisory Network

Email: [email protected]

The School of Engineering and Applied Science Student Peer Advisory Network (SEASSPAN) is a student leadership organization comprised of approximately 30 carefully selected mentors that help the incoming freshman transition to SEAS. These mentors each come from various backgrounds and have unique interests that help to compliment the diversity of the freshman class. The mentors act as liaison between the SEAS administration, are part of the SEAS Summer Orientation program, help to coordinate the New Student Getaway, and support the integration of the new students into the SEAS community. Additionally, the mentors assist new students in registering for classes and moving into their residence hall, help answer questions about SEAS, plan engaging programs throughout the year, and introduce them to the GW campus as whole.

SEAS Together

Email: [email protected]

Through the Inclusive Excellence Initiative, GW Engineering aspires to be a community in which all members have a strong sense of belonging and an equitable opportunity to thrive. We further aspire to be a leading organization in addressing systemic issues and promoting inclusive excellence throughout the fields of engineering and computing science.

Alpha Omega Epsilon (AOE)

Email:  [email protected]
GW AOE Chapter website
National AOE website

Alpha Omega Epsilon is a professional and social sorority for women and genderqueer individuals. A.O.E.'s purpose is to further the advancement of under-represented genders in STEM. We aim to promote friendship, leadership, and professionalism among our members. Members strive to exemplify high scholastic standards and academic achievement and create a friendly, warm atmosphere that fosters integrity, character, and self-confidence. Being a professional organization we offer numerous opportunities to advance your professional self, learning from older members. As a social sorority, we host fun social events for our members to encourage deep bonds and community across years and majors.

American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

Email:  [email protected]
National AIAA Organization website

For over 75 years, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has been the principal voice and technical society devoted to global leadership in the aerospace community. This organization also includes the Design, Build, Fly project team.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Email:  [email protected]
National ASCE Organization website

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is a worldwide organization dedicated to creating a community of civil engineers. GW's chapter is committed to furthering civil engineers in their career as well as creating a tight knit community at GW. While we are mostly geared toward civil engineers, everyone is welcome! This year we will host multiple GBM's and events where we will not only have fun activities but we will also create a welcome and friendly environment where students can make friends and connections to further their academic and professional careers. ASCE includes the Steel Bridge project team that builds a 20 foot long bridge from scratch to compete with other schools!

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Email:  [email protected]
National ASME Organization website

The George Washington University student section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers seeks to provide academic and professional related resources to student in the MAE department of SEAS through events and support. ASME provides networking opportunities, professional and technical development, advising, and much more. Join us for a chance to connect, learn, and grow within a dynamic community of aspiring engineers. Engineering Tomorrow; Shape the Future with ASME.

Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects (AAAEA)

National Website:

GW AAAEA is non-profit, non-political, non-religious student chapter of the National AAAEA’s Capital Area Chapter. The organization primarily aims to connect GWU students within the Arab and Arab American engineering communities and bridge the gap between the professionals and students. This student chapter seeks to professionally develop students by providing academic, career, internship, and networking opportunities, and to guide them on their professional journey. We also value and promote cooperation among members to enhance success in their respective fields. The Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects was born in 1996 in the Chicago area to serve the Arab community of engineering and architectural professionals from the Middle East and North African region. It has since grown to include chapters all over the United States and is actively expanding to meet the needs of the community and empower its members for excellence.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Email: [email protected]
National ACM Organization website

The GW student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a chartered local chapter of the National ACM, a network of 80,000+ computing professionals. GW ACM exists to enrich the academic and extracurricular life of students interested in the Computer and Informational Sciences. Through multifaceted campus speakers and other educational, technical, and social opportunities, ACM seeks to increase the computing knowledge of GW students.

Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)

Email: [email protected]

The George Washington University Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) is a student organization dedicated to the professional development of GW students interested in energy engineering, policy, and management. We partner with our parent and sister chapters, the AEE National Capital Chapter (NCC) and George Mason University AEE student chapter, to host a number of speakers, panel discussions, site visits, and networking events throughout each year. GW Associated of Energy Engineers seeks to train future sustainable energy leaders equipped to deal with 21st century challenges. We aim to foster a community of people from various backgrounds that are passionate about the clean energy transition and offer opportunities such as a design project, profession events, and volunteering events. The National Capital Chapter awards scholarships to AEE student members annually.

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)

Email: [email protected]

The Mission of The George Washington University Biomedical Engineering Society Student Chapter shall be to build and support the biomedical engineering community at GWU and in the local area by promoting social, professional, and educational development for both students and staff alike.

Engineers' Philanthropic Society (EPS)

Email: [email protected]

The GW Engineers' Philanthropic Society (EPS) is a student-led organization focused on building a philanthropic bridge between GW Engineering and underserved DC public schools through need-based, STEM volunteering initiatives. EPS additionally cultivates strategic volunteering relationships with regional companies to provide GW volunteers a chance to forward their own careers while forwarding positive impact in the community. Through developing an impactful service platform, EPS hopes to fortify GW Engineering's role in cultivating STEM excellence within the greater community.

Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

Email:  [email protected]
GW EWB Chapters Website
National Organization Website

Engineers Without Borders is an international, non-profit organization that partners student engineers with professional engineering mentors to create sustainable, technological solutions for communities in the developing

George Hacks

Email: [email protected]

George Hacks is a student-led organization that provides students a platform for problem-based, healthcare innovation for social impact. We design innovation events that facilitate the early application of classroom knowledge to real-world issues. Our annual event, Kogan Makerspace, consists of an innovation hub with hands-on activities like VR, 3D printing, and more. The annual Medical Solution Hackathon takes place in early spring where over the course of 24 hours participants will collaborate in teams to create working prototype solutions in response to health-based problem statements.


Email: [email protected]
GW Compass Website 

GW COMPASS is a professional networking organization that seeks to help GW graduate students in STEM prepare for life after graduation. The mission of GW COMPASS is to provide a community of professional support to facilitate the advancement of STEM graduate students by hosting networking engagements, fostering mentee and mentor relationships, and highlighting career opportunities for post-graduate life.

GW Robotics

Email: [email protected]

The mission of GW Robotics is spark an interest for robotics and provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge from their course work through building robots. The members in GW robotics work each year to build a robot that competes in the international MATE ROV Competition. Beyond building an underwater robot for competition, the team strives to promote robotics within the GW community through hosting mini robotics competitions for the students and other various educational events. Students on the team also reach out into the local community by mentoring FIRST robotics teams at the local high schools.

GW Rocket Team

Email: [email protected]

GW Rocket is an engineering project team devoted to designing, building, and flying a 20-foot rocket to 10,000 ft. in New Mexico each June at the Spaceport America Cup. In addition to this, we compete in smaller local competitions around the area. We have positions for all engineering students, and we recruit all year long. We are a tight knit group, but we welcome new members with open arms. If you’re interested in joining or coming to see the rocket lab, feel free to drop us a line!

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Email:  [email protected]
Local Branch:
National Organization:

The IEEE is a non-profit, technical professional association of more than 377,000 individual members in 150 countries. Through its members, the IEEE is a leading authority in technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace and consumer electronics, among others.

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

Email:  [email protected]
National Organization:

The purpose of GW INCOSE is to provide students interested in Systems Engineering at The George Washington University with a group dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the field. The group also interacts with the Washington Metro Area INCOSE Chapter in order to benefit from their experiences. Professional development is a focus of the chapter here at GW.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Email: [email protected]
National NSBE Organization Website 

NSBE's mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community. The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) with more than 24,000 members, is one of the largest student-managed organization in the country. NSBE is comprised of more than 270 chapters on college and university campuses, 75 Alumni Extension chapters nationwide and 75 Pre-College chapters. The chapter at GW has prided itself on creating a dynamic environment and exposing our general body to various facets of science and engineering inside and outside of the classroom.

Revolutionaries Tech
Email: [email protected]

RevTech is a club that's all about personal projects in computer science (you don't have to be a CS major to join). General body meetings are all about setting out some time for members to hang out, brainstorm, and work on extracurricular projects. Having a list of concrete demonstrations of your coding abilities is extremely helpful for job interviews, plus it's a really fun organization to join!

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

Email: [email protected]
SHPE LinkTree:
SHPE LinkedIn:

We are a student chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, a non-profit organization. SHPE changes lives by empowering the Latinx/Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development. The George Washington University SHPE chapter strives to promote Hispanics in STEM through professional development and community engagement. We value the experience our members gain and work endlessly to improve the quality of our organization.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Email:  [email protected]

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit educational and service organization. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders.

Tau Beta Pi (The Engineering Honor Society)

Email: [email protected]
National Tau Beta Pi Organization website

Tau Beta Pi was formed to foster a spirit of liberal culture in engineering colleges and to mark in a fitting way those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater, based on either distinguished scholarship and exemplary character (e.g., integrity, breadth of interests in and out of engineering, adaptability, and unselfish service) as students of engineering, or based on their attainments as alumni in the engineering field.

Theta Tau (Professional Engineering Fraternity)

Email:  [email protected]
GW Theta Tau Chapter Website

Founded at the University of Minnesota in 1904, Theta Tau is the largest (as well as the oldest) professional fraternity in the field of engineering. Over 28,000 have been initiated over the years. With emphasis on quality and a strong fraternal bond, the Fraternity has chapters only at ABET accredited schools. Theta Tau follows carefully a program in the selection and development of its members that stresses the importance of high professional ethics and exemplary practices. Within each chapter, the Fraternity stimulates professional activity and social compatibility; provides a framework for group participation in campus, community, engineering, and fraternity affairs; and promotes lasting friendships - a lifetime of brotherhood in an engineering environment.

Women in Computer Science (WiCS)

Email: [email protected]

Women in Computer Science (WiCS) is a student organization ran through the Department of Computer Science, in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at The George Washington University (GWU). WICS is open for all female GWU undergraduate and graduate students majoring, minoring or with interest in Computer Science. In order to support women studying Computer Science at GWU, WiCS sponsors several mentoring, and networking events throughout the semester.

Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS)

Email: [email protected]
National Website:

At WiCyS, a global community of women, allies, and advocates, we are dedicated to bringing talented women together to celebrate and foster their passion and drive for cybersecurity. We unite local communities of aspiring and thriving women cybersecurity professionals across the world to collaborate, share their knowledge, network and mentor. We create opportunities through professional development programs, conferences, career fairs, and more. All years, and all majors are welcome.


The Engineers’ Council

The Engineers’ Council is a SEAS student umbrella organization that oversees and facilitates collaboration between SEAS student organizations, and among the general student body within SEAS. The Engineers’ Council represents the general engineering student body to the administration of SEAS and GW, encourages diversity and inclusion within SEAS, and provides ongoing leadership and professional development for member organizations and students within SEAS. The Engineers’ Council is also responsible for coordinating the SEAS Engineers’ Week (E-Week) Celebration and the SEAS BBQ each year.

Membership Organizations

The Engineers' Council oversees, supports, and works with over 20 member organizations across every SEAS discipline. Benefits of member organizations include complimentary WEPA printing services (with limits), event and organization funding support, advertising support, and event logistics support. Student organizations interested in joining the Engineers' Council as a member organization can email [email protected]

Please select the following dropdown menus to read more about the resources available to SEAS students, and student organizations.

View The Engineers' Council Constitution

The Engineers' Council

Elected Officers



Sara by a river

Vice President






Events Director


Marketing Director


Community Outreach Director


Professional Development Director


Fundraising Coordinator


Senior Class Representative


Senior Class Representative


Junior Class Representative


Sophomore Class Representative


First Year Class Representative


First Year Class Representative


GW Engage and Financial Resources

GW Engage

GW Engage is where organization members, events, forms, money, and other resources are located. There are many pages and features that are available on Engage. You can send messages to your entire organization, or add members to your organization page. There is a calendar where you can update events and a place to post messages. Elections can be run through Engage along with other resources. The treasurer tab is most important for finances. There is one page for budgets and one page for revenue funds. The budgets page is where you can see how much money the SGA has allocated to you. The revenue funds page is where all of the money that belongs to your organization is stored. When depositing and withdrawing money, this is done with your revenue account.

Revenue Funds vs. Budgets

Within your Organization’s Treasury page on Engage, there are two types of financial accounts you can view: Revenue Funds and Budgets. Revenue Funds are funds that your organization has collected itself, either from collecting dues or holding fundraisers. Budgets are the money you request from the Student Association, which can either be a budget requested at the end of the year for the next fiscal year, or a co-sponsorship(s) that you submit throughout the year.

How to Request a Co-Sponsorship

What is a co-sponsorship?

A Co-Sponsorship is a funding request for an on-campus event open to all GW students. Once a Co-Sponsorship request is submitted, it is then considered by the Student Association Finance committee and they will allocate money to your organization based on a number of factors about your event.


My organization wants to ask for a Co-Sponsorship. How do we do that?

Step 1: Login to Engage, then go to the “Manage” tab and select your organization
Step 2: Select "Finance" from the sidebar menu.
Step 3: Create a new budget by selecting "CREATE NEW REQUEST"
Step 4: Under the Create New Request item tab, select "Create Budget Request"
Step 5: From there, fill out the request information step by step and complete the necessary documentation.
Step 6: Review your request and then submit.

Provide as much detail as possible in Co-Sponsorship requests. Once you submit the request, you should expect to get a decision from the Finance committee within two weeks. If you do not receive a response within two weeks, it is recommended that you reach out to the Student Association Finance Committee at [email protected]. You can find more information on Co-Sponsorship requests here

Things the Student Association looks for in a Co-Sponsorship Request

The Student Association looks for specific details when allocating money for Co-Sponsorship requests. Co-Sponsorships are generally not granted for gifts or food. Events open to the entire GW community will often receive more funding. This can be difficult for SEAS events. However, you can portray events as being more inclusive by saying “this event is for anyone who wants to learn more about this field,” or “everyone in the GW community is welcome at our event.” The Student Association also looks for items that are going to be reused in the future, like bins for storage or reusable hardware for workshops.

SEAS Funding for Undergraduate Students and Organizations

SEAS students and student organizations are able to request money directly from the SEAS Office of Undergraduate Studies. The two request forms can be found under the Student Organization Resources section below - Funding Requests dropdown menu.

Shenkman Funding

SEAS Career Services may provide funding to SEAS students working an unpaid internship or other career development and innovation opportunities. Student recipients receive funding through the Shenkman Fund that can be used to help reimburse payment for professional development opportunities that may be considered cost-prohibitive. 

Helpful Links

GW Engage 

Event and Room Reservations

Event Support

The Engineers’ Council will assist students and student organizations in planning events for the SEAS community. If you or your organization would like support in coordinating an event for SEAS students, please contact The Engineers’ Council at [email protected].

Room Reservations

Many buildings at GW have rooms that can be reserved by students or student organization. Use one of the below reservation portals to make a reservation. Some reservation portals require you to be listed as an Officer in your organization’s Engage portal.

Student Organizations are not charged for Fixit requests to move furniture. However, table/chair rentals will still incur charges for student organizations. For more information on reservations and room availability, please visit the  Student Life website. This link may be used by students and registered student organizations to book meeting and event spaces at the following university locations: the University Student Center, District House, Outdoor Spaces, the Lerner Health and Wellness Center, the Mount Vernon Campus, and other campus spaces.

Tabling in SEH Lobby

If your organization is interested in tabling in the lobby of the SEH, you can request a table and chairs from [email protected]. Requests must be submitted at least one week prior to the desired tabling date.


Advertising and Printing

Organization Advertising

SEAS Advertising

The Engineers’ Council manages several avenues for advertising upcoming SEAS Organization events. These include a weekly newsletter, digital signs in the lobby of the SEH, and a publicly viewable SEAS Organization Events Calendar. If you would The Engineers’ Council to advertise an upcoming event, please fill out this Advertising Request Form. Requests for additions to the weekly newsletter sent on Fridays must be submitted no later than Wednesday evening of that week.

Additionally, student organizations are welcome to advertise digitally for events on the television screens around the Science and Engineering Hall. To submit an event flyer, please consult Engage by using this link. Submissions made before 11am on Friday will be featured on the TVs around SEH beginning the following week.

Student Association Advertising

The Student Association will promote student organizations if this form is filled out at least 3 days before the event. If you are interested in having your event included in the Student Association’s weekly newsletter, complete the form by 11:59 PM on the Saturday prior to the week of your event.

Residence Halls and Gelman Library Advertising

Student organizations are permitted to post flyers in residence halls and academic building on campus, and in the Gelman library. Flyers posted in residence halls and academic buildings must follow the Residence Hall Posters and Promotions guidelines. Flyers posted in the Gelman Library must follow the Advertising at Gelman guidelines.

Free Printing

Student Association Printing

The Student Association provides free printing services to student organizations. There is a limit of 500 pages for this service. To utilize this service, please see the Student Association’s website.

Professional and Leadership Development

SEAS Office of Career Services

The SEAS Career Services provides professional development services, including career guidance, to current School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) students and recent alumni. Services include résumé, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile preparation, as well as interviewing skills, job market information, and job success practices. The office also facilitates a professional development curriculum aimed at ensuring SEAS students are prepared to explore and pursue a range of employment options.

GW Career Services

The GW Career Services offers career coaching, self-assessment, online resume and cover letter development and assistance with networking and interviewing to help students and alumni discover their talents and interests, decide on an academic major, explore industries and career options and create an effective job search strategy. They also help employers brand their organizations on campus through information sessions, a robust on campus interviewing program and participation in career and industry fairs, programs and panels.


GW Handshake offers many exciting features, including a personalized & powerful job search experience. Handshake personalizes job and internship recommendations based on your interests and connections, pushing out customized information that is relevant and timely based on your career interests, experiences and major, and relevant career resources, events & news. On Handshake, you can easily search for jobs and internships, sign up for events and appointments, access the on-campus recruiting program, review career resources that are relevant to you, and receive the latest information from your career services office and the employers you follow. Find out more here!

Office of Student Life

The George Washington University is a community of driven individuals who bring rich and diverse lived experiences to our campus community. Students’ involvement in leadership development, through positional and non-positional roles, is an important part of the college experience. These roles help develop a wealth of transferable skills that are not only useful while at GW, but also in the world beyond GW. 

The Office of Student Life hosts Excellence in Leadership Seminars (ELS) throughout the year to provide opportunities for students and student leaders to refine their leadership skills and gain new insights. Students can participate in sessions designed to prepare them for future leadership positions - on or off-campus. You can find more information on ELS sessions here.

Diversity and Inclusion

SEAS Together

The SEAS Together Committee is made up of undergraduate students within SEAS who are committed to the mission and goals of the initiative. As part of the SEAS Together Committee, each member works towards achieving the goals of the initiative within SEAS by assisting in planning and executing programs to help build partnerships among the student body and campus community. This student committee is an integral part of the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative as they identify current issues that impact underrepresented students and serve as advocates to their peers when issues arise inside and outside of the classroom. The committee also helps bridge the gap between SEAS administration and SEAS students by serving as advisors to the SEAS Dean’s office. If you are interested in joining the SEAS Together committee, please contact [email protected].

To find out more about the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative and the SEAS Together Committee, click here.

Center for Women in Engineering

The mission of the SEAS Center for Women in Engineering is to empower women to overcome the challenges facing faculty, staff, students, and alumni in engineering. We seek to build confidence and knowledge about technology, expand leadership and tech skills, and fully leverage technology in support of academic and professional excellence.

To find out more about the SEAS Center for Women in Engineering, click here.

Multicultural Student Services Center (MSSC)

The vision and mission of the GW MSSC reflects their dedication to building a welcoming, enriching, and inclusive environment at GW. Their rich history demonstrates their role and impact across campus as educators, trainers, advocates, mentors, and community builders. More information on the MSSC can be found here.

Provide SEAS or E-Council Feedback


Student Organization Resources

Event Planning Resources

SEAS Student Organization Event Planning

The SEAS Office of Undergraduate Student Services and Advising has developed a programming guide to assist student organizations with effective planning for small, medium, and large-scale programs. Please download the guide and refer to it when planning a student organization event.

SEAS Hack-a-thon Planning Guide

To plan an effective Hack-a-thon, please download the SEAS Hack-a-thon Planning Guidedeveloped by the SEAS Office of Undergraduate Student Services and Advising.

Funding Requests

The SEAS Associate Dean's Office provides funding support for SEAS undergraduate students through both individual professional development/conference travel awards and co-sponsorship of various programs.

Student Events and Programs Sponsorship

SEAS undergraduate student organizations may request funding from the SEAS Dean’s Office by completing the Funding Request form. Funding is limited and is not guaranteed.

Minimum Requirement: (1) Request must be from a recognized SEAS student organization and (2) the Target audience must be SEAS undergraduate students

Deadline: Program funding requests must be submitted at least four (4) weeks prior to the event for a smaller-scale program, eight (8) weeks prior to the event for a medium-scale program, and at least twelve (12) weeks prior to the event for larger-scale program.

Form Submission: Complete the online request form.

Professional Development/Conference Travel Award

Individual SEAS undergraduate students may request funding from the SEAS Dean’s Office for conference and professional development travel by completing the Travel Funding Request form. The estimated maximum level of support provided by the Dean’s Office for an individual is $750. Funding is limited, and it is not guaranteed.

Minimum Requirement: (1) Must be full-time SEAS undergraduate student, (2) Must be in Good Academic Standing, and (3) Must not have been a previous award recipient

Deadline: Professional Development funding requests must be submitted at least twelve (12) weeks prior to attend a conference or workshop.

Form Submission: Complete the online request form.

Additional Potential Funding Sources:

Student Professional & Career Development Grants are sponsored by Shenkman Career Services Fund

Organization Finances and Fundraising

Active Student Organizations are able to receive funding through the Student Association. Student Organizations are required to store and manage funding through Engage including dues, fundraisers, donations, etc... The Org Help Finance Team offers support for student organizations in regards to their finances and purchase orders. Additional information can be found on their website.


SGA Budget Requests

The Student Government Association allocates money to student organizations raised by the Student Government Association Fee. These allocations can be accessed through Engage through Budget RequestsCo-Sponsorship Requests or Purchase Requests. More information can be found on the Student Government Association Website or the SGA Finance Committee Bylaws.



There are a couple options available for fundraising money for student organizations. 

The Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving helps to connect current undergraduate students with the school’s alumni network to assist in fundraising initiatives. GW Annual Giving offers resources through Crowdfunding, Senior Class Gift, and ThankView to assist fundraising projects. 
GW Student Life also helps provide resources on how to run a Profit Share with local businesses.

How to add your event to the GW Engineering Event calendar?

As a GW Engineering Student Organization, you can send you event details and flyers to [email protected] so it can be added to our GW Engineering Event calendar and featured around campus and on our social media!

How to promote your Student Organization across GW Engineering?

As a GW Engineering student organization, the SEAS Marketing and Communication Team wants to hear any and all exciting news and updates (in addition to your events) that you have going on. Some examples of the things we’re looking for include:

  • Student/ student organization projects or initiatives
  • Student/ student organization awards and recognition
  • Student organization fund-raising and sponsorship


Email us to let us so we can help promote by emailing:


Upcoming Events 


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