Digital Form Submission for SEAS Undergraduates
You can submit a form once it has been signed using the links below. Please note the following before submitting your form:
- You should only submit one form at a time through the portal.
- The form must be a PDF and must contain all attachments associated with that form.
You should use the following nomenclature and format to label the form:
Dept_Last Name_Form Name (ie. BME_Smith_TCAF)
Note: Students submitting an RTF for a SEAS course must submit the signed for to the department in which that course is being offered (ie. CE courses would go to the Civil Engineering Department) for final department approval in addition to faculty approval. Please submit your signed form to these departments for department approval after receiving the faculty signature via email:
Course | Department | |
BME Courses |
Biomedical Engineering Department | [email protected] |
CE Courses and APSC 2057 | Civil and Environmental Engineering Department | [email protected] |
CSCI Courses | Computer Science Department | [email protected] |
ECE Courses and APSC 2114 | Electrical and Computer Engineering Department | |
EMSE Courses and APSC 3115 | Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department | [email protected] |
MAE Courses, APSC 2058, and APSC 2113 |
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department |
SEAS Courses APSC 1001, and Non-SEAS Courses | SEAS Office of Undergraduate Student Service and Advising | [email protected] |
- File Naming Guide for Forms
HOME DEPARTMENT CODE Biomedical Engineering Department BME Civil and Environmental Engineering Department CEE Computer Science Department CS Electrical and Computer Engineering Department ECE Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department EMSE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department MAE FORM
Academic History Update
Dept_Last Name_AcadHist
Application for Double Degree
Dept_Last Name_ DoubDeg
Application for Credit Overload
Dept_Last Name _Overload
Complete Withdrawal
Dept_Last Name_ CWithdrawal
Consortium Registration
Dept_Last Name _Consortium
Continuous Enrollment/Leave of Absence
Dept_Last Name_CELOA
Course Substitution
Dept_Last Name_Sub
Course Waiver
Dept_Last Name_Waiver
Declaration of Double Major
Dept_Last Name_Dmajor
Declaration of Minor Dept_Last Name_Minor Academic Forgiveness
Dept_Last Name_AcadForgive
Humanities, Social Science, Non-Technical Form
Dept_Last Name_HSSNT
Late Graduation Application
Dept_Last Name_LateGrad
Major/Advisor/Curriculum Update
Dept_Last Name_MAC
Petition for Exception
Dept_Last Name_Petition
Registration Transaction Form
Dept_Last Name_RTF
Request for an Incomplete
Dept_Last Name_Incomplete
CS Elective Forms Dept_Last Name_CSF Study Abroad Advising Form
Dept_Last Name_StudyA
Technical Elective
Dept_Last Name_Tech
Transfer Credit Approval Form Dept_Last Name_TCAF Grade Mode Change Form
Dept_Last Name_PNP
First-Year Student Credit Submission
Incoming first-year students should use this drop box to share unofficial AP scores, IB scores and/or college credit transcripts to the SEAS Undergraduate Advising Team. Note: You only need to submit scores that you did not submit using your First-Year Course Registration Packet, or those that were not available when completing the packet.
Remember: you must follow the instructions on the Bring Credit to GW page to have your AP, IB and transfer credit officially awarded. Submitting your credit here helps your advisor to audit and confirm your fall schedule and failure to submit your credit may result in schedule changes.
Please upload all files as PDFs and make sure each document includes your full name. Be sure to use the following naming conventions:
LastName_FirstName_AP (e.g. Smith_David_AP)
LastName_FirstName_IB (e.g. Smith_David_IB)
LastName_FirstName_Transcript (ie. Smith_Transcript)
Students submitting multiple transcripts for college credits earned at different institutions should also include the name of the respective institutions in those filenames.
First-Year Student Credit Dropbox