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Upcoming Events



Past Events

Black Heritage Month Celebration

Tuesday, 2/13/2024, 12:25pm - 1:00pm

Discover the profound impact of black engineers every Tuesday throughout February.

Info Session: Cyber Acceleration, Translation, and Advanced Prototyping for University Linked Tech

Monday, 2/12/2024, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

If you're a PI interested in submitting a proposal for Commonwealth Cyber Initiative's CATAPULT Fund, don't miss out on this required info session!

Last Day to Drop a Course on GWeb Spring 2024

Sunday, 2/11/2024, All day

Last Day to Drop a Course on GWeb!

VCIC Competition

Saturday, 2/10/2024, All day

Learn the intricacies of venture capital funding and decision-making by attending this competition where students are the investors!

Last Day to Add or Drop a Course Using RTF-EZ Spring 2024

Friday, 2/9/2024, All day

Last day to add a course using the RTF-EZ or drop a course using the RTF-EZ without academic penalty!

Call to Service Careers: Civil, Public Service, & Social Impact Speed Networking Event

Wednesday, 2/7/2024, 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Are you interested in, and committed to, an internship or a career in civic engagement or public service? Come meet the recruiters who want to meet you!

Clearance Preparedness Program

Wednesday, 2/7/2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

If you want a career in a field that requires a security clearance, get a head start by attending CCI's Clearance Preparedness Program!

Funding Your Biomedical Technology through the NIH SBIR/STTR Programs

Tuesday, 2/6/2024, 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Learn about funding opportunities for biomedical innovators, application tips, programs, and entrepreneurial resources for small businesses!

Black Heritage Month Celebration

Tuesday, 2/6/2024, 12:25pm - 1:00pm

Discover the profound impact of black engineers every Tuesday throughout February.

GW Gala Flyer

GW Gala

Friday, 2/2/2024, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

All GW students, alumni, families, friends, faculty, & staff are invited to one of the most anticipated GW annual events: Gala at the National Portrait Gallery!