Strategic Priorities
Research plays a central role in achieving our vision to become a world class center for innovative and collaborative engineering research and learning in the heart of the nation's capital. We invite you to learn more about the research that SEAS faculty are conducting in our strategic priority areas.
Biomedical Engineering
Our research is winning prestigious R01 grants from the NIH, receiving patents, and attracting attention from technology investors.
At SEAS, cybersecurity research extends beyond the usual range of topics to include cybersecurity policy and even elections security.
High-Performance Computing
With grants from the NSF, the NIH, and industry, SEAS researchers investigate everything from computational physics and biomechanics to architectures for cloud computing and business intelligence.
SEAS researchers are putting their insights to work in service of groundbreaking cancer treatments, next generation computers, tissue engineering, and more.
Transportation Engineering
Traffic and networks research, vehicle accident analysis, and roadside safety are among the topics our faculty cover to help improve transportation safety.