Spring 2020 Pass/No Pass Request for Undergraduate Students

For the Spring 2020 semester, SEAS has adjusted the option for all undergraduate courses to be taken as pass/no pass. This means that SEAS students will have the option to take each of their undergraduate courses as pass/no pass for this semester only. 

Students who still wish to complete their courses for a letter grade may continue to do so and need not take any further action. For many students, receiving a grade is important for future plans including medical or dental school, law school, graduate school, athletic or visa status, or other career opportunities. Additionally, students are encouraged to finish courses in a timely fashion in order to stay on schedule to graduate.

We encourage students to consult with their SEAS advisor (Faculty Advisor or Professional Advisor) if you wish to use the pass/no pass option in any of your classes. We have created a "Frequently Asked Questions" document to help assist answering common questions. This decision should be made after consultation and consideration of your options. Please note that this decision does not need to be made immediately. Students can request to convert their grade mode up to 5 days after a letter grade has been posted on Banweb.


  • Students of any academic standing may take as many courses as they wish pass/no pass for this semester only, and this number will not count against the usual number of pass/fail courses you are allowed.
  • The Pass/No Pass grade option will not impact the student's GPA  
  • General education courses may be taken pass/no pass.
  • Major and minor courses may be taken pass/no pass.
  • A pass will suffice in courses that are prerequisites for another course.
  • Students should check to make sure that they are receiving grades in courses that are required for medical or dental school, law school, graduate school, veteran’s benefits, athletic or visa status, etc. Please consult your pre-health, pre-law, athletic, Yellow Ribbon, specialized scholarships, or ISO advisor about such requirements.
  • A pass will count to satisfy a minimum grade when a course has a minimum grade to move on to a higher-level course or to avoid repeating the class (UW1020).
  • Determinations of probation and/or suspension will be held in abeyance this semester and will not be affected by the choice of taking a course pass/no pass. 
  • A grade of D- and above is considered a pass.
  • If a grade for Spring 2020 term is an incomplete, the pass/no pass option will be available when the student receives the letter grade.
  • If a student has already switched from a letter grade to pass/no pass and would like to switch back ​to letter grade mode, the student should complete a​ ​Registration Transaction Form​ (RTF) by ​April 27, 2020​. In the Grade Mode column, write “C” to switch back to the letter grade mode.

If you'd like to request that a course be switched to P/NP, please complete the form below and email it to [email protected] from your GW email address with the subject line "Spring 2020 P/NP Request" up to 5 days after a letter grade has been posted on Banweb..


Please note: you may be required to download Adobe Acrobat to complete the form, which you can do here. Please download the form to sign. If you have any questions or need technical assistance with Adobe Acrobat, please contact the SEAS Computing Facility at [email protected] or by calling (202) 994-0123.