Faculty News
Prof. Joost Santos (EMSE) has published the following paper with his doctoral student, Joanna Resurreccion: Resurreccion JZ, Santos JR. "Multi-objective prioritization methodology and decision support system for evaluating inventory enhancement strategies for disrupted interdependent sectors." Risk Analysis, 32(10): 1673-1692.
Conferences and Presentations:
Prof. Jonathan Deason (EMSE) and doctoral student Iryna Payosova presented a paper on October 19 at the 2012 International Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Management, held in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The paper summarized results of a 2011 research project sponsored by the Logistics Management Institute, which focused on Department of Defense installation water use efficiency. The full citation for the paper is: Payosova, I.V. and Deason, J.P., "A Methodology for the Analysis of Net Zero Water Alternatives for Defense Installations," Proceedings of the 2012 International Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Management, October 17-20, 2012, pp. 123-128.
Prof. Tianshu Li (CEE) was invited to visit the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Colorado School of Mines on October 19. While there, he gave a department seminar titled "Explore ice nucleation: from bulk liquid to nano droplet."
On October 16-17, Prof. Claire Monteleoni (CS) served as an invited participant at the NSF EarthCube Early Career Strategic Visioning Workshop, held at the Carnegie Institute of Washington. On October 19, Prof. Monteleoni gave an invited talk at Howard University's Department of Systems and Computer Science colloquium. Her talk was titled " Climate Informatics: Recent Advances and Challenge Problems for Machine Learning in Climate Science."
Robert Waters (professor emeritus, EMSE) presented a paper at the International Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM), held October 18 in Virginia Beach, VA. The paper, "Quo Vadis Engineering Management," reviewed the growth of engineering and engineering management education in North America and the growth prospects for the foreseeable future. The paper was co-authored by Franklin B. W. Woodbury, former executive director of ASEM, and is available in the conference proceedings.
Prof. Hoeteck Wee (CS) recently was invited for a research visit with the Crypto Team at Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) in Paris. On October 18, he presented his recent Crypto 2012 paper, "Functional Encryption with Bounded Collusions via Multi-Party Computation" (joint work with Sergey Gorbunov and Vinod Vaikuntanathan of the University of Toronto).
Other News:
The Institute for Biomedical Engineering is pleased to announce the winners of the 2012-2013 Interdisciplinary Research Fund:
Dr. Adrienne Hancock (Speech and Hearing Science) and Dr. Michael Plesniak (MAE): "Evaluation and Improvement of Synthetic Vocal Fold Models for Normal and Aging Voice"
Dr. Megan Leftwich (MAE): "The Fluid Dynamics of Human Birth"
Dr. Andrew Neviaser (Orthopedics), Dr. Lijie Grace Zhang (MAE), Dr. Clifton Meals (Orthopedics): "Does the locking mechanism of LISS-type locking constructs decrease the purchase of locking screws? Questioning the integrity of a common orthopedic implant"
Other News:
The GW Institute for Nanotechnology (GWIN) is pleased to announce the call for proposals from University faculty interested in nanotechnology research. This competition is primarily for junior faculty to help them establish an active research program. Funds may be requested for faculty summer support, equipment, supplies, and salary for postdoctoral researchers and research assistants. Funds must be used by June 30, 2013. Award can be up to $10,000. GWIN expects to fund one proposal. Proposals are due to [email protected], Prof. Michael Keidar, GWIN director, by 5:00 pm, Thursday, November 8, 2012. Electronic submissions are required.
Guest Vignette:
3D printing is a rapid prototyping technique that is very promising for complex tissue and organ regenerations. In 3D printing, a computer-aided design drawing is used in conjunction with a 3D printer to create polymeric 3D structures. When compared to conventional 3D scaffold fabrication methods such as solvent casting, particulate leaching, gas foaming, and freeze drying, 3D printing techniques offer greater precision and control over scaffold geometry, pore size and distribution, pore interconnectivity, and internal channel construction. They provide fast and affordable design prototypes, which can be applied in novel ways and modified to use and create unique materials and structures for tissue engineering purposes.
Prof. Lijie Grace Zhang's lab is currently developing a modified 3D printing technique, which employs a movable build platform and prints materials in a layer-by-layer manner. Her lab has printed a custom-designed 3D scaffold with varying pore sizes (15 mm in diameter and 400 um thick). Furthermore, they are working on co-printing bioactive cues (such as live stem cells and growth factors) with hydrogel materials together into a biomimetic 3D tissue construct. Based on computer-aided design data reconstructed from noninvasive CT or MRI images of patients' defects, this project will fabricate a predesigned 3D patient-specific tissue construct with desirable exterior shape and internal microstructure, which can be used for musculoskeletal tissue regeneration applications. (Provided courtesy of Prof. Lijie Grace Zhang of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
SEAS Events:
Washington Post Cybersecurity Summit
Sponsored by the GW Cyber Security Policy and Research Institute
Wednesday, October 31
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Washington Post, 1150 15th St., NW
Confirmed speakers include Janet Napolitano, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security; General James Cartwright, former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; William Lynn III, former US Deputy Secretary of Defense; Linda Cureton, CIO, NASA; Steven Bucci, Senior Research Fellow, Heritage Foundation; Albert Kinney, Director at U.S. Public Sector Hewlett-Packard Company; Jim Lewis, Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Lena Smart, CSO, New York Power Authority; Raphael Mudge, Founder, Strategic Cyber LLC.
CS Colloquium: "Autonomous Agile Aerial Robots"
Prof. Vijay Kumar, University of Pennsylvania
Wednesday October 31
2:30 pm
205 Tompkins Hall
CANCELLED: MAE Seminar: "On the Propagation, Instability and Turbulence of Advancing Material Fronts"
Prof. S. Balachandar, University of Florida
Thursday, November 1
2:00 pm
736 Phillips Hall
ECE Symposium: “ECE Research Blitz”
Multiple ECE faculty will provide fast, five-minute descriptions of ongoing research projects. Topics include biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer engineering. Refreshments will be served. Come join us for this fast overview of research in the ECE Department!
Monday, Nov 5
3:00 - 4:30 pm
301 Marvin Center
MAE 6262 Debate: “The Energy Policies of Obama and Romney”
Monday, November 5
6:10 - 8:40 pm
362 Duques Hall
MAE Seminar: “Molecular Understanding, Design and Development of Ultra Low Fouling Zwitterionic-based Functional Materials”
Prof. Shaoyi Jiang, University of Washington, Seattle
Thursday, November 8
10:30 am
640 Phillips Hall
Guest Lecture: “The Role of the National Science Foundation in Developing Innovative Technology through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grants”
Dr. Errol Arkilic, Program Manager for Industrial Innovation and Partnerships, National Science Foundation
Thursday, November 15
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Room B-07, Media and Public Affairs (MPA) Bldg.
Sponsored by the SEAS Clark Engineering Scholars Program
Entrepreneurship and Other External Events
Insights and Innovations Dean's Speakers Series:
"National Laboratories and Their Role in National Security"
Dr. Penrose (Parney) Albright, director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Wednesday, November 7
6:00 – 8:00 pm (Reception at 6:00 pm, followed by the speaker at 6:30)
GW Virginia Science & Technology Campus (Exploration Hall, 20101 Academic Way)
Elliott School Science and Technology Policy Seminar Series
Dr. Ray Johnson, senior vice president and CTO, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Wednesday, November 7
The State Room, 1957 E Street Building
11:30 am – 2:00 pm
RSVP. Seating is limited to 70 so an early reply is recommended. A light lunch will be served. Dr. Johnson will discuss the role of innovation in meeting the needs of U.S. security, economic growth and education. In particular, he will focus on the role of partnerships between research universities and industry in light of the recommendations of the National Academies report on Research Universities and the Future of America. (Submitted by Dean Dolling)
Pitch George: Key Dates
Online Entry Due
Monday, October 29
Due by 11:59pm
Submit online entry and executive summary here.
Overview of Competition and Tips on "Executing the Perfect Elevator Pitch”
Thursday, November 1
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Duques 254
Semi-Finals and Finals
Saturday, November 10
Duques Hall