Faculty News
Conferences & Presentations:
Dr. Payman Dehghanian (ECE) served as the chair for a panel session titled “Uncertainty-Driven Power Systems Planning and Operation Supporting Resilience” at the INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting. The meeting was held November 4-7, in Phoenix, AZ. The panelists in Dr. Dehghanian's session represented academia (University of Manchester, Texas A&M University, University of Pittsburgh), industry (GE Energy Consulting), and national labs (Los Almos National Lab), and they discussed challenges to power grid resilience against natural disasters and cyber attacks.
Dr. Ekundayo Shittu (EMSE) has recently published two papers. With his former graduate student Dr. Ilka Deluque (Energy and Extractives Global Practice, The World Bank Group), he published: I. Deluque and E. Shittu. “Generation capacity expansion under demand, capacity factor and environmental policy uncertainties,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2018, 1-28. With his current graduate student Olawale Ogunrinde, he published: O. Ogunrinde, E. Shittu, and K. K. Dhanda. “Investing in Renewable Energy: Reconciling Regional Policy with Renewable Energy Growth,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, 2018, 1-14.
Dr. Volker Sorger (ECE) has published the following article: H. Goktas, F. Serdar Gökhan, and V. J. Sorger. “Electrical-driven Plasmon Source on Silicon based on Quantum Tunneling,” ACS Photonics. DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01106.
Other News:
The IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors has appointed Dr. Ahmed Louri (ECE) chair of the Computer Society’s 2019 Fellow Evaluating Committee. The IEEE Fellow Evaluating Committee must determine whether the work of each candidate is recognized and considered outstanding in the Computer Society's field of interest. Based on the recommendation of the Fellow Committee, the IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected for the grade of Fellow in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership.
Other News
WJLA-ABC 7 recently featured CS alumnus Max Friedman, who co-founded the crowd-funding platform Givebutter, in the segment “INSPIRE: George Washington University graduate raises money for worthy causes."
SEAS Events Re-cap
The CS department hosted its CS Open House on November 9, and more than 80 people participated in it. Attendees included current high school students (and parents) who are considering GW for undergraduate study, potential transfer students from local community colleges, and students who are interested in the department’s MS programs in computer science, data analytics, and cyber security. The department gave the attendees a tour of its research labs and academic spaces, and CS faculty members provided several short research presentations, each with a Q&A session. The guests also were treated to a robotics demo and one-on-one time with CS faculty, the department chair, and representatives of the SEAS Office of Graduate Admissions and Student Services. Going forward, the CS department plans to host this event each fall.
Upcoming SEAS Events
MAE Seminar: “Analysis of Charging Dynamics Relevant to Magnetized-Orbit Dusty Plasma Confinement: Signature of Gyrophase Drift in Space Dust”
Speaker: Dr. Mark Koepke, West Virginia University
Monday, November 19
3:15 – 4:15 pm
SEH, B1220
BME Seminar: “Behavior and Environmental Sensing and Intervention for Smart Health”
Speaker: John Lach, University of Virginia
Wednesday, November 28
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Marvin Center, 402-404
MAE Seminar: “Heterogeneous transport in porous media: from immiscible fluid displacement to cracking”
Speaker: Dr. Sujit Datta, Princeton University
Thursday, November 29
2:00 – 3:00 pm
SEH, B1220
Association of Energy Engineers GW Chapter: General Meeting
Friday, November 30
4:00 – 5:00 pm
District House, Room B118
Do you want to help GW's Amsterdam Hall get a LEED O&M certification? AEE GW Chapter is collaborating with GW's Division of Operations and is looking for student volunteers for the project. Join the AEE GW Chapter and its leadership team for the meeting to learn more about the project and how you can be appointed to the chapter's 2019 Executive Board positions. Email questions to [email protected] or visit their OrgSync page.
ECE Distinguished Lecture Series: “The Internet of Tiny Things (IoT²): Challenges and Opportunities in mm-Scale Computing”
Speaker: Dr. David Blaauw, University of Michigan
Monday, December 3
11:30 am
SEH, B1220 (reception to follow)
SEAS Computing Facility
Introduction to Colonial One – GW’s High Performance Computing Cluster:
SEAS Computing Facility, in collaboration with the Colonial One HPC support team, will hold two workshops on High Performance Computing access at GW. These workshops will leverage Colonial One, GW's Central HPC cluster, and they will be hosted by the Colonial One HPC support team: SEAS CF (Marco Suarez, Jason Hurlburt, Zach Day); CCAS OTS (Glen MacLachlan); and DIT Research (Terrence Lewis, William Burk, Adam Wong). The workshops will be held in Tompkins 405 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm on the following dates:
- November 30: Workshop 1 will cover: Cluster architecture, connecting to Colonial One, navigating the shell, modules, and submitting a SLURM job
- December 7: Workshop 2 will cover: SLURM job commands, virtual Python environments, R modules, and simple BASH scripting
MATLAB and SolidWorks Tutoring
- Tuesdays: 6:00 – 10:00 pm
- Thursdays: 8:00 – 10:00 pm
MATLAB and SolidWorks tutoring will be offered throughout the fall semester in Tompkins 401. To schedule a tutoring appointment, please email [email protected]. The workshops and tutoring will be hosted by SEAS Senior Keily Gleason.
Engineering Software installation on personal computers: Most engineering programs installed in the SEAS Computing Labs—including MATLAB, SolidWorks, and others—are available for install on students' personal computers. For a complete list of applications, please visit the SEAS Computing Facility website.
Entrepreneurship News & Events
GW is now offering a new interdisciplinary minor in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The minor will give full-time, undergraduate students an opportunity to explore and integrate programs/courses from SEAS, CCAS, and ESIA. The choice of two field electives allows students to tailor the minor to match their interests in creativity, fine arts, design, media, environment, social impact, health care, and/or technology. Students may add this minor to their degree by bringing the minor form to their home school advising office.
Health Hackathon: This is a half-day hackathon to be held on March 29, 2019. It is sponsored by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children’s National (CTSICN), a partnership between Children’s National Medical Center and GW. The purpose of the hackathon is to develop the requirements and prototype user interface for medical or public health software applications. There is no restriction on submission, but the entry should be an idea that could lead to a useful medical or public health software application. It can be extremely generic or highly specialized. Potential areas of interest include (but are not limited to): self-care, medical wellness, exercise physiology, clinical applications, public health, etc. The idea submission deadline is January 4, 2019. Submit your app idea via this simple form. Contact Sara Alyamani with any questions.