Supercharging Careers at the GW Engineering Career Fair & Symposium

September 28, 2023

A student conversing with a potential employer in the Science & Engineering Hall

The W. Scott Amey Career Services Center, also called the GW Engineering Career Services Center, makes it its mission to cultivate curiosity in GW Engineering students by providing access to holistic and professional development. On September 22, they helped students supercharge their engineering careers by hosting a Career Fair and Symposium.

The event featured Ambassador Speed Appointments, a GW Engineering Fair for STEM students, an Engineering & Industry panel, and an Engineering & Career Networking Hour. By attending the Fair and Networking Hour, students had the opportunity to meet with industry professionals who could propel their engineering careers to new heights. 

Prof. Saniya LeBlanc and Russel Korte talking to a student

The panel discussion supplemented this by providing invaluable insights on navigating a successful university-to-workforce transition. Saniya LeBlanc, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, led this workshop alongside panelist Russel Korte, Department Chair and Associate Professor of Human and Organizational Learning at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.