Faculty News
Awards & Honors:
Prof. James Lee (MAE) was elected an Honorary Fellow of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials. The Honorary Fellow title is awarded to prominent scientists working in the interdisciplinary areas of chemical and mechanical engineering and other relevant subjects.
Prof. Michael Keidar (MAE) received a grant titled "Comprehensive study of plasma-wall sheath transport phemonema" from the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. This will be a five-year collaborative effort led by Georgia Tech. The GW portion of the grant is $386,000.
On September 3, Prof. Mona Zaghloul (ECE chair) and her former doctoral student, Onur Tigli (now an assistant professor at the University of Florida), received the following patent: O. Tigli, M. Zaghloul, U.S. Patent No. 8,018,010, "Circular Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Devices, Processes for Making Them, and Methods of Use."
Conferences & Presentations:
On September 29, Prof. Sameh Badie (CEE) gave a one-hour national webinar on full-depth precast concrete bridge deck panels. The webinar was hosted by the Accelerated Bridge Construction Center at Florida International University. Over 740 sites from academia, state bridge authorities (DOTs), and consulting firms registered to attend the webinar. The webinar gave a summary of the connection details that are used with this type of construction. The audio record of the webinar and the presentation will be loaded by next week on the center website.
Prof. Ken Chong (MAE), editor for the last 25 years of Elsevier's Thin-Walled Structures (which includes aerospace structures, carbon nano-tubes, and others), attended the Editors' Conferences sponsored by Elsevier. The conference was held in Chicago, October 1-2, with the theme "Partnering in publishing - thriving in a digital world." More than 90 editors were invited. Digital innovations and other topics such as open access, research trends, ethics, and impact factors were discussed.
Books & Papers:
Prof. James Lee (MAE), together with Prof. Gerard Maugin (Universite Paris VI), served as guest editors for the special issue "Advances in Generalized Continuum Mechanics: A collection of Studies in Engineering Sciences in Memory of the Late A.C. Eringen (1921-2009)" in the International Journal of Engineering Science. Prof. Lee and his former Ph.D. student, Prof. Xianqiao Wang (MAE), also published a paper in this special issue: James Lee and Xianqiao Wang, "Generalized Micromorphic Solids and Fluids," International Journal of Engineering Science, 49(12), 2011.
Prof. Julie Ryan (EMSE chair) recently served as vice chair of the National Research Council's Committee for the Review of the Master's Degree Program for Science and Technology Intelligence Professionals. The task set to the Committee was "to provide a national-level perspective to the National Defense Intelligence College (NDIC)" with regard to "the suitability of the draft curriculum as a basis for producing desired learning outcomes for intelligence professionals who participate in the proposed Master of Science and Technology Intelligence degree program." The committee's report, Review of the National Defense Intelligence College's Master's Degree in Science and Technology Intelligence, has been released and may be downloaded from the National Academies Press website.
EMSE's Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management, with the financial (sponsored research funding) and organizational support of Booz Allen Hamilton and O'Brien's Response Management, Inc., hosted a one-day National Incident Response Policy workshop at GW on October 4. Workshop participants, including government and industry leaders, examined the response to the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the context of existing legislation and regulation to identify areas for improved unity of effort and performance in future events. Five EMSE graduate students were invited to attend and participate in the workshop. EMSE Professor Emeritus Jack Harrald provided facilitation for the workshop, and GW alumnus, Admiral Thad Allen (U.S. Coast Guard Retired), National Incident Commander for the Deep Water Horizon oil spill response, provided opening remarks.
Other News
Biomedical Engineering/Science Undergraduate Research Fellowship : The GW Institute for Biomedical Engineering is looking for undergraduate students who are interested in participating in biomedical research projects over Spring and Summer. The deadline for application is December 1 at 5:00 pm. Application and more information
Students who are interested in participating in the SSPI Mid-Atlantic Chapter's 2nd Engineering Student Project Competition on Space Systems are encouraged to read the chapter's invitation letter to find out more about the competition's requirements and deadlines.
SEAS is a proud sponsor of the 2012 USA Science and Engineering Festival, a collaborative effort of the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) community to re-invigorate the interest of our nation's youth in STEM subjects. The Festival will present the most compelling, exciting, educational and entertaining science gatherings in the United States through hands-on exhibits with high entertainment value and integrity of scientific content. Pre-Festival events will begin the week of April 22, 2012 and culminate with a Finale Expo on April 27-29, 2012 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center and surrounding areas throughout Washington, D.C., including GW. A schedule of pre-festival activities hosted by SEAS and by SEAS alumni across the country will be available in the coming months. Learn more about the Festival here. Inquiries about SEAS sponsorship, participation, and volunteer opportunities should be directed to Lisa J. Jennings at [email protected].
Guest Vignette
Prof. Philippe Bardet, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, heads GW's Thermo-Fluids Laboratory. The lab is focused on experimental fluid mechanics and nuclear thermal hydraulics. Prof. Bardet and his students use and develop advanced laser-based diagnostics to probe the nature of complex flows. Doctoral student Amy McCleney is developing a facility to study mixing enhancement in swirling jets. Swirling jets are encountered in many energy applications; improving their entrainment capability can result in significant energy savings. Matthieu Andre, another doctoral student, is currently developing new optical diagnostics to probe non-condensable gas absorptions in turbulent liquid-air interfaces and flow regimes transition in those multiphase flows. The new diagnostics are being implemented in a high-speed water channel of his design. These multiphase flows are very important to better understand the role of water bodies in the global carbon balance and for the safety of nuclear reactors. Lastly, Tabitha Smith, who is co-advised with Prof. Michael Keidar, won a NASA GSRP (Graduate Student Researchers Program) Fellowship to study nuclear propulsion for deep space exploration. (Provided courtesy of Prof. Philippe Bardet of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
SEAS Events
CSPRI Seminar: "What GW (and Other Universities) Don't Teach You about Medical Record Cyber Security and Privacy"
Wednesday, October 12
12:00 pm
308 Marvin Center
MAE Seminar: "A Kalman/Particle Filter-Based Position & Orientation Estimation Method Using a Position Sensor/Inertial Measurement Unit Hybrid System"
William Melek, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Thursday, October 27
2:00 pm
736 Phillips Hall
NEW DATE: "Dare to Dream"
A talk by SEAS alumna Anousheh Ansari
Thursday, October 27
3:00 pm: Refreshments; 3:30-4:30 pm: Talk
405 Marvin Center
Entrepreneurship Events
Dolphin Tank - a friendly forum to get actionable feedback and advice on your business ideas
Tuesday, October 18
6:00 - 8:00 pm
650 Duques Hall
Dissertation Defenses
Name of Student Defending: Sergio de Cosmo
Title of Dissertation: "Decision Support Tool for Mass Fatality Victim Identification"
Advisor: Prof. Joe Barbera
Wednesday, October 26
1:00 pm
1776 G Street, Conference Room 120
Name of Student Defending: Deena Sara Disraelly
Title of Dissertation: "Volunteerism through Social Networks for Community-Based Preparedness and Emergency Response"
Advisor: Prof. Greg Shaw; Co-advisor: Dr. John Harrald
Thursday, October 27
9:30 am
1776 G Street, Conference Room 120