Faculty News
Prof. Pinhas Ben-Tzvi (MAE) has had the following paper published: Ben-Tzvi, P., “Experimental Validation and Field Performance Metrics of a Hybrid Mobile Robot Mechanism,” Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 27, issue 3, pp. 250 – 267, May 2010.
Prof. Kennerly Digges (CEE) is one of the two editors on a major international report, entitled “Occupant Protection in Far-side Crashes,” which was released in April by the Accident Research Centre at Monash University, Australia. The report explores the far or non-struck-side occupants in the crash environment. It examines injuries and injury mechanisms, the development of suitable test procedures, computer models, test devices and injury criteria, crash test dummies for use in this crash scenario, and a range of generic far-side injury countermeasures and potential safety benefits.
Prof. James Lee (MAE) and his doctoral student, Mr. Xianqiao Wang, recently published the following journal paper: Wang X. and Lee J.D., “Micromorphic theory: a gateway to nano world", International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 1(2), 115-135, 2010.
Dr. William Roberts (EMSE lecturer) recently published a paper detailing the algorithm he developed during the 2009 Netflix movie recommendation competition. The citation is: W.J.J. Roberts, "Application of a Gaussian, Missing-Data Model to Product Recommendation," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 17, issue 5, pp. 509-512, May 2010. Dr. Roberts was part of the team "The Ensemble," which finished at the top of the leader-board at the conclusion of the Netflix Prize.
Prof. Joost Santos (EMSE) co-authored a paper with his colleague from the University of Oklahoma. The citation is: K.A. Barker, J.R. Santos, July 2010. Measuring the efficacy of inventory with a dynamic input–output model. International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1): 130-143.
Other News
The High-Performance Computing Lab (HPCL) has hosted a number of distinguished visitors since spring 2010 at the GW Virginia Science and Technology Center. Mr. Lloyd Reshard, a program manager in the Air Force Research Lab at Eglin Air force Base and the previous chair of the Industrial Advisory Board for CHREC, is spending two months of his sabbatical conducting work at the GW/NSF Center for High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC). Prof. Chaker El Amrani, chair of computer science at Essaadi University in Morocco, has just completed a three-month Fulbright Scholarship at HPCL and recently returned to his university. Prof. R. Outbib of Marseilles III University, France is visiting and has been collaborating with both HPCL and the GW Energy Institute.
Looking for a place to publish or present interesting work in information security or information warfare? Consider submitting your work to the 6th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security. It will be held at GW in March 2011, which makes it a pretty convenient venue! You can find out much more information about the conference at: http://www.academic-conferences.org/iciw/iciw2011/iciw11-home.htm
Revisit Bucky: Exploring Synergetics
At American University and Arena Stage
June 11th – 13th