Faculty News
Dr. Tianshu Li (CEE) has published the following paper with his graduate student Xiaochen Jin and postdoc Shunda Chen: X. Jin, S. Chen, and T. Li, “ Short-range order in SiSn alloy enriched by second-nearest-neighbor repulsion,” Physical Review Materials 5, 104606 (2021).
Media Mentions:
Nature quoted Dr. Lorena Barba (MAE) in the October 21 article “How to make your research reproducible.’’
Spectrum News quoted Scott Sklar (director of sustainable energy, SEAS Environmental and Energy Management Institute) in the October 21 article “'Our country has to prove its mettle': NY lawmakers stress need for climate action ahead of Glasgow summit.’’ He also was quoted in the October 19 GW Hatchet article “Rooftop solar panels decreased GW’s carbon emissions, saved thousands in energy costs,” noting that the 450 metric tons of carbon dioxide that GW has prevented to-date from entering the atmosphere is equivalent to eliminating 100,000 miles of driving per year.
Conferences & Presentations:
On October 21, Dr. David Nagel (research professor, ECE) presented an invited paper, titled “Experimental Status of LENR,” at the ARPA-E virtual workshop on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR).
On October 18, Dr. Volker Sorger (ECE) and his colleague Dr. Puneet Gupta (UCLA) gave a joint invited seminar, titled “Photonic Machine Intelligence Hardware: From Photonic Memory & Photonic TPU to Optical CNN,” to the OPTICA Detection Technical Group. This technical group serves approximately 2,500 members.
Dr. Lijie Grace Zhang (MAE) has given four recent talks: 1) September 21 invited talk: “3D/4D Bioprinting for Complex Tissue and Organ Regeneration” at the 1st 3D Bioprinting Conference, organized by the Regenerative Engineering Society; 2) October 6 keynote talk: “4D Bioprinting Smart and Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications” at the Bioprinting and Bioink Innovations for 3D-Tissues Virtual Conference; 3) October 18 invited talk: “4D Bioprinting Smart and Nanomaterials for Complex Tissue and Organ Regeneration” at the 5th Annual Mid-Atlantic Advanced Biomanufacturing Symposium, organized by University of Virginia; and 4) October 19 keynote talk: “Integrating Nanotechnology with 3D Bioprinting for Vascularized Tissue Regeneration” at the Nanotech 2021 Conference and Expo.
Other News:
The Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) has awarded the 2021 TSL Dissertation Prize to Dr. Zhengtian Xu (CEE). His dissertation, On the Empty Miles of Ride-Sourcing Services: Theory, Observation and Countermeasures, was completed at the University of Michigan in 2020, advised by Professor Yafeng Yin. In the dissertation, Dr. Xu investigated the formation and consequences of empty miles produced by ride-sourcing services and proposed countermeasures to bolster system performance. He was invited to present this award-winning research at the 2021 INFORMS Annual Meeting, held this month in Anaheim, CA. The INFORMS TSL Dissertation Prize is the oldest and most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations in the transportation science and logistics area.
Other News
On October 15, MAE post-doc Dr. Carles Corbella gave an invited talk at the Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series organized by the University of Maryland. The topic of his talk was “ Synthesis of nanomaterials by atmospheric arc plasmas.” This event enables collaborations between the two universities.
Upcoming SEAS Events
CS Seminar: “Securing Modern and Emerging Computing Platforms”
Speaker: Dr. Yuan Tian, University of Virginia
Wednesday, October 27
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
SEH, B1270 or via Zoom
SEAS Environmental and Energy Management Institute (EEMI) Meeting
Thursday, October 28
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Via WebEx
The meeting will feature a presentation by Michelle Wyman, executive director, Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE). Michelle has worked on clean energy, climate, and environmental policy with all levels of government for over two decades, developing strategic and tactical solutions to implement energy, climate, and sustainability strategies and solutions. She will talk about the GCSE’s activities with universities and global education initiatives, science/policy dialogues, and programs. An update on the EEMI’s research, educational and service activities will follow her presentation.
Save the date: BME Day
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Pamela Norris, GW Vice Provost for Research
Monday, November 1
10:00 am – 5:30 pm (Reception to follow)
SEH, Lehman Auditorium (and via WebEx)
All SEAS faculty and students are invited to join the BME Department for its annual BME Day. The day’s events include a keynote from GW Vice Provost for Research Dr. Pamela Norris; guest speaker Dr. Cindy Liu, associate professor and chief medical officer, Antibiotic Resistance Action Center (Department of Environmental and Occupational Health); undergraduate and graduate student presentations; a career panel discussion; and more. Registration is required.
BME Speaker Series: “Image-Based” Systems Biology - A New Paradigm in Cancer Research”
Speaker: Dr. Arvind Pathak, Johns Hopkins University
Wednesday, December 1
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Lehman Auditorium (SEH, B1270)
Entrepreneurship News & Events
Hackathon: “Innovate the Future of Travel Tech - From House to Gate”
Session One (virtual): Friday, November 12 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Session Two (in-person): Friday, November 19 | 9:30 am – 5:45 pm (A non-mandatory reception follows, 5:45 – 7:00 pm)
Register and find more information
This two-session hackathon/design sprint is looking for solutions to improve air travelers’ assurance that they will have enough time to make their flights when starting from home, office, or anywhere. People must consider lots of travel time factors when traveling to the airport, including walking, ground transportation (bus, Metro, parking garage and walking), check-in (baggage), security clearance, and transit time to the gate. These unknowns create anxiety for passengers. This event is hosted by the GW Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship in partnership with CirrusLabs, George Hacks, and the GW Innovation Center.
External Events
Ethics and COVID-19 webinar series: “Vaccine Misinformation”
Tuesday, October 26
12:00 pm
Via Zoom (Password: BIGCOVID19)
This webinar is presented by the Milken Institute School of Public Health’s Office of Research Excellence and Bioethics Interest Group (GWSPH/ORE/BIG). Seminar presenters include Dr. Nahid Bhadelia (founding director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy & Research, and associate professor at the Boston University School of Medicine) and Dr. David Broniatowski (EMSE). The panel will be moderated by Dr. Paul Ndebele (GWSPH). For security purposes, your first and last name must be visible in Zoom to gain access to the webinar. The meeting will be locked at 12:10 pm. Please email GWSPH/BIG if you have any questions. Individuals who need assistance, including closed captioning, should email 24 hours in advance.
RCR and Beyond
Classes meet throughout the Fall semester
Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) @ GW and Beyond is a semester-long weekly seminar course designed to develop and strengthen ethical problem-solving skills along with cultivating sensitivity to ethical issues commonly found while conducting research. The course is open to the entire campus community, including undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, researchers, staff and research administrators. Registration is capped at 20 participants, first come, first served. Classes are held on Thursdays, 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. throughout the semester, unless otherwise noted.
Dissertation Defenses
Student Name: Dor Hirsh Bar Gai
Dissertation Title: "Essays in Equitable Accessibility, Reliability, and Sustainability of Energy Systems"
Advisor: Dr. Ekundayo Shittu (EMSE); Presiding: Dr. Thomas Mazzuchi (EMSE)
Friday, October 29
1:00 – 3:00 pm
SEH 2000B
Via Zoom