Michael W. Plesniak

Michael W. Plesniak
Department Chair & Professor
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Professor Michael Plesniak's Biofluid Dynamics Lab conducts advanced fundamental research on human speech production (phonation) and cardiovascular flows. An overarching motivation for studying hemodynamics and speech production is to facilitate surgical planning, i.e. to enable physicians to assess the outcomes of surgical procedures by using faithful computer simulations. Professor Plesniak is the director of GW's Center for Biomimetics and Bioinspired Engineering. His Turbulence, Fluid Dynamics and Wind Energy Lab at GW's Virginia Science and Technology Campus is equipped with wind tunnel facilities to study a variety of flows relevant to transportation and energy research.
- B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1983
- M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1984
- Ph.D., Stanford University, 1990
- Post-doctoral Scholar, NASA Ames Research Center
- Aerospace engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- Fluid mechanics, thermal science and energy
- Mechanical engineering
- Propulsion
Papers in Refereed Journals
- S.Y. Hann, H. Cui, T. Esworthy, X. Zhou, S. Lee, M.W. Plesniak & L.G. Zhang, “Dual 3D printing for vascularized bone tissue regeneration,” Acta Biomaterialia, 123, 263-27415 March 2021, published online 14 January 2021. online 14 January 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2021.01.012
- I.A. Carr, N. Beratlis, E. Balaras & M.W. Plesniak, “Effects of highly pulsatile inflow frequency on surface-mounted bluff body wakes,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 904, A29, 10 December 2020, published online 13 October 2020. http://doi.org/doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.659
- X. Zhou, M. Nowicki, H. Sun, S.Y. Hann, H. Cui, T Esworthy, J.D. Lee, M. Plesniak & L.G. Zhang, “3D Bioprinting-Tunable Small-Diameter Blood Vessels with Biomimetic Biphasic Cell Layers,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 41, 45904-45915, 02 October 2020.http://doi.org/doi:10.1021/acsami.0c14871
- K.V. Bulusu, S. Racan & M.W. Plesniak, “Macro-Rheology Characterization of Gill Raker Mucus in the Silver Carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,” Journal of Visualized Experiments : JoVE, 10 July 2020.
http://doi.org/doi:10.3791/61379 - S. van Wyk, L. Prahl Wittberg, K.V. Bulusu, L. Fuchs & M.W. Plesniak, Erratum: “Non-Newtonian perspectives of pulsatile blood-analog flows in a 180 degrees curved artery model “ [Physics of Fluids (vol 27, 071901 (2015)], Physics of Fluids 32, 039901, published online 12 Mach 2020. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5140263
- C. Cox, M. R. Najjari, & M.W. Plesniak, “Three-dimensional vortical structures and wall shear stress in a curved artery model,” Physics of Fluids, 31, Issue 12, December 2019. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5124876
- M. R. Najjari, C. Cox & M.W. Plesniak, “Formation and interaction of multiple secondary flow vortical structures in a curved pipe: transient and oscillatory flows,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876, pp. 481-526, 10 October 2019, published online 01 August 2019. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2019.510
- B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, K.S. Weiland, M.W. Plesniak & M. Zañartu, “An acoustic source model for asymmetric intraglottal flow with application to reduced-order models of the vocal folds,” PLoSONE 14(7):e0219914, July 2019. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219914
- K.V. Bulusu & M.W. Plesniak, “Insights on arterial secondary flow structures and vortex dynamics gained using the MRV technique,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow73, 143-153, published 1 October 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.08.002
- S. Miao, H. Cui, M. Nowicki, S. Lee, J. Almeida, X. Zhou, W. Zhu, X. Yao, F. Masood, M. W. Plesniak, M. Mohiuddin & L. G. Zhang, “Photolithographic-stereolithographic-tandem fabrication of 4D smart scaffolds for improved stem cell cardiomyogenic differentiation,” Biofabrication 10 (3), 035007, Published 2 May 2018, https://doi.org/10.1088/1758-5090/aabe0b
- M.R. Najjari & MW Plesniak, “Secondary flow vortical structures in a 180∘ elastic curved vessel with torsion under steady and pulsatile inflow conditions,” Physical Review Fluids (2018) 3 (1), 013101, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.013101
- I.A. Carr & M.W. Plesniak, “Surface Obstacles in Pulsatile Flow,” Experiments in Fluids(2017) 58: 152. First Online: 05 October 2017 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-017-2436-5
- M.R. Najjari & M.W. Plesniak, “PID controller design to generate pulsatile flow rate for in vitro experimental studies of physiological flows,” Biomedical Engineering Letters (2017) 7: 339. First Online: 30 September 2017 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13534-017-0049-9.
- M.A. Nowicki, N. J. Castro, R. Rao, M. Plesniak & L.G. Zhang, “Integrating three-dimensional printing and nanotechnology for musculoskeletal regeneration,” Nanotechnology 28 (38), 382001. 24 August 2017 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aa8351
- M.A. Nowicki, N. J. Castro, M.W. Plesniak, L.G. Zhang, “3D Printing of Novel Osteochondral Scaffolds with Graded Microstructure,” Nanotechnology 27 (41), 414001 (10pp), September 2016. https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/27/41/414001
- M.W. Plesniak and K.V. Bulusu, “Morphology of Secondary Flows in a Curved Pipe with Pulsatile Inflow,” invited to ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering Special Issue celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Fluids Engineering Division, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 138 (10), 101203 (18 pages), October 2016, published online 22 July 2016. doi: 10.1115/1.4033962.
- K. V. Bulusu and M. W. Plesniak, “Experimental investigation of secondary flow structures downstream of a model-Type IV stent failure in a 180-degree curved artery test section,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 113, e51288, 19 July 2016. doi:10.3791/51288
- M.R. Najjari, and M.W. Plesniak, “Evolution of vortical structures in a curved artery model with non-Newtonian blood-analog fluid under pulsatile inflow conditions,” Experiments in Fluids, 57:100, pp. 1-16, June 2016, published online 31 May 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00348-016-2188-7
- M.R. Najjari, J. A. Hinke, K.V. Bulusu and M.W. Plesniak, “On the rheology of refractive-index-matched, non-Newtonian blood-analog fluids for PIV experiments,” Experiments in Fluids, 57:96, pp. 1-6, June 2016, published online 21 May 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00348-016-2185-x
- C. Cox, C. Liang, and M.W. Plesniak, “A High-Order Method for Solving Unsteady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Implicit Time Stepping on Unstructured Grids,” Journal of Computational Physics, 414, pp. 414-435, June 2016, published online 14 March 2016. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2016.03.016
- I.A. Carr and M.W. Plesniak, “Three-dimensional flow separation over a surface-mounted hemisphere in pulsatile flow,” Experiments in Fluids, 57:9, pp. 1-9, January 2016, published online 26 December 2015. doi: 10.1007/s00348-015-2099-z
- B. Holmes, K. Bulusu, M. W. Plesniak, L.G. Zhang, “A Synergistic Approach to the Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of 3D printed Micro and Nano Featured Scaffolds for Vascularized Bone Tissue Repair,” Nanotechnology, 27, 064001, January 2016, published online 13 January 2016. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/6/064001
Invited Papers Given at Conferences or Published in Proceedings
- M.W. Plesniak, “Pulsatile Flows in Biomedical Applications,” invited Keynote presented at 5th International Conference & Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Las Vegas NV, October2-4, 2017.
- M.W. Plesniak, “Studies of Unsteady Flows Inspired by Biomedical Applications,” Fluids Engineering Award Invited Plenary Lecture, ASME FEDSM 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, July 30-August 4, 2017.
- M.W. Plesniak, “Surface-Mounted Obstacles Immersed in Extremely Pulsatile Flows.” Invited talk, Symposium/Forum: 1-1 Symposium in Memory of Dr. Jonathan Watmuff, Paper Number: FEDSM2017-69601, ASME FEDSM 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, July 30-August 4, 2017.
- M.W. Plesniak, “Surface Mounted Objects in Extremely Pulsatile Flow,” invited talk for G.I. Taylor Symposium, Society of Engineering Science, 54th Annual Technical Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston Massachusetts, July 25-28, 2017.
- M.W. Plesniak and K.V. Bulusu, “Secondary Flows in Models of Curved Arteries,” invited talk for G.I. Taylor Symposium, Society of Engineering Science, 53rd Annual Technical Meeting, University of Maryland Conference Center, College Park, Maryland, October 2-5, 2016.
- M.W. Plesniak, “Rich Flow Physics in Curved Arteries and the Vocal Tract,” invited keynote, Ninth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Melbourne, Australia, June 30- July 3, 2015.
- M.W. Plesniak, “Coherent Structures in Biomedical Flows,” invited plenary, International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18, 2015.
- M.W. Plesniak, "Fluid Dynamics of Human Phonation - Pathology of Polyps" Keynote Lecture presented at the 2013 Research Symposium on Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland, May 21, 2013.
- K. V Bulusu, A Glenn, F Shu, and M. W. Plesniak, “Multi-Scale Secondary Flow Morphologies in Curved Arterial Models,” invited submission to Mini-Symposium on Mechanics of Materials from Nano to Macro Scale, 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-29, 2011, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- B. D. Erath, M. Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and M. W. Plesniak, “Multiphysics modeling of the impact of asymmetric intraglottal flows on normal and pathological speech,” invited submission to Mini-Symposium on Mechanics of Materials from Nano to Macro Scale, 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-29, 2011, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- M.W. Plesniak and S.D. Peterson, “Invited Paper: Flow Phenomena In Models Of Curved Arteries With Stenoses & Stents,” Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08), University of Minnesota, May 18-21, 2008, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- M.W. Plesniak and S.D. Peterson, “Keynote Paper: Biomedical Fluid Dynamics - Rich Flow Physics in Pulsatile Flow,” (Invited Keynote paper), FEDSM2007-37342, Proceedings of FEDSM'07, 5th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 30- August 2, 2007, San Diego, CA.
- M.W. Plesniak, “State of the Art and Trends in Microfluidics with Biological and Biomedical Relevance,” (Invited Keynote presentation), presented at ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and R&D Expo, November 16 - 21, 2005, Orlando, FL.
- S.D. Peterson and M.W. Plesniak, “The Effect of Streamwise Injection on the Flow Structure and Skin Friction Distribution of a Row of Multiple Jets-in-Crossflow (invited paper),” Paper No. P-142, Proceedings of the International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2005, October 5-8, 2005, Toba-shi, Mie, JAPAN.
- M.W. Plesniak, “Noncanonical Jets-in-crossflow” (invited paper), Paper No. FEDSM2003-45342, Proceedings of FEDSM'03, 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 6-11, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- M.W. Plesniak, F. Shu, P.E. Sojka, S.H. Frankel, “Flow Control and Design of Environmentally Benign Spray Systems,” (invited paper) Technology for a Sustainable Environment (TSE) session, Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 2002 Conference, November 3 – 8, 2002, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- M. W. Plesniak, “Flow Control for Improving Transfer Efficiency for Spray Systems,” (invited paper), 2002 Painting Technology Workshop (PTW2002), Lexington KY, June 25-26, 2002.
Refereed Conference Papers
- K.V. Bulusu & M.W. Plesniak, “Insights on Arterial Secondary Flow Structures and Vortex Dynamics Gained Using the MRV Technique,” Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Chicago, Illinois, July 6 -9, 2017.
- I. Carr & M.W. Plesniak, “Surface Obstacles in Pulsatile Flows,” (poster) Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Chicago, Illinois, July 6 -9, 2017.
- M.A. Nowicki, M.W. Plesniak, L.G. Zhang, “3D Bioprinting of Gradient Osteochondral Scaffolds using Soy Oil Resin,” Paper IMECE2016-66680, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2016), Phoenix, Arizona, November 11-17, 2016, pp. V003T04A075; 5 pages doi:10.1115/IMECE2016-66680
- H. Cui, W. Zhu, B. Holmes, M.W. Plesniak and L.G. Zhang, “Self-modulatory Release System Based on Bioactive Coating Modified 3D Printed Scaffold for Vascularized Bone Regeneration,” submitted to BMES 2016 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 5-8 October 2016.
- C. Cox, C. Liang, M.W. Plesniak, “A high-order flux reconstruction solver for unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids with implicit time stepping,” 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2016, San Diego, California, 4-8 Jan 2016.
- M.A. Nowicki, N. J. Castro, M.W. Plesniak, L.G. Zhang, “3D Printing of Novel Gradient Osteochondral Scaffolds to Bridge the Gap between Cartilage and Bone,” Paper No. IMECE2015-5113, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2015), Houston, Texas, November 13-19, 2015, pp. V003T03A008; 6 pages, doi:10.1115/IMECE2015-51153.
- M. Nowicki, N. Castro, M. Plesniak, and L. G. Zhang, “3D Printing of Novel Gradient Osteochondral Scaffolds to Bridge the Gap between Cartilage and Bone,” BMES 2015 Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, 7-10 October 2015 (poster).
- C. Cox, C. Liang, and M. Plesniak, "Towards a fast high-order method for unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on moving deformable domains using FR/CPR," AIAA Sci-Tech Conference, Kissimmee, Florida, January 5-9, 2015, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, doi:10.2514/6.2015-0830
http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2015-0830. - K. V Bulusu, C. Popma, and M. W. Plesniak, “Effects of perturbations induced by fractured stent on secondary flow structures in a curved artery mode,” Proceedings of Eighth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Poitiers, France, August 27-30, 2013, CD-ROM.
- C. Cox, C. Liang, M.W. Plesniak, “Spectral Difference Solution of Incompressible Flow over an Inline Tube Bundle with Oscillating Cylinder,” 2012 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 15-19, 2012.
- K.V. Bulusu, J.F. Meyers, and M.W. Plesniak, “Estimation of Particle Sample Bias in Shear Layers using Velocity-Data Rate Correlation Coefficient,” Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Paper 294, Lisbon, Portugal, July 9-12, 2012.
- B. D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, M. Zanartu, and M. W. Plesniak, “An updated wave reflection analog acoustic solver for implementation into reduced-order vocal fold models,” presented at the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 20-23, 2012, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.
- B. D. Erath and M. W. Plesniak, “Disruption of intraglottal flow fields arising from a unilateral polyp,” presented at the 8th International Conference on Voice Physiological and Biomechanics, July 5-7, 2012, Erlangen, Germany.
- B. D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, M. Zanartu, and M. W. Plesniak, “A wave reflection analog extension for reduced order vocal fold investigations with asymmetric intraglottal flows,” presented at the 8th International Conference on Voice Physiological and Biomechanics, July 5-7, 2012, Erlangen, Germany.
- B. D. Erath, M. Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and M. W. Plesniak, “Nonlinear Vocal Fold Dynamics in a Two-Mass Model of Speech Arising from Asymmetric Intraglottal Flow,” Paper No. SBC2011-53952, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC2011), June 22-25, 2011, Farmington, PA, USA.
- A Glenn, F Shu, K. V Bulusu, and M. W. Plesniak, “Secondary flow structures under stent-induced perturbations for cardiovascular flow in a curved artery model,” Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada, July 28-31 2011, CD-ROM.
- B. D. Erath and M. W. Plesniak, “Effects of three-dimensional flow induced by a unilateral polyp on energy transfer and vocal fold motion in voiced speech.,” Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada, July 28-31 2011, CD-ROM.
- B. D. Erath, S.D. Peterson and M. W. Plesniak, “A Theoretical Model of the Pressure Distributions Arising from Asymmetric Intraglottal Flows,” Presented at the International Conference Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, June 8-10, 2010, Madison, WI.
- B. D. Erath and M. W. Plesniak, “Viscous flow features in scaled-up physical models of normal and pathological phonation,” Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, June 22-24, 2009, Seoul, Korea, Volume III, pp. 114-119.
- C. Prince, S. D. Peterson, and M. W. Plesniak, “The Influence of a Multiple-Harmonic Pulsatile Waveform on the Secondary Flow in a Curved Tube,” (poster) Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, June 22-24, 2009, Seoul, Korea, Volume II, pp. 423-428. ..
- B. D. Erath and M. W. Plesniak, “An Experimental Investigation of the Quasi-Steady Assumption in Speech,” Paper No. SBC2009-206274 Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC2009), June 17-21, 2009, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, also poster presentation.
- C. N. Prince, S. D. Peterson, and M. W. Plesniak, “Secondary Flow Structure Induced by a Physiologically-Relevant Waveform in a Curved Tube,” Paper No. SBC2009-206888 Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC2009), June 17-21, 2009, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, also poster presentation.
- S. Mazumdar, S. Poussou, Q. Chen, P.E. Sojka and M.W. Plesniak, “Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow and Contaminant Transport Inside an Aircraft Cabin with a Moving Body.” Abstract No.: TP-06-01, COBEE The First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, July 13-16, 2008 Dalian, China.
- S.D. Peterson, J.A. McCann-Brown, K.M .Haberstroh, T.J. Webster and M.W. Plesniak, “Cellular Response and Flow Physics Distal to an Axisymmetric Stenosis,” Poster No. P5.34, BMES 2007 Annual Fall Meeting, September 26-.9, 2007, Los Angeles, CA.
- J.A. McCann, S.D. Peterson, T.J. Webster, M.W. Plesniak & K.M. Haberstroh. “Mechanical and Biochemical Stimuli Alter Endothelial Cell Gene Expression,” 31st Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, April 2-3, 2005, Hoboken, NJ.
- J. Suh, S.H. Frankel, L. Mongeau and M.W. Plesniak, “Large Eddy Simulations of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows Using a Semi-Implicit Numerical Scheme,” Paper No. AIAA-2005-0671 Proceedings of 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 10-13, 2005, Reno Nevada.
- M.W Plesniak and S.D Peterson, “Wall Shear Stress Measurements for Conventional Applications and Biomedical Flows,” Paper No. AIAA-2004-2301, Proceedings of the 24th Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, June 28-July 1, 2004, Portland, Oregon.
- S.D. Peterson and M.W. Plesniak, “Vortex Rings in Stenotic Arterial Models,” Paper No. ICTAM04 ID 11825, Proceeding of the 21st International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 15-21, 2004, Warsaw, Poland.
- H. An, J., Suh, M.W. Plesniak, and S.H. Frankel, “Flow in a Co-axial Control Valve,” Paper No. IMECE2003-41396, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and R&D Expo, November 16 - 21, 2003, Washington, D.C.
- J.A. McCann, S.D. Peterson, T.J. Webster, M.W. Plesniak & K.M. Haberstroh, “Inadvertent Variations In Fluid Flow Across a Parallel Plate Flow Chamber Results in Non-Uniform Gene Expression,” 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 25 - 29, 2003, Key Biscayne, Florida.
- S. Peterson and M.W. Plesniak, “Turbulent Characteristics in a Stenosed Arterial Model with Relevance to Atherosclerosis,” Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, June 25-27, 2003, Sendai, Japan, Volume 2 pp. 793-798.
- J.A. McCann, S.D. Peterson, T.J. Webster, M.W. Plesniak & K.M. Haberstroh, “Differential Gene Expression Due to Inadvertent Variations in Fluid Flow Across a Parallel Plate Flow Chamber,” Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 2002 Conference, November 3 – 8, 2002, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- B. Chen, L. X. Xu, S.H. Frankel, K.M Haberstroh, M.W. Plesniak, T.J. Webster, S.T. Wereley, “Dynamic Ca2+ Response In Vascular Endothelial Cells Subjected To Various Flows,” Fourth World Congress on Biomechanics, August 4-9, 2002, Calgary Canada. (Abstract on CD ROM)
- J. A. McCann, T. J. Webster, S. H. Frankel, M. W. Plesniak, L. X. Xu, S. T. Wereley, and Karen M. Haberstroh “ Soluble Proteins Released By Endothelial Cells In Response To Fluid Flow Affect Smooth Muscle Cells,” Fourth World Congress on Biomechanics, August 4-9, 2002, Calgary Canada. (Abstract on CD ROM)
- S. Varghese, S.H. Frankel, K.M. Haberstroh, M.W. Plesniak, T.J. Webster, S.T. Wereley, and L.X. Xu, “Numerical Modeling of Pulsatile Turbulent Flows in Stenotic Vessels” Fourth World Congress on Biomechanics, August 4-9, 2002, Calgary Canada. (Abstract on CD ROM)
- S.D. Peterson, M.W. Plesniak, S.T. Wereley, S.H. Frankel, K.M. Haberstroh, T.J. Webster and L.X. Xu, “High Resolution Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Flows Relevant to Stenotic Vessels,” Fourth World Congress on Biomechanics, August 4-9, 2002, Calgary Canada. (Abstract on CD ROM)
- F. Shu, M. W. Plesniak & P.E. Sojka, “Structure of an Impinging Jet Issuing from a Nozzle of Indeterminate Origin with Applications to Improving Transfer Efficiency for Spray Systems,” 2002 Painting Technology Workshop (PTW2002), Lexington KY, June 25-26, 2002.
- S.D. Peterson and M.W. Plesniak, “Short Hole Jet-in-Crossflow Velocity Field and its Relationship to Film Cooling Performance,” Paper A1101, 4th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, September 17-19, 2001, Göttingen, Germany.
- M. W. Plesniak, P. E. Sojka and A. K. Singh, Improving Transfer Efficiency for Airless Spray Systems,” 2001 Painting Technology Workshop (PTW2001), Lexington KY, June 4-5, 2001.
- S. Peterson and M.W. Plesniak, “Surface Shear Stress Measurements around Multiple Jets-in-Crossflow using the Fringe Imaging Skin Friction Technique,” Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, June 27-29,2001, Stockholm, Sweden, Volume II pp. 147-152.
- J. Yi and M.W. Plesniak, “Transport of Spherical and Non-spherical Particles in a Rectangular Jet-in-Crossflow,” (poster) Second International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, June 27-29, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden.
- J. Yi and M.W. Plesniak, “Mixing of a Particle-laden Jet in a Confined Rectangular Crossflow,” 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF-2001), May 27-June 1, 2001, New Orleans, LA (CD ROM).
- R.O. Kiesow and M.W. Plesniak, “Turbulence Modifications in a Planar Shear-Driven 3-D Turbulent Boundary layer,” 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Symposium on Separated and Complex Flows III, New Orleans, LA, May 29-June 1, 2001, FEDSM2001-18105, FED-Vol. 254 (CD ROM).
- R.O. Kiesow and M.W. Plesniak, “Effects of Spanwise Shear on Inner-Layer Structure of a 3-D Turbulent Boundary Layer,” 2000 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Forum on Three-dimensional Flows, Boston, MA, June 11-15, 2000, FEDSM2000-11001, FED-Vol. 251 (CD ROM).
- R.O. Kiesow and M.W. Plesniak, “Modifications of Near-Wall Structure in a Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layer,” Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 1999-1, S. Banerjee & J.K. Eaton, eds., Begell House, Inc., NY, 1999, pp. 157-162.
- D.M. Cusano and M.W. Plesniak , “Asymmetry in a Confined Rectangular Jet in Crossflow,” Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 1999-1, S. Banerjee & J.K. Eaton, eds., Begell House, Inc., NY, 1999, pp. 823-828.
- C.A. Hale, M.W. Plesniak and S. Ramadhyani, “Structural Features and Surface Heat Transfer Associated with a Row of Short-Hole Jets in Crossflow,” Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 1999-1, S. Banerjee & J.K. Eaton, eds., Begell House, Inc., NY, 1999, pp. 691-696.
- R.O. Kiesow and M.W. Plesniak, “Structural Modifications and Near-Wall Physics of a Shear-Driven 3-D Turbulent Boundary Layer,” 1999 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Symposium on Complex & Separated Flows, San Francisco, CA, July 18-23, 1999, FEDSM99-7068, FED-Vol. 248 (CD ROM).
- A.L. Brundage, M.W. Plesniak and S. Ramadhyani, “Influence of Coolant Feed Direction and Hole Length on Film Cooling Jet Velocity Profiles,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo 99, Indianapolis, IN, Paper No. 99-GT-035, June 1999.
- C.A. Hale, S. Ramadhyani, and M.W. Plesniak “Film Cooling Effectiveness Predictions for Short Holes Fed by a Narrow Plenum,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo 99, Indianapolis, IN, Paper No. 99-GT-162, June 1999.
- C.A. Hale, M.W. Plesniak and S. Ramadhyani, “Film Cooling Effectiveness for Short Film Cooling Holes Fed by a Narrow Plenum,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo 99, Indianapolis, IN, Paper No. 99-GT-036, June 1999.
- †J.J. Sutherland, M.W. Plesniak and P.E. Sojka, “Reducing Solvent and Propellant Emissions from Consumer Products,” Engineering Solutions to Indoor Air Quality Problems, Proceedings of a Specialty Conference sponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association and U.S. EPA, Raleigh NC, July 21-23, 1997, pp. 375-385.
- J.J. Sutherland, P.E. Sojka, M.W. Plesniak, “Ligament-Controlled Effervescent Atomization,” Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS-Americas 97), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 18-21, 1997, pp. 334-337.
- M.V. Panchagnula, T.J. Kuta, M.W. Plesniak and P.E. Sojka, “Modifying Entrainment in Ligament-Controlled Effervescent Atomizer-Produced Sprays,” Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS-Americas 97), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 18-21, 1997, pp. 35-39.
- R.O. Kiesow and M.W. Plesniak, “Near-Wall Physics and Structure of a Shear-Driven 3-D Turbulent Boundary Layer,” 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Symposium on Complex & Separated Flows, Vancouver, BC June 22-26, 1997, FEDSM97-3282 (CD ROM).
- A.C. Schwarz, M.W. Plesniak and S.N.B. Murthy, “Leading Edge Turbulent Boundary Layers Subjected to Multiple Strains,” 20th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Snowmass, CO, June 29 - July 2, 1997, Paper AIAA-97-1874 (CD ROM).
- J.J. Sutherland, P.E. Sojka, M.W. Plesniak and J.P. Gore, “Entrainment by Low Air-Liquid Ratio Effervescent Atomizer Produced Sprays,” Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS-Americas 96), San Francisco, CA, May 1996, pp. 53-57.
- J. Sutherland, M. Panchagnula, P.E. Sojka, M.W. Plesniak and J.P. Gore, “Effervescent Atomization at Low Air-Liquid Ratios,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS-Americas 95), Troy, MI, May 1995, pp. 74-78.
- A.C. Schwarz and M.W. Plesniak, “Near-wall Phenomena in Convex Turbulent Boundary Layers with Zero and Favorable Pressure Gradients,” 1995 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FED-vol. 217, pp. 67-74, June 1995.
- F.E. Ames and M.W. Plesniak, “The Influence of Large Scale, High Intensity Turbulence on Vane Aerodynamic Losses, Wake Growth, and the Exit Turbulence Parameters,” ASME IGTI Turbo Expo, Paper No. 95-GT-290, June 1995.
- M.C. Wolochuk, M.W. Plesniak, and J.E. Braun, “The Effects of Turbulence and Unsteadiness on the Performance of Vortex Shedding Flowmeters,” 1994 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FED-vol. 183, pp. 1-8. June 1994.
- M.W. Plesniak and R.D. Mehta, “The Effects of Initial Conditions on the Development of Two-Stream Mixing layers Subjected to Longitudinal Curvature,” Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Dec. 14-18, 1992.
1 Selected by Nanotechnology for annual Highlights of 2017 – a collection to showcase some of the best research of 2017
2 Among Journal of Fluids Engineering Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles July 2008 – most full-text downloads during the month
† selected among 8 best videotaped presentations to be broadcast as course T-001-98, “Indoor Air Symposium,” U.S. EPA Air Pollution Distance Learning Network (APDLN), Jan. 7, 1998.
- 2017 ASME Fluids Engineering Award
- 2013 GW School of Engineering and Applied Science Distinguished Researcher Award
- AIAA Region I Engineer of the Year Honor Society (2013)
- 2011 Lead Judge for the Siemens National Competition
- 2011 NASA District of Columbia Space Grant Consortium Outstanding STEM Faculty Award
- AIAA National Capital Section Engineer of the Year 2010-11
- American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics inaugural Extraordinary Service to Fluid Dynamics Award, 2009
- American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Fellow
- American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
- American Physical Society Fellow
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow
- Fellow of Washington Academy of Sciences