University General Education

All GW students are required to complete the following requirements to develop their analytical abilities and to ensure that students leave the University with a body of knowledge that shows a depth of understanding in at least one field.

In GW Engineering, many of these requirements will be embedded in your curriculum requirements but may require some specific course selection.

Written CommunicationUW 1020 or HONR 1015 + Two WID courses*
Critical, creative, or quantitative analysis in the social sciencesEmbedded in the Humanities and Social Science Requirement but requires specific course selection.
Critical or creative analysis in the humanitiesEmbedded in the Humanities and Social Science Requirement but requires specific course selection.
Quantitative reasoningMATH 1221, MATH 1231, MATH 1232, MATH 2223
Engineering OrientationSEAS 1001
Introduction to MajorASPC 1001, BME 1010, CE 1010, CS 1010, ECE 1010, EMSE 1001, and MAE 1001
Capstone ProjectMajor-specific and requirement for all Bachelor of Science degrees in GW Engineering

*To satisfy the University writing requirement, all students are required to take UW 1020 and 6 credits distributed over at least two writing in the discipline (WID) courses taken in separate semesters. WID courses are designated by a "W" appended to the course number.


University General Education Requirements