Roger H. Lang

Roger H. Lang
L. Stanley Crane Professor and Fellow of IEEE
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Roger H. Lang
Office Phone:
(202) 994-6199
SEH 5870 | Office hours: By appointment
Professor Roger Lang conducts research on stochastic electromagnetic, remote sensing and communication channel modeling. Current research is on the construction of stochastic models of vegetated terrain for use in microwave remote sensing and channel models for mobile communication systems.
- B.S.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1962
- M.S.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1964
- Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1968
- Electrical engineering
- Electromagnetics, radiation systems, and microwave engineering
- Kurum, M., P.E. O'Neill, R.H. Lang, P.E. O'Neill, A. Joseph, T. Jackson, and M. Cosh "A First-Order Radiative Transfer Model for Microwave Radiometry of Forest Canopies at L-Band,", IEEE Trans Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol. 49, pp. 3167-3179, 2011.
- Kurum, M., R.H. Lang, P.E. O'Neill, A. Joseph, T. Jackson, and M. Cosh,, "L-band Radar Estimation of Forest Attenuation for Active/Passive Moisture Inversion," IEEE Trans Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol. 47, pp. 3026-3040, 2009.
- Utku, C. and R.H. Lang, "Effective Scatterer Approximation for Mean Field Modeling with Application to Vegetation," Waves in Complex and Random Media, Vol.18 , pp. 65-90, 2008.
- Seker,S.S., G Apaydin and R.H. Lang, "Electromagnetic Modelling of Curved Lossy Dielectric Surface and Cylinder, IET Microwave. Antennas Propagation.", Vol. 2, pp. 747-758, 2008.
- S.A. Torrico and R.H. Lang, "A Simplified Analytical Model to Predict the Specific Attenuation of a Tree Canopy," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol.56, No. 2, pp. 696-703, 2007.
- de Mattheais, P.and R.H. Lang, "Microwave Scattering Models for Cylindrical Vegetation Components, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER" Vol.55, pp. 307-333, 2005.
- Racette, P. and R.H. Lang, "Radiometer Design Analysis Based Upon Measurement Uncertainty," Radio Science, Vol. 40, RS2004, doi: 10.1029/2004RS003132, 2005
- Lang, R.H., "Scattering from a Layer of Discrete Random Medium over a Random Interface: Application to Microwave Backscattering from Forests." Waves in Random Media, Vol. 14, pp. S359-S391, 2004.
- Jacobs, E. and R.H. Lang, "Scattering, Transmission and Absorption in a Rough Resistive Sheet - E Polarization," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propag., AP, Vol. 50, pp. 1567-1575, 2002.
- Rincon, R. and R.H. Lang, "Microwave Link Dual-Wavelength Measurements of Path-Average Attenuation for the Estimation of Drop Size Distributions and Rainfall," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol. 40, pp. 760-770, 2002
- Kilic, O. and R.H.Lang "Scattering of a Pulsed Beam by a Random Medium Over Ground," J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 15, pp. 481-516, 2001.
- Chair of Commission F, International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Waves in Random and Complex Media
- General Chair of MicroRad2010
- Associate Editor, Special Issue of IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2011
- Fellow of the IEEE
- Member of the Science Team for the NASA Aquarius Mission