Rachelle S. Heller

Rachelle S. Heller
Research Professor
Department: Computer Science
Professor Shelly Heller's research interest is in the area of computers in educational settings and the impact of interactive multimedia on learning in these environments. Expanding on her concerns for learning environments are her long-standing efforts to bring and retain women to areas in Science, Engineering, Math and Technology (STEM). Of particular interest is how students learn to use educational software, including the development of courseware for new application areas, the integration of the computer into existing educational settings and public spaces and in-service and pre-service teacher training. Her efforts in women’s leadership include her research grants and her role as the director of the Elizabeth Somers Women's Leadership Program.
- Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1985
- M.S., University of Maryland, 1972
- B.S., State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1964
- Computer science
- Digital media
Selected Publications
- R.S. Heller and C.D. Martin, Bit's N'Bytes About Computing , Computer Science Press, Potomac, Maryland, 1982.
- R.S. Heller, Evaluating Interactive Multimedia , In Thomson Multimedia Resource. Edited by K. Shields. Thomson Technology Services Group (Wadsworth Imprint), 1996.
- Heller, R.S., Martin, C.D., Haneef, N., and Gievska-Krlui, S, Using a Theoretical Multimedia Taxonomy Framework , ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article # 6, 22 pages, Spring 2001.
- R.S. Heller, R. Dhamija, L. Hoffman, Teaching E-Commerce to a Multidisciplinary Class , Communications of the ACM, Vol. 42 (9), pp 50-55, September, 1999.
- R.S. Heller, K. Brade and C. Branz, The representation of women and minorities in print media , GATES, Vol. 1(2), pp 1-8, 1994.
- C.D. Martin and R.S. Heller, Attracting Young Minority Women to Engineering and Science: Necessary Characteristics for Exemplary Programs , IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 37(1), February, 1994.