Faculty News
Dr. Samer Hamdar (CEE) edited the book Traffic and Granular Flow ‘17, which has now been published by Springer. The book presents 57 peer-reviewed papers with more than 40 authors, brought together under the leadership of the GW Transportation Program at the 12th Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow (TGF), held in Washington, DC in July 2017. The main theme of the conference was “From Molecular Interactions to Internet of Things and Smart Cities: The Role of Technology in the Understanding and the Evolution of Particle Dynamics.”
Conferences & Presentations:
On October 31, Dr. Lorena Barba (MAE) was an invited speaker and discussant at “Hidden No More: Empowering Women Leaders in STEM,” an event for the International Visitor Leadership Program of the US Department of State. This special initiative brings together 50 women leaders in STEM from different countries across the world, in partnership with The Walt Disney Company. Those who are interested can follow #HiddenNoMore on Twitter.
On October 15, Dr. Payman Dehghanian (ECE) gave an invited seminar at George Mason University’s Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research. He presented the GW SmartGrid Lab's research findings in his presentation, “Powering through Extremes: Pathways to A Resilient National Power Grid.” Also in October, he attended the Department of Energy (DOE) Artificial Intelligence for Science Town Hall Meeting, which was held on October 22-23 here in Washington, DC. Separately, he and several members of the lab were invited to attend the 2019 Smart Grid Customer Education Symposium, which was held October 29 in Washington, DC. Doctoral students Mohannad Alhazmi and Jinshun Su, and master’s student Bhavesh Shinde participated in the event.
Dr. Howie Huang (ECE) was invited to participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Workshop on Future Directions for Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI), held on October 29-30. At the workshop, Dr. Huang gave the presentation “Next-Generation Frameworks for Irregular Data-Intensive Applications,” in which he discussed the challenges faced by system researchers to develop better support for emerging data analytics applications. This workshop aimed to provide vital inputs to NSF about future cyberinfrastructure needs for the scientific research community.
Dr. Tianshu Li (CEE) gave the talk “Atomistic Modeling of SiGeSn alloys” at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research FY19 MURI Kick-off Meeting, held on October 18 in Fayetteville, AR. On October 27, he presented “Crystallization of Water Induced by Carbon” at the Extreme Physics and Chemistry Symposium held at Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Dr. Ekundayo Shittu (EMSE) and his graduate student Dor Hirsh Bar Gai (EMSE) presented their work, “Meta-analysis of emerging models of food, energy and water systems: What do the models tell us?” at the International Symposium of Hydrological Sciences and High-efficiency Water Resources Utilization Under the Changing Environment (ISHW). The ISHW took place in Wuhan, China, October 24-26. The US team (GW and Lehigh Universities) on the NSF-INFEWS project focusing on the Columbia River Basin met with their Chinese counterparts (from Wuhan and Tsinghua Universities) focusing on the Mekong River Basin. Separately, Dr. Shittu gave two talks at the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) annual conference, held October 20-23 in Seattle, WA: “Sourcing for Wind Energy: Multifactor Evidence from the U.S. Electricity Industry;” and “Disentangling Technology Management from Financial Portfolios,” which was a joint work with Dr. Zoe Szajnfarber(EMSE).
Dr. Volker Sorger (ECE) gave the talk “Heterogonous Photonic Technologies for Next Generation Optoelectronics & Analog Processors” at two recent colloquia. He first presented the talk on October 10 as the James C. Wyant Lecture at the University of Arizona’s College for Optical Sciences. He presented it again on October 21 at Queens College, City University of New York in the Department of Physics.
Media Mentions:
Dr. David Broniatowski (EMSE) was featured recently in the Efecto Naim program “¿Un movimiento global ‘anti vacunas’? Las consecuencias del rechazo a las vacunas.”
Upcoming SEAS Events
4th Annual BME Day: “Innovation in Biomedical Engineering”
Monday, November 4
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
SEH, B1 Level
BME Day will showcase faculty and student research projects, highlight the collaborative nature of the biomedical engineering field, and raise awareness of biomedical engineering at GW and in the Washington, DC region. The day will consist of student poster sessions, a moderated panel discussion on how to land a job within the biomedical engineering field, and selected talks from GW’s BME faculty and invited guest speakers. The entire SEAS community, including alumni, is invited.
Women in Engineering Career Toolkit Series: The SEAS Center for Women in Engineering is presenting sessions to help SEAS students and recent alumnae gain the skills they need to launch their career. The sessions are open to all SEAS students, but are geared particularly to women students. All workshops will be held in SEH, Room 2000 and begin at 4:45 pm. Visit the Center for Women in Engineering site for more details.
Resume Writing – Wednesday, November 6
Cover Letter & Professional References – Wednesday, November 13
CS Colloquium: “BurScale: Using Burstable Instances for Cost-Effective Autoscaling in the Public Cloud”
Speaker: Dr. Timothy Zhu, Pennsylvania State University
Tuesday, November 5
2:00 pm
SEH, B1220
Lecture: “Algal Blooms: Why They Matter and What to Do”
Speakers: Matt Harper, Head of the Aquatic Resources Management Unit, Montgomery County Parks; and Kevin Sellner, Senior Scholar, Hood College, Maryland
Tuesday, November 5
5:30 – 7:30 pm
SEH, B1270
This event is co-sponsored by the American Water Resources Association National Capital Region Section (AWRA-NCRS) and GW’s CEE Department. Registration and light refreshments will be available from 5:30 to 6:15 pm; the presentations and panel discussion will be held from 6:15 to 7:30 pm. Registration is $10 for members and $15 for non-members; however, the event will be free for GW students and faculty.
GW Innovation Center Workshop: “Design Think Your Project”
Workshop Lead: Dr. Erica Wortham, Co-director, GW Innovation Center
Tuesday, November 5
6:00 – 7:30 pm
GWIC, Tompkins Hall M06
Design Think Your Project covers the basics of human centered design, a collaborative problem solving method that prioritizes people’s lived experiences. Bringing users into the discovery phase and design of your project fosters more innovative solutions. Starting with understandings gathered through empathy, the workshop introduces hands-on techniques, such as rapid prototyping, and emphasizes how to creatively reframe problems.
GW AIAA Student Branch Event
Speaker: Mr. Keith Zuegel, Director of Government Relations at the Air Force Association
Tuesday, November 5
7:00 pm
SEH, B1220
The GW branch of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics will host Mr. Keith Zuegel, who will be on campus to talk about the role of space in upcoming conflicts. Admission is free and food will be provided.
CS Lecture: “Using Virtual Reality to Inform Precision Medicine”
Speaker: Dr. Susan Persky, National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH)
Thursday, November 7
4:30 pm
SEH, B1270
This is a special topic lecture for CSCI 6907: Augmented and Virtual Reality. For more information about this and upcoming lectures, please contact Dr. Hurriyet Ok.
ECE Distinguished Lecture Series: “Advanced 5G and SATCOM Phased-Arrays and UaV-Detection Radars Using Low-Cost Silicon Technologies: The End of the Marconi Era Is Near”
Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Rebeiz, University of California at San Diego
Monday, November 18
2:00 pm (Reception to follow)
SEH, B1220
CVP Speaker Series @ GW: “Cybersecurity and Data Science: Partnering for the Future”
Wednesday, November 20
5:00 – 7:00 pm
SEH, Lehman Auditorium
Cybersecurity attacks are becoming increasingly more sophisticated, putting organizations’ valuable data at greater risk. Failure to prepare and stay up-to-date on developments in cybersecurity and data science could mean hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue. How we can protect environments from threats targeting data and valuable assets, and what kinds of organizational cultural changes are required to integrate cybersecurity and data science? Join us for a panel discussion of these and other related questions.
Software Carpentry Workshop: shell/git/Python
Thursday and Friday, November 21 and 22
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Gelman Library, Rooms 301/302
FREE to GW-affiliated participants
Join Academic Commons and SEAS Computing for the Software Carpentry Workshop, two days of hands-on instruction in automating tasks with the Unix shell, version control with Git, and data analysis and visualization with Python. The course is intended for GW graduate students, faculty, and other researchers. Advanced undergraduates are also welcome. The workshop is free to GW-affiliated participants. Attendees don't need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop. Participants must register in advance and must attend both days of the workshop. Registration and further details are available on the workshop website.
CSPRI Talk: “Cybersecurity for Connected and Automated Vehicles”
Speaker: Duncan Woodbury, Founder & CEO, DTLLC
Thursday, November 21
12:00 noon (An informal lunch will be served)
SEH, B1220
RSVP for lunch
The intent of this and future Cyber Security and Privacy Research Institute (CSPRI) lunches is to give GW faculty and students glimpses of the vibrant security and privacy private sector in the Washington region and to promote dialog and debate regarding breakthrough initiatives. The potential for support for research or conference papers on related topics will be part of the discussion.
BME Seminar: “Physical Biology at Semiconductor-enabled Biointerfaces”
Speaker: Dr. Bozhi Tian, The University of Chicago
Wednesday, December 11
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
SEH, B1270
Entrepreneurship News & Events
Make-A-Thing Open Studio @ GW Innovation Center
Fridays throughout the semester
1:00 – 6:00 pm
Tompkins Hall, M06
The studio is open to the GW community. For more information, please email the GW Innovation Center.
Pitching to Investors Workshop
Thursday, November 7
5:30 – 7:00 pm
MakeOffices Penn Ave
This workshop will present methods for conveying facts about a startup venture efficiently. This workshop explores approaches for generating enthusiasm for your venture and addressing the fears and concerns that investors and funders have about any new venture.
External Events
SEH WOW TALK (What’s Our Work)
- Dr. Ling Hao (Chemistry), “Discovering Molecular Signatures of Human Diseases via Mass Spectrometry”
- Dr. Santiago Solares (MAE), “Exploring the Micro- and Nanoworld with the Atomic Force Microscope”
- Dr. Yuxiao Huang (Data Science), “On the Discovery of Feature Importance Distributions: An Overlooked Area”
Wednesday, November 6
4:00 – 5:00 pm
SEH, B1220
SEH WOW TALK (What’s Our Work) Series brings together colleagues and students from disciplines associated with GW's Science and Engineering Hall—and related fields—to present new research and share ideas. These short talks (15 minutes each) are designed to introduce members of the GW community to current and exciting research projects being undertaken, to initiate discussion, collaborate, share expertise, and promote research performed in the SEH and at GW.
National Science Foundation Research Prep
Thursday, November 7
12:00 -1:30 pm
Marvin Center, 538
This session shares information about the application process for the many funded research opportunities available to students by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This session will be facilitated by two experts who can help students submit a successful application: Paul Hoyt O'Connor, Ph.D. director, GW Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, and Sonya Merrill, Ph.D. STEM Industry Coach GW Center for Career Services. Please bring a laptop or note pad and pen.
GW Grant Writers' Workshop Series
The Research Enhancement Unit within the Office of the Vice President for Research is offering four workshops for grant writers and associated programmatic support staff. Participants will learn tips for developing winning proposals, managing cross-disciplinary project teams, and working with foundations and industry partners. The sessions are open to GW faculty, staff, postdocs and students. Non-GW participants will be considered as space allows. There is no fee to attend, but an RSVP is required.
Session I: Foundation Grant Writing
Tuesday, November 12
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Marvin Center, 310
Session II: Successful Collaborative Projects
Tuesday, November 12
1:00 – 4:30 pm
Marvin Center, 310
Session III: Building Partnerships with Industry
Wednesday, November 13
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Marvin Center, 308
Session IV: Grant Writing at the Next Level
Wednesday, November 13
1:00 – 4:30 pm
Marvin Center, 308
Big Idea CONNECTpreneur Winter Forum
Speaker: Seth Goldman, Founder and TeaEO of Honest Tea, and Executive Chairman of Beyond Meat
Thursday, November 21
7:30 – 11:30 am
Marvin Center, Grand Ballroom.
Tickets and more information
This is a great opportunity for SEAS faculty, staff, and students to see how GW’s Office of Technology Commercialization gets your inventions before an audience of investors and experienced start-up professionals. Note: A limited number of complimentary tickets for GW students are available through Ms. Jasmine Bautista of GW’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Students who wish to apply for complimentary tickets should email Ms. Bautista and supply their name, email address, and venture name.
Human Resources News
In this month's HR Corner, SEAS HR Manager Marion Flythe-Inman shares new information on:
- How to share your GW employment stories with HR
- GW's Career Milestones Celebrations in December
The HR Corner is a web page for SEAS staff that contains HR-related news, information, and events. Marion encourages staff to visit the page to find information on GW's new time off and leave guide, events and trainings, SEAS employment opportunities, and much more.