Mona Zaghloul

Mona Zaghloul
Professor and Fellow of IEEE
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Mona Zaghloul is the director of GW’s Institute of MEMS and VLSI Technologies. She conducts research in: digital and analog design of VLSI circuits, VLSI systems applications, and the design and implementation of micro/nano-sensors using micro and nano technology. Examples of the devices on which her team works are: chemical gas sensors, biosensors, and RF-MEMS. Her research group works in collaboration with local and national laboratories and with industry. Professor Zaghloul has published over 300 technical papers in the general areas of circuits and systems, microelectronics systems design, VLSI circuits design, and MEMS/NEMS systems, and she has contributed to several books.
- Ph.D., University of Waterloo, 1975
- Computer engineering
- Microelectronics, VLSI systems, and MEMS/NEMS
- Nanotechnologies
Journal Papers (2010-2019)
- O. Tigli, L.Bivona, C. Chaterjee, M.Zaghloul, P. Berg, "Surface Acoustic Wave based Biosensor in CMOS for Cancer Biomarker Detection", the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems, BIOCAS, Volume 4, Number 1, pp62-73, February 2010.
- Farmer, T.J., Darwish, A., Zaghloul, M.E., "A 2.4 GHz SiGe HBT High Voltage/High Power Amplifier", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 20,Number 5,pp 286-288, May 2010.
- Hsu-Cheng Ou; Zaghloul, M., "Synchronous One-Pole LiNbO3 Surface Acoustic Wave Mass Sensors," IEEE Electronic Device Letters, Volume 31, Number 5, pp 518-520, May 2010.
- M. Taghioski, J. Perlow, M.E. Zaghloul, and A. Montaser, "Generation of Ultra High Frequency Air Micro Plasma Loop and Effects of Amplitude Modulation on Operation", Applied Physics Letters, 96, 191502, May 2010.
- C Chang, D. Nagel, M. Zaghloul, "Computational Methodology for Absolute Calibration Curves for Microfluidic Optical Analyses", Sensors Journal, 2010; 10(7):6730-6750, 2010.
- C. Chang, D. Nagel, T. Manuccia, M. Zaghloul,"Irradiance Dependence of Photo bleaching of Resorufin", Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, available on line http: //, 430-432, and 2011.
- C. Chang, D. Nagel, M.T. Velasquez, and M. E. Zaghloul, "Compact Optical Microfluidic Uric Acid Analysis System ", Biosensors and Bioelectronics Journal, Springer, 26 (10), 4155-4161, 2011.
- R. Proie, R. Polcawich, J. Pulskamp, Tony Ivanov, M.E.Zaghloul, "DEVELOPMENT OF A PZT MEMS SWITCH ARCHITECTURE FOR LOW-POWER DIGITAL Applications ", IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Volume20,No. 4,pp 1032-1042 August 2011.
- T. Farmer, A. Darwish, B. Huebschman, E. Viveros, H. Hung, M.E.Zaghloul, "Millimeter - wave SiGe HBT high voltage/high power architecture implementation, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components letters 21 (10), pp544-546, 2011.
- A.N. Nordin, M. Zaghloul,"RF Oscillator Implementation Using Integrated CMOS Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, On Line First February 2011.
- Paul Mubarak, T. Benhaas, M.E. Zaghloul, , " A self -Calibrating Mathematical Model of the Direct Piezoelectric Effect of a new MEMS tilt sensor", IEEE Sensors Journal, 12(5), pp1033-1042 , 2012.
- R. Pajpai, A. Motayed, A. Davydov,N.A.Sanford, K.A. Bertness, M.E.Zaghloul, "UV-Assisted ZnO functionalized GaN nanowire devices for alcohol sensing", accepted for IEEE Electron Device Letters. June2012.
- O. Tigli, M. E. Zaghloul,” Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Surface Acoustic Wave Devices in CMOS Technology”, IEEE Transaction on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2012.
- B. Zhang, C. Korman and M. Zaghloul, “Circular MAGFET Design and SNR Optimization for Magnetic Bead Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, VOL. 48, NO. 11, November 2012.
- B. Zhang, Z. Li, C. E. Korman, and M. E. Zaghloul, “Rectangular CMOS Differential MAGFET Biosensor for Magnetic Particle Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49, No. 7, July 2013.
- Bowei Zhang, Quan Dong, Can E. Korman, Zhenyu Li, and Mona E. Zaghloul, “Flexible Packaging of Solid-State Integrated Circuit Chips with Elastomeric Microfluidics”, Scientific Reports, 3, art. No.1098, 2013.
- Huachuan Wang, Mona Zaghloul, Baoxia Mi, Yongsheng Leng, and Jonathan Silver ,”Development and Evaluation of Nanotechnology Courses at The George Washington University”, J. Nano Educ. 5, 79-84 (2013). 17
- B.S. Mehta, and ME. Zaghloul, “Tuning the scattering response of the optical nano-antennas using graphene”, Photonics Journal, IEEE, Volume 6, No. 1, pp 1-8, February 2014.
- Hasan Goktas, Mona E. Zaghloul, "Tuning In-Plane Fixed-Fixed Beam Resonators with Embedded Heater in CMOS Technology," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume 36, Number 2, Febtuary 2015, pp189-192.
- Kevin Dobson, Shahrokh Ahmadi, Mona Zaghloul;” A100 MHZ 6th order Continuous Time Band –Pass Sigma Delta Modulator with Active Inductor based Resonators”, Accepted to Advances in Image and Video Processing (AVIP), Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2015, published by the Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom.
- Bhaven Mehta, Kurt Benkstein, Stephen Semancik, Mona E. Zaghloul, “ Chemical Gas Sensor Based upon Optical Nano Antenna Structures”, Nature Scientific Reports,6,21287, Feb,2016.
- T. Taghioskoui, M.E. Zaghloul, “Methane Quantification in a Mixture of Gases Mimicking the Martian Atmosphere by Miniature Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry”, the ANALYST Journal, Royal Chemical Society, DOI: 10.1039/c5an02305j, Vol. 141, March 2016.PP 2077-2084.
- Razaul Hasan, Ebuka Arinez, Arumima Singh, Vladimir Olesheko, Shiqi Guo, Asha Rani, Yan Cheng, Irina Kalisj, Mona Zaghloul, Mulpuri Rao, Nhan Nguyen, Abhishek Motayed, Albert Davy Dov, and Susanna Thon, “An Antimony Selenide Molecular Ink for Flexible Broadband Photodetector”, Advanced Electronics Materials, 2(9), 2016.
- H. Goktas, M.E. Zaghloul, “ The Implementation of Low power and wide tuning range MEMS filters for Communication and applications’, Radio Science Journal, AGU publications, 51 (10) November 2016, pp1636-1644.
- M. Taghioskoui, M.E. Zaghloul, “U –shaped Ultrahigh Frequency Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet with magnetic Loop Antenna”, IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, Volume 45, Number 1, January 2017, pp 43-53.
- H. Goktas, K. Turner, M.E. Zaghloul, “Enhancement in CMOS –MEMS resonator for highly sensitive temperature Sensing” IEEE SENSORS Journal, 17, NO. 3, February 2017, pp.598-603.
- Allan Morales and Mona E Zaghloul, “Highly Sensitive Wearable Piezoelectric Force Sensor with Quasi-Static Load Testing”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 18, issue 24, pp. 9916-9918, December 2018.
- Ken McNight, Ali Darwish, Mona Zaghloul,” A compact output Power Combiner for Broad 2,Doherty Power Amplifiers”, Electronics, 2019, Volume 8, issue 3, published March 2019, pp 275.
- Shiqi Guo, Dong Yang, Sheng Zhang, Quan Dong, Baichen Li, Nam Tran, Zhenyu Li, Xujie Xong, Mona E. Zaghloul, “Development of Cloud- Based Epidermal MoSe2 Device for Hazardous Gas Sensing”, Wiley, Advanced Functional Materials Journal, May 2019, Vol. 29, Issue 18, pp1-10, Doi: 10.1002/ adfm. 201970122.
- Shiqi Guo, Albert Davydov, Mona E Zaghloul, “Thickness –Dependent transport Properties and Photo response in MoSe2 field-effect transistor”, Submitted to Applied Physics Letters.
- Baichen Li, Quan Dong, R. Scott Dowen, Nam Tran, Jun Hunter Jackson, Dinesh Pillai, Mona Zaghloul, Zhenyu Li, “A wearable IoT Aldehyde Sensor for Pediatric Asthma Research and management”, Journal of Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Elsevier, Volume 287, 15 May 2019, pp 584-594.
- Kalisadhan Mukherjee, Ph. D.; Chinedu. E. Ekuma; Yangyang Zhao; Abhishek Maikap; Sina Najmaei; Mona E. Zaghloul,” Discrimination of 1- and 2-Propanol by Using the Transient Current Change of a Semiconducting ZnFe2O4 Chemiresistor”, Wiley, Journal of Chem Plus Chem., April 2019, Vol. 84, issue 4 PP387-391.
- Boqun Dong, Andrei Afanasev, and Rolland Johnson, “Enhancement of Photo Emission on p-Type GaAs using surface acoustic wave”, arXiv Preprint arXiv 1903-10380.
- Asha Rani, Kyle DiCamillo, Md Ashfaque Hossain Kahn, Makarand Paranjap, Mona E. Zaghloul, “Tuning the Polarity of MoTe2 FET by varying the channel Thickness for Gas Sensing Applications”, Journal of Sensors, Volume 19, Issue 11, page 2551, 2019.
- Yangyang Zhao, Kalisadhan Mukherjee, Kurt Benkstein, Libin Sun, Kristen L. Steffens, Christopher B. Montgomery, Steve Semancik, and Mona E. Zaghloul, “Miniaturized Nanohole Array Based Plasmonic Sensor for the detection of Acetone, and Ethanol with Insight into the Kinetics of Adsorptive Plasmonic sensing”, the Journal of Royal Society of Chemistry, Nanoscale. May 2019. DOI: 10.1039/c9nr03578h.
- Boqun Dong, and Mona E. Zaghloul, “Generation and Enhancement of Surface Acoustic Waves on Highly Doped p-Type GaAs Substrate”; October 2019, the Journal of Royal Society of Chemistry, Advanced , Nanoscale. Nanoscale.
Conference Papers (2010-2019)
- Farmer, T. J.,Darwish, A., Zaghloul,M., E., " A 30 GHz SiGe HBT High Voltage/High Power Amplifier Simulation Technique", Proceedings of the 2010 GOMAC -Tech-Government Microcircuit Applications and critical Technology Conference, March 2010.
- Cheng-Hsu Ou, M. Zaghloul, "The SAW Resonators on LiNbo3 for Mass -Sensing Applications", Proceedings of the IEEE Circuits and Systems, ISCAS2010, May 31-June 2, 2010, Paris, France.
- M. Taghioskoui, J. Perlow, M. E. Zaghloul, A. Montaser, "Development of Air Micro Plasma Source using A magnetic Loop with operation at Modulated Ultra High Frequencies ", 37th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science( ICOPS), Norfolk, VA, June 2010.
- Farid Hassani, Shahrokh Ahmadi, Can Korman, and Mona Zaghloul, "A SAW -based liquid Sensor with Identification for Wireless Applications", Proceedings of the IEEE Circuits and Systems, ISCAS2010, May 31-June 2, 2010, Paris, France
- O. Tigli, M. Zaghloul, "Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of CMOS-SAW Sensors", Nanotech Conference& Expo, June 21-24, Anaheim, CA, 2010.
- O. Tigli, M. Zaghloul, "Surface Acoustic Wave ( SAW) Biosensors " Invited to Special Session in the IEEE MWSCAS10, August 2010.
- B. Zhang, M. E. Zaghloul, "Design of Surface Acoustic SAW Filters with low Insertion Loss", IEEE MWSCAS10, August 2010.
- B. Zhang, C.E. Korman, M.E. Zaghloul, "Novel Hall Effect CMOS Sensor" IEEE Sensors Conference, October 2010.
- Marjan Nabili, Mohammedreza, Sankara Meesh, Ji Liu, David Beylyea, Craig Geist, Vesna Zderic, Mona Zaghloul, "Surface Acoustic Wave Devices for Ocular Drug Delivery", IEEE Ultrasonic Conference December 2010.
- Gupta, S. Ahmadi, M.E. Zaghloul, "A 400 MHz Delta -Sigma Modulator for band pass IF Digitization Around 100MHz with Excess Loop Delay Compensation", IEEE Proceedings of the International Circuits and Systems Conference, ISCAS, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, May 2011.
- R. Proie, J. Pulskamp, R. Polcawich, T. Ivanov, M. E. Zaghloul, "Low power 3-Bit Piezoelectric MEMS Analog to Digital Converter", MEMS 2011, Cancun, MEXICO, January 23-27, 2011, pp 1241-1344.
- R. Proie, R. Polcawich, J. Pulskamp, T. Ivanov, M. Zaghloul, "NANO-Electromechanical Storage Element for Low Power Complementary Logic Architecture Using PZT Switches', Transducers 2011, June 5-9, 2011, Beijing, China.
- R. Proie, R. Polcawich, J. Pulskamp, T. Ivanov, M. Zaghloul, "High Speed Single Cycle Resolution Reliability System for RF-MEMS Switches", IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Baltimore June 5-10 2011.
- R. Proie, R. Polcawich, J. Pulskamp, T. Ivanov, M. Zaghloul, "Development of a PZT MEMS Switch Architecture Intended for Low Power Digital Applications", Proceedings of GOMAC Tech 2011, Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, March 21-24, 2011.
- T. Farmer, A. Darwish,E. Viveiros, A. Hung, M.E.Zaghloul, "Device Architecture for Millimeter -Wave Power Amplifiers Using SiGe HBTs", Proceedings GOMACTech 2011, Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, March 21-24, 2011.
- T. Farmer, A. Darwish,E. Viveiros, A. Hung, M.E.Zaghloul,"SiGe HBT Stacked Power Amplifier at Millimeter Wave ",Proceedings GOMACTech 2011, Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, March 21-24, 2011.
- M. Taghioskoui, M. Zaghloul, A. Montaser, "Tongue-Shaped Ultrahigh Frequency Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet", proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science( ICOPS), Chicago, Il, June 2011.
- R. Proie, R. Polcawich, J. Pulskamp, T. Ivanov, M. E. Zaghloul, " NANO-Electromechanical Storage Element for Low Power Complementary Logic Architecture Using PZT Switches", Transducers 2011, June 5-9, 2011, Beijing, China.
- T. Farmer, A. Darwish,E. Viveiros, A. Hung, M. E. Zaghloul, " Device Architecture for Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers Using SiGe HBTs", Proceedings GOMACTech 2011, Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, March 21-24, 2011.
- F. Sidek, A.N. Nordin, M.E.Zaghloul, "Development of an RF-CMOS surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) resonator", IEEE MWSCAS 2011, Seoul, South Korea, August 7-10, 2011,
- R. Pajpai, A. Davydov, A. Motayed, " Nano wire Chemical Gas Sensors": Material Research Science conference, MRS, Boston, November 2011.
- B. Zhang, Q. Yuan, Z. Li, M. Zaghloul, " Single Photon Detection for Chemical Biosensor" ISDRS, UMD, December 7-11, 2011.
- B. Mehta, M.E. Zaghloul, " Graphene as Photo Biosensor", ISDRS , UMD, December 7-11, 2011.
- T. Farmer, A. Darwish,E. Viveiros, A. Hung, M. E. Zaghloul, " SiGe- ", ISDRS, December 7-11, 2011.
- B. Zhang, Q. Yuan, Z. Li, M. Zaghloul, "Single Photon Detection for Chemical Biosensor", China Conference, January 2012.
- B. Zhang, Q. Yuan, Z. Li, M. Zaghloul, “Single Photon Avalanche Diode in Standard CMOS 0.5m technology”, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium ISDRS, UMD, December 7- 11, 2011.
- B.W. Zhang, C.P. Chang, Q.C. Yuan, Z.Y. Li, M.E. Zaghloul, “Point-of-care HIV Diagnostic System on CMOS & Microfluidic Hybrid Platform”, BHI 2012, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, 2-7 Jan, 2012.
- B.W. Zhang, Z.Y. Li, and M. E. Zaghloul, “ PDMS Packaging of CMOS Biosensors for point-of care Molecule Diagnostic” Electronic Components and Technology Conference, San Diego, May 30-June 1, 2012. 33
- T. Farmer, A. Darwish, E. Viverous, A. Hung, M.E. Zaghloul,”94 GHZ Power Amplifier Device Architecture in SiGe for active Phase Arrays”, a the IEEE Antenna & Propagation Conference, July 2012. 208.B. Zhang, C. Korman, Z. Li, M.E. Zaghloul, “Circular MAGFET Design and SNR Optimization for Magnetic Bead Detection”, IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 7-11, 2012.
- B. Zhang, Z. Li and M. Zaghloul, “Simulation and Characterization of Geiger Mode Avalanche Photon Diode in N-Well CMOS Process,” 11th IEEE Sensor Conference, Taiwan, Nov. 2012.
- Q.Yuan, B. Zhang, J. Wu and M. Zaghloul, “A High Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter on FPGA for Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting,” IEEE MWSCAS, August 2012, Boise, Idaho.
- T. Farmer, A. Darwish, E. Viverous, A. Hung, M.E. Zaghloul,”94 GHZ Power Amplifier Device Architecture in SiGe for active Phase Arrays”, IEEE Antenna & Propagation Conference, July 2012.
- S. Trocchia, T. Ivanov, M.E. Zaghloul,” Graphene FET large scale compact modeling compatible with Circuits Simulations for RF Applications”, International conference on simulation of Semiconductor processes and devices, July 2012.
- P. Moubarak, D. Barsky, P. Ben-Tzvi, M. Zaghloul, A Self-Calibrating Temperature Independent Model of a Bi-Axial Piezoelectric MEMS Tilt Sensor, in Proceedings of SPIE Defense Security & Sensing, Micro & Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems and Applications IV, June 2012, Baltimore, MD, 8373-93
- B. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Korman, M.E. Zaghloul, “Rectangular CMOS Differential MAGFET Biosensor for Magnetic Particle Detection,” IEEE Conference Inter Magnetic, Chicago, Illinois, January 2013.
- B. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Korman, M.E. Zaghloul, “Flexible Packaging and Integration of CMOS with elastomeric microfluidic “, Proceedings of SPIE Defense Security & Sensing, Micro & Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems and Applications, SPIE DSS, Baltimore MD, May, 2013.
- V. Ikonomidou, R. Newcomb, M. Zaghloul, “ Biosensor Properties of Flexible Poly Vinyl Dene Fluoride, ACM, International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environment, May 29-31, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2013, Rodes, Greece.
- B. Mehta, M. Zaghloul, “Tuning Antenna with Graphene”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and USNC/URSI national Radio Science meeting, July 7-13, 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA. (Student best paper Finalist).
- K. McKnight, M. Zaghloul, “GaN Non-Linear Modeling for Ka Band Resistive Mixer Design”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and USNC/URSI national Radio Science meeting, July 7-13, 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- K. Dobson, S. Ahmadi, M. Zaghloul, “ A 6th order continuous Time Band –Pass Sigma Delta Analog to Digital Modulator with Active Inductor Resonator”, IEEE MWSCAS, Columbus Ohio, August 2013.
- N. Seafino, M. E. Zaghloul, “Nanoscale Memristor Device as Synapse in Neuromorphic Systems Overview”, IEEE MWSCAS, Columbus, Ohio, August2013.
- H. Goktas, M. Zaghloul, “ Ultra High Temperature, Ultra Low thermal stress, low power consumption and small response time micro hotplate (MHP) “ Sensors-Com, IARIA, Barcelona, 34 Spain, August 25-31, 2013. Proceeding of Seventh International Conference on Sensors Technology and Applications, ISBN: 978-1-61208-035-2.
- H. Goktas, M. Zaghloul, “ High Sensitivity CMOS portable Biosensor with Flexible Microfluidic Integration”, the IEEE Sensors Conference, the Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2013 Conference, November 3-6, 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA.
- Mehta. B, Zaghloul. M; “Plasmonic Antennas based Gas sensor using Graphene”, ISDRS 2013, December 2013, Bethesda MD, USA.
- Boqun Dong, Andrea Efanasev, Mona Zaghloul,” Modeling and Simulation of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Solar Cells in SILVACO TCAD”, 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, June 8-13, 2014.
- Bhaven Mehta, Mona E. Zaghloul, “ Plasmonic Nano Antenna Application in Chemical Gas Sensor”, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation & USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, July 6-11, 2014, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
- K. McKnight, M. Zaghloul, “Broadband Sequential Power Amplifier Design with a Tunable Coplanar Waveguide Structure" “, URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China, August 16-23, 2014.2014.
- Bhaven Mehta, Mona E. Zaghloul; “Effect of Rounding on The Sensitivity of Optical Antenna Based Sensors”, IEEE Sensors 2014, Valencia Conference Centre, Valencia, Spain November 2-5, 2014.
- [Paper Presentation] Tony Ivanov, Leonard De La Cruz, A. Glen Birdwell, James D. Weil, Pavel Borodulin, Nabil El-Hinnawy, Mathew King, Robert M. Young, and Mona Zaghloul, Power Handling of GeTe RF Switches, GOMACTEC ,St. Louis, MO, March 23-26,2015, This research work is in collaboration with the Army Research Laboratory, and Northrop Grumman Corporation. Leo De la Cruz is PhD Student of Professor Zaghloul. He is on Fellowship from the Navy to do the work.
- Hasan Gakotas, Mona Zaghloul; “TUNING CMOS-MEMS RESONATORS WITH EMBEDDED HEATER" 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC), Gran Canaria, Spain, May 18 - 22, 2015.
- Tony Ivanov, Leonard De La Cruz, et al. “Power Handling of GeTe RF Switches” GomacTech 2015
- B. Mehta, M.E. Zaghloul, “Sensing Mechanism in Optical Nano Antenna”, IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and North American Radio Science, July 19-24,2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- H. Goktas, M. Zaghloul, “ CMOS-MEMS Novel Resonator for Filter Tuning”, IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 2-5, 2015, Fort Collins, Colorado USA.
- Leonard De La Cruz, Tony Ivanov, M.E. Zaghloul. “Reduction of Thermal Power Consumption in GeTe RF Switches” GomacTech 2016.
- Glen A. Birdwell, and Leonard De La Cruz, M.E. Zaghloul, "Exploring Materials Evolution in Phase Change RF Switches Using Raman Imaging". Workshop Section at the 2016 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2016), 22-27, May 2016 San Francisco, CA, USA.
- B. Dong, S. Guo, A. Afanasev, M. E. Zaghloul, “Simulation of Properties of quantum dots in high – efficiency GaAs solar cells”, IEEE 43 Photovoltaic Specialists conference (PVSC), June 2016, pp2087-2090.
- Leonard De La Cruz, Tony Ivanov, M.E. Zaghloul. “Germanium Telluride Reconfigurable Antennas” July-2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, 2016 URSI Asia –pacific Radio Science Conference, pp 1921-1924. (Presented by M.E. Zaghloul).
- Boqun Dong, Shiqi Guo, Mona Zaghloul,” Simulations of energy-bands bending effect and carriers transportation in semiconductor with propagating Surface Acoustic Waves”, August 2016, URSI Asia- Pacific Radio Science Conference (URSI AP-RASC)): 10.1109/URSIAP-RASC.2016.7601218, pp 1921-1924.
- B. Mehta, M. Zaghloul, “Comparison between electric field for plasmonic dipole and bow tie ONA structures”, IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and propagation (APSURSI), June –July 2016, pp 989-990.
- A. Darwish, K. McKnight, M. E. Zaghloul, E. Viveiros, A. Hung, “ Simple Broadband Gysel Combiner with single coupled Line”, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, May 2016. San Francisco, CA, pp 1-4, DOI: 10. 1109/MWSYM 2016.754029.
- S. Guo, A. Arabi, S. Krylyuk, A. Davy Dov, M. Zaghloul; “Fabrication and Characterization of Humidity Sensors based on CVD Grown MoS2 Thin Film”; IEEE Nanotechnology Conference, Pittsburgh, Penn., July 2017.
- Robert Young, Pavel Borodulin, Mona Zaghloul, Tony Ivanov, Nabil El-Hinnawy, Mathew King, Leonard De La Cruz, Sami Hawasili; “ Investigation of ON-State Power Handling Dependence on Number of Cycles for Germanum Telluride RF Switches”; IEEE-MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Hawaii, Honolulu June 2017.
- Sina PourJabar, M.E. Zaghloul,” Design and Simulation of Nano Plasmonic Biosensors”, IEEE MIDWEST Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Boston, August 2-5, 2017.
- Leonard De La Cruz, A. Glen Birdwell, Mona Zaghloul, and Tony G. Ivanov ; “ Ge Te Phase Change Research at the US Army Research Laboratory”, IEEE –MTTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Philadelphia, PA, June 10-15, 2018.Extended version of the Paper was selected to be included in IEEE Transaction MTT.
- Libin Sun, Mona E. Zaghloul;” High Frequency SAW resonators, simulations, and optimizations for Chemical Gas Sensors”; IEEE-URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Canary Islands, Spain, 28-31st May 2018, (Paper Presented by M.E. Zaghloul).
- Yangyang Zhao, Yigal Lilach, Mona E. Zaghloul; “ Design and Fabrication of Plasmonic Gas Sensor”, Accepted to IEEE-Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to appear in the IEEE Proceedings of IEEE- MWSCAS, August 2018. Paper Won 1st place in Student Competition.
- Paranjape, Can Korman, Mona Zaghloul; “Control of polarity in multilayer MoTe2 field effect transistors by channel thickness”, accepted paper presented August 21, 2018, in Part of SPIE conference on Nanoscience and Engineering.
- Kalisadhan Mukherjee, Mona Zaghloul, “Detection and discrimination of isomeric volatile 42 organics on the surface of zinc ferrite chemi-resistor”; accepted to the 256th American Chemical Society, ACS National Meeting in Boston, MA to be held August 19- 23,2018.
- Asha Rani, Kyle Dicamillo, Sergiy Kylyuk, Albert Davydov, Rattan Debnath, Payam Taheri, Makarand Paranjape, Can Korman, Mona Zaghloul, “Control of Polarity in Multilayer MoTe2 field-effect Transistor by channel Thickness”, Low Dimensional Materials and devices, 2018, Volume 107, pages 1072515, Sept. 11, 2018
- Quan Dong, Baichen Li, Zhenyu Li, and Mona E Zaghloul; “Clouded-based Wearable and Stationary Sensors for Monitoring Air Pollution Exposure in Pediatric Asthma Research “, ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Annual Meeting in Ottawa, Canada, 26-30 August 2018.
- Boqun Dong, Mona Zaghloul, Andrei Afanasev, and Rolland P. Johnson; “Surface Acoustic Wave Enhancement of Photocathodes”, 2018 IPAC conference, July 29-August 1st, 2018, Alexandria, VA.
- Yangyang Zhao, Mona E. Zaghloul Yigal Lilach, Kurt Benkstein, Steve Semancik, “Metal Organic Coated Optical VOC Gas Sensor”; 2018 IEEE Photonics Conference, 30 September-4 October 2018, Reston, VA, USA.
- Reza Karimian Bahnemiri, Sajjad Travati , Shahrokh Ahmadi, Mona Zaghloul; “ Nonreciprocal radiation Pattern Metasurface Transformer”; 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, July 7-12, 2019, Atlanta Georgia, USA.
- Shiqi Gui, Dong Yang, Baichen Li, Quan Dong, Zhenyu Li, Mona Zaghloul; “ An Artificial Intelligent Flexible Gas Sensor based on Ultra Large Area MoSe2 Nanosheet”; (invited), 2019 IEEE MWSCAS, July 5-7, Dallas , Texas, USA.
- Quan Dong, Baichen Li, R. Scott Downee, Nam Tran, Elizabeth Chorvinsky, Dinesh Pillai, Mona Zaghloul, and Zhenyu Li, “Wearable and Stationary point -of-care IOT Air Pollution Sensors for Pediatric Asthma Research and management”, IEEE Health Care conference with NIH. October 2019.
- Elected National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow, December 2017.
- Certificate of Appreciation from the National Science Foundation, January 2017, for serving as Program Director at the Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS). From Jan. 2014- Dec. 2016.
- BEST paper award for IEEE MWSCAS Conference, Myril Reed Award, August 2019.
- First Prize, GWU Research and Development Show February 19, 2014, for SEAS Graduate Students. Graduate Student: Bhaven Mehta, Research Project: Highly sensitive gas sensor using plasmonic antennas, Advisor: Prof. Mona Zaghloul.
- Third Prize, GWU Research and Development Show February 19, 2014, for SEAS Graduate Students. Graduate Student Hasan Goktas, Research Project: The novel resonator cell (RC) for both portable biosensor and high-quality filter for cell phones, Advisor: Prof. Mona Zaghloul.
- IEEE Life Fellow 2013, IEEE Fellow1996, for leadership in education and research in Integrated Circuit design and their applications to Neural Networks.
- Second Prize, GWU School of Engineering Research Show Case, April 2012, Graduate Student Ritu Bajpai Topic: UV-Assisted ZnO functionalized GaN nanowire devices for Chemical Gas Sensors. Advisor: Prof. Mona Zaghloul.
- Distinguished Research Award 2010, School of Engineering and Applied Science, the George Washington University, Washington DC, AY 2010-2011.
- Best Paper Award by Department of the Navy, 2010 Annual Research Publications Award paper title “Design and performance of simple, room temperature Gallium Oxide Nanowire Gas Sensor”, paper published in the Applied Physical Letters, 95,103102, 2009.
- Elected IEEE Sensors Council President 2008-2009.
- Graduate Student Mazdak Taghioskoui received the following awards on the Micro-Plasma work, Co-Supervisors: Mona Zaghloul and A. Montaser: * First-Prize Award for Washington Society of Engineers/Young Engineer Prize 2008 Paper Competition. * 2008 First-Prize Award for DCCEAS (District of Columbia Council of Engineering and Architectural Societies Paper Competition.
- Honorary Doctor of Engineering, honoris causa, University of Waterloo, Canada, June 2007, recognition of academic career in the international electrical engineering community and in celebration of the University 50the anniversary. Dr. Zaghloul was the first woman to earn PhD in Engineering at University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1975.
- 2007 Best Paper Award in IEEE Sensors Journal: I. Voiculoescu, M.E. Zaghloul, A. McGill, G. Fedder, “ Electrically Actuated Resonant Micro cantilever in CMOS Technology for Detection of Chemical Weapons” the IEEE Sensors Journal, Special Issue on Sensors for Prevention of Terrorist Acts, Vol. 5, No. 4, August 2005, pp. 641-647.
- Recipient of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Jubilee Golden Medal for outstanding contribution to the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, May 2000.
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2000-2002.
- Recipient – Certification of Appreciation from IEEE Circuits and Systems Society for Service as General Chair of the Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems 1992.
Technical Accomplishments
Published 110 Journal papers, and 250 conference proceedings paper in the areas of Circuits and Systems, MEMS/NEMS, Sensors design with circuits interface
Supervised 41 PhD thesis and 27 Master thesis.
Contributed to 10 US patents
Coedited Three Books
- “Silicon Implementation of Pulse Coded Neural Networks,” co-editor, M. E. Zaghloul, J. Meador and R. W. Newcomb, Kluwer Academic Books, 1994.
- “Design and Testing Guides for the CMOS and Lateral bipolar-on SOI test Library”; National Institute of Standard and Technology, Washington, 1994.
- “Nano cantilever Beams: Modeling, Fabrication and Applications”, Ioana Voiculescu, and Mona Zaghloul (Editors), Pan Stanford Publishing, ISBN978-981-4613-23-1, 2016.
- M. Zaghloul, et al., SAW Devices, Process for Making them, and Methods of use, Application for U.S. Patent through GWU, U.S. patent No.US008143681.
- O. Tigli, M. Zaghloul, Novel Circular Surface Acoustic Wave in CMOS technology, Application for U.S. Patent through GWU, U.S. Patent No Patent No.US08018010