Michael Keidar

Michael Keidar
A. James Clark Professor of Engineering
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Professor Michael Keidar's Micropropulsion and Nanotechnology Lab conducts advanced fundamental and applied research in plasma medicine, micropropulsion for micro and nanosatellites, and plasma nanoscience and nanotechnology. Current projects include a cold plasma application for wound healing; cold plasma cancer therapy; the synthesis of single-wall carbon nanotubes with controlled conductivity; the synthesis of graphene with controlled numbers of layers; and the manufacturing of ultracapacitor devices based on nanotubes and graphene, micro-cathode thrusters for nano satellites, and multi-scale plasma simulations.
Professor Keidar is an affiliated faculty member of the Global Food Institute at GW.
- Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, 1997
- Aerospace engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- Fluid mechanics, thermal science and energy
- Mechanical engineering
- Nanotechnologies
- Propulsion
Selected Recent Publications
- M. Keidar, Plasma for Cancer Treatment (TOPICAL REVIEW), Plasma Source Science & Technology, 2015, 24 (2015) 033001.
- X. Fang, A. Shashurin, G. Teel and M. Keidar, Determining synthesis region of the single-wall carbon nanotubes in arc plasma volume, Carbon, vol. 107, pp. 273-280, 2016.
- D. Yan, J. Sherman and M. Keidar, Cold Atmospheric Plasma: A Novel Promising Anti-cancer Treatment Modality, Oncotarget, Vol. 8, pp. 15977-15995, 2017.
- D. Yan, H. Xiao, W. Zhu, N. Nourmohammadi, L. G. Zhang, K. Bian, M. Keidar, The role of aquaporins in the anti-glioblastoma capacity of the cold plasma-stimulated medium", J. Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 50, 055401, 2017.
- I.Schweigert and M. Keidar, Periodical plasma structures controlled by external magnetic field, Plasma Source Science & Technology, 26 (2017) 064001.
- M. Laroussi, X. Lu, and M. Keidar, Perspective: The Physics, Diagnostics, and Applications of Low-Temperature Plasma Sources Used in Plasma Medicine, Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 020901 (2017).
- I. Levchenko, K. Bazaka, M. Keidar S. Xu, J. Fang, Hierarchical Multi-Component Inorganic Metamaterials: Intrinsically Driven Self-Assembly at Nanoscale, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1702226
- M. Keidar, D. Yan, I.I. Beilis, B. Trink and J. Sherman, Plasmas for Treating Cancer: Opportunities for Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Approaches, Trends in Biotechnology, 2017, advanced publication.