Faculty News
Prof. Gabe Parmer (CS) has been awarded a two-year, nearly $600,000 small business grant (STTR) through the Office of Naval Research for his group's work with Charles River Analytics. Prof. Parmer is the PI on this Phase II grant, which enables continued research into the embedded architecture for cyber-resilience to secure our physical infrastructure. This work is based on a combination of operating system support for behavior tracing and recovery combined with machine-learning techniques for anomaly detection. It is being applied to satellite software by an undergraduate cohort through the GW SUPER program.
Conferences & Presentations:
On April 26, Prof. David Broniatowski (EMSE) was a panelist at the Strategic Multilayer Assessment conference, held at Joint Base Andrews in Prince George's County, MD. The name of the panel was “Social Media... Fatigue or Here to Stay?”
Prof. Rumana Riffat’s research group (CEE) participated in the Water Environment Federation’s Residual and Biosolids Conference 2017, held April 8-11 in Seattle, WA. Her graduate students presented the following papers:
1. “Mechanistically Understanding the Dewatering Fundamentals: Impact of Biological Systems & Thermal Hydrolysis on Cake TS & Polymer Demand,” presented by MS student Mahmudul Hasan;
2. “Does Operation at Increased Ammonia Concentration Impact Hydrolysis Rates?” presented by Ph.D. student Baoqiang Li; and
3. “Can Hydrolysis Limitation Be Overcome Through Understanding the Impact of Physics in Anaerobic Digestion?” presented by MS student Elizabeth Manning.
Prof. Volker Sorger (ECE) gave an invited talk titled “Strong Index Control in Graphene and TMDs for Electro-optic Modulation” at the Material Research Society spring meeting, held April 21 in Phoenix AZ. He also was invited to give the ECE departmental seminar at Arizona State University and the University of California, Santa Barbara on April 17 and 19, respectively.
Student News
Congratulations to MAE students Shankar Kulumani and Samantha Hurley, who both won awards at the 7th Annual SSPI Student Competition, held April 29 in Leesburg, VA. Shankar won the “Most Innovative” award for “Spacecraft Trajectory Design near Asteroid 4769 Castalia,” and Samantha won the “Best Presentation” award for “Linear Actuated Micro-Cathode Arc Thruster System.”
Staff News
Mary Harvey joins the SEAS Development team today as associate director. She has worked in non-profit fundraising for more than 14 years, and before joining SEAS she worked on the Principal Gifts team in GW’s central development office for six years. Her experience working in diverse areas of non-profit fundraising includes universities, theaters, and museums. Mary has a passion for philanthropy and enjoys working in a field that lets her connect people with their philanthropic interests. As associate director of development at SEAS, she will manage a portfolio of major-gift prospects and donors that enables her to engage with the SEAS alumni community and cultivate potential support for the school. Mary earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Mount St. Mary’s University and her Master of Arts degree in early modern European history from The Catholic University of America. Graduate School brought Mary to Washington, D.C., where she has made her home for the past 10 years.
SEAS Events
BME Seminar: “Teaching Social Skills with Social Robots”
Speaker: Dr. Brian Scassellati, Yale University
Monday, May 1
4:00 – 5:00 pm
SEH, B1220
Traffic and Granular Flow Conference (TGF17)
Wednesday – Saturday, July 19-22
TGF17 will be hosted at GW and chaired by Prof. Samer Hamdar (CEE). The conference is interdisciplinary, and faculty from all SEAS departments may submit abstracts. The deadline for abstract submission is March 30. Authors of approved abstracts will have the opportunity to submit a manuscript that will be published as a book chapter by Elsevier. Selected manuscripts will be submitted to be published in a special issue of the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, of which Prof. Hamdar is the special issue editor. All details of the conference can be found on the conference website.
Carreer Center Events
Spring 2017 SEAS Undergraduate Career Development
Walk-in hours (no appointment needed): Wednesdays & Thursdays 5:00 – 7:00 pm
And by appointment
SEH, 1630
Other Events
Emerging Technologies Student Leaders Conference
Sunday-Wednesday, May 14-17
Gaylord National Convention Center, Washington, DC
The Student Leaders Conference brings together undergraduate nano and emerging technologies student group representatives from across the United States. It highlights undergraduate research and connects students with entrepreneurs, industry leaders, venture capitalists, and representatives of federal agencies funding research in emerging technologies. The conference is sponsored by TechConnect, in partnership with student groups from across the country. More information