Faculty News
Prof. Tom Mazzuchi (EMSE) and his former student Selda Kapan recently published the following paper: "Bayesian calculation of optimal burn-in time using the joint criteria of cost and delivered reliability," Selda Kapan Ulusoy, Thomas A. Mazzuchi, Dror Perlstein, Quality and Reliability Engineering International Volume 27, Issue 4, pages 569-580, June 2011
Conferences & Presentations:
Profs. Elias Balaras and Michael Plesniak (MAE) served as invited panelists at the FDA Public Workshop on Reprocessing of Reusable Medical Devices on June 9. The panel discussed the role of experiments and simulations in biomedical device design and evaluation.
Prof. Andrew Cutler (MAE) and his doctoral student Gaetano Magnotti gave presentations at the 10th ECONOS Conference/30th CARS Workshop, University of Twente, Holland, May 22-25. The presentations are titled "Dual-Pump CARS Applications to Supersonic Combustion" (invited talk) and "Saturation Effects in Dual-Pump CARS."
Prof. Shelly Heller (CS) presented a talk, "Rubber Balls and Glass Balls: Work-Life Balance for Women in STEM Fields," at the NSF Joint Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
Prof. Michael Stankosky (EMSE) was a keynote speaker at Smart E-Learning Russia 2011 International Education Forum, where he made a June 8 presentation on knowledge management and smart e-learning. On June 7 he was the moderator of a round table discussion on knowledge management in the 21st century at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics.
Two undergraduate interns have arrived from the Ecole Superieure D'Ingenieurs de Poitiers in France to work in the area of energy. They will work with Profs. Philippe Bardet and Charles Garris (MAE) over the summer on a project involving the use of liquid metals to provide thermal energy storage. Their names are Aurelie Boffo and Vincent Caroff.
Prof. Michael Plesniak (MAE chair) and MAE undergraduate student Seth Libby attended the symposium The Space Shuttle: An Engineering Milestone in Atlanta, GA, on June 6-8.
SEAS Events
MAE Colloquium: "Intelligent Continuum Surgical Slaves"
Nabil Simaan, Vanderbilt University
Monday, September 26
2:00 pm
736 Phillips Hall
More info...
Dissertation Defenses
Name of Student Defending: Abdullah Kayi
Title of Dissertation: "An Efficient Cache Coherence Mechanism for Chip Multiprocessors"
Department: ECE
Friday, June 17
11:00 am
640 Phillips Hall