January 30 - February 5, 2017


January 30, 2017

Faculty News

Awards & Honors:

Prof. Michael Keidar (MAE) has been selected to receive the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2017 Engineer of the Year Award. The award is presented to a member of AIAA who has made a recent individual contribution in the application of scientific and mathematical principles leading to a significant accomplishment or event worthy of AIAA’s national or international recognition. Prof. Keidar’s citation reads, “For significant contributions to fundamentals and applications of electric propulsion, particularly micro-propulsion for small satellites.” The award will be presented in July.


On December 13, 2016, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued U.S. Patent No. 9,517,847 B2 to Prof. Michael Keidar (MAE), his former post-doc Alexey Shashurin, and former Ph.D. student Taisen Zhuang for “Micro-Cathode Thruster and a Method of Increasing Thrust Output for a Micro-Cathold Thruster.”


Dr. Feras Batarseh (adjunct faculty, CS) has published the following paper: F. A. Batarseh, R. Yang, and L. Deng. “A comprehensive model for management and validation of federal big data analytical systems,” Journal of Big Data Analytics, 2017, 2:2. The paper introduces the Federal Model for Data Management and Validation (FedDMV).

Prof. Mona Zaghloul (ECE) has published two journal papers with her former Ph.D. students: 1) M. Taghioskoui and M. E. Zaghloul. “U–shaped Ultrahigh Frequency Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet with Magnetic Loop Antenna,” IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, vol. 45, no. 1, January 2017, pp 43-53; and 2) H. Goktas, K. Turner, and M. E. Zaghloul. “Enhancement in CMOS –MEMS Resonator for High Sensitive Temperature Sensing,” IEEE SENSORS Journal, 17, no. 3, February 2017, pp.598-603.

Other News:

For the third year in a row, the paper “ Cooling factor for magnetic refrigeration systems ,” published in the journal Cogent Physics, has been recognized as the journal’s “most popular article.” The authors include current members and alumni of GW’s Institute for Magnetics Research: Mohammadreze Ghahremani, Prof. Larry BennettProf. Edward Della TorreMaryam Ovichi, and Arthur Nwokoye.

Prof. Michael Plesniak (MAE) has accepted an invitation to join the Board of Directors of the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE), which was established in July 2014 to promote the science and applications of thermal and fluids engineering and related disciplines. ASTFE aligns itself with globally collaborative activities in the traditional areas of heat transfer and fluids engineering, as well as in emerging areas such as those related to energy, environmental sustainability, manufacturing, thermal management, and micro- and nano-scale transport phenomena.

Student News









The SEAS Baja Team displayed its 2016 competition vehicle at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Government/Industry Meeting, held January 25 at the Washington DC Convention Center. SAE Baja is an annual collegiate competition that puts student-designed and student-built vehicles through a series of demanding vehicle performance tests, including a grueling four-hour, off-road endurance race. The SEAS Baja Team is building a new vehicle for the upcoming 2017 Baja Kansas competition in late May. Prof. Murray Snyder (MAE) is the faculty adviser to the team. SEAS students in the photo are (left to right): Daniel Oler, Aaron Patron, Feng Xiang (top), Louis Camacho, Delon Etzel, and Jacari Matthews.

Other News

MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS workshops and tutoring: SEAS Computing Facility will hold a series of workshops covering MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS programming through April 1. The workshops will be held in Tompkins 405 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.


  • February 4 : Introduction & Data Structures
  • February 18: MATLAB Programming Basics I
  • March 4 : MATLAB Programming Basics II
  • March 18: Figures & 3D Plotting
  • April 1: Linear Equation & ODE Solving



  • February 11 : Introduction and sketching
  • February 25: Extrusion and work planes
  • March 11 : Special features
  • March 25: Assembly basics


MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS tutoring also will be offered from 1:00 to 5:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Tompkins 401. To schedule a tutoring appointment, please email [email protected] . The MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS workshops and tutoring will be hosted by SEAS graduate student Makan Payandehazad.

Introduction to Linux: SEAS Computing Facility will hold two workshops covering Linux fundamentals in Tompkins Hall 411 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm on the following dates:

January 28 : Introduction to Linux - Part 1
This workshop covers an introduction to: Linux; text editing; system variables; Linux commands; and file systems and permissions.

February 4: Introduction to Linux - Part 2
This workshop covers an introduction to: modules; SSH and communicating with other machines; public/private key generation and .ssh/config; SFTP, SCP, and file transfer; and porting X11 sessions to your local machine.

The Linux workshops will be hosted by SEAS Computing Facility Systems Engineers Marco Suarez, Hadi Mohammadi, and Jason Hurlburt. Please email [email protected] with any questions or comments. 

High Performance Computing: SEAS Computing Facility, in collaboration with the Colonial One HPC support team, will hold a series of workshops on High Performance Computing. The workshops will leverage Colonial One, GW's Central HPC cluster. The remaining workshops will be held in Tompkins 405 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm on the following dates:

February 3 : Workshop 1
This workshop will cover: logging in; navigating the shell; modules, environment variables and .profile; how to submit job script; quotas; purges; and file transfer and management (scp, globus, and Lustre vs. NFS, including Lustre striping, inodes, and simple job submission script).

February 17: Workshop 2
This workshop will address working with SLURM and checkpointing. Topics related to SLURM include: sinfo, salloc, squeue, scancel, sbatch, sshare, sprio, srun; scripting submit files; how fair share works; and common job errors.

March 3 : Workshop 3
This workshop will cover: MPI; OpenMP; Python package management; and Allinea.

The HPC workshops will be hosted by the Colonial One HPC support team: SEASCF (Marco Suarez, Jason Hurlburt, Zhen Ni); CCAS OTS (Glen MacLachlan); and DIT (Adam Wong). Pre-requisites for the workshop: you must have a Colonial One account, familiarity with programing languages, and Linux fundamentals knowledge. If you are unfamiliar with Linux, please attend the Introduction to Linux workshops on January 28 and February 4. Please email [email protected] with any questions or comments. 


SEAS Events

BME Seminar: “MRI of Myocardial Strain: Recent Technological Advances and Clinical Applications”
Speaker: Dr. Fred Epstein, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia
Tuesday, January 31
3:00 – 4:00 pm
SEH, B1220

SEAS Student R&D Showcase
Wednesday, February 22
SEH, Lobby and Lower Level

Carreer Center Events

Spring 2017 SEAS Undergraduate Career Development
Walk-in hours (no appointment needed): Wednesdays & Thursdays 5:00 – 7:00 pm
And by appointment
SEH, 1630

External Events

Innovative Lives: A Conversation with Super Soaker Inventor, Dr. Lonnie Johnson
Thursday, February 2
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Wallace H. Coulter Performance Plaza, First Floor West
Smithsonian National Museum of American History (Constitution Avenue, NW between 12th and 14th Streets)
Free registration 

Emerging Technologies Student Leaders Conference
Sunday-Wednesday, May 14-17
Gaylord National Convention Center, Washington, DC
The Student Leaders Conference brings together undergraduate nano and emerging technologies student group representatives from across the United States. It highlights undergraduate research and connects students with entrepreneurs, industry leaders, venture capitalists, and representatives of federal agencies funding research in emerging technologies. The conference is sponsored by TechConnect, in partnership with student groups from across the country. More information

Entrepreurship Events

AAAS Lab to Launch Competition: A start-up competition for DC’s young science and technology entrepreneurs
The AAAS Lab to Launch Competition will identify and support promising local innovators by providing $10,000 in total seed capital prizes, training sessions, and networking opportunities at our headquarters in Metro Center. The competition is open to STEM entrepreneurs aged 18-30 years old who: live within the District of Columbia, and/or manage a startup headquartered in the District, and/or are enrolled in a university that has its main campus in the District. The online application deadline is: 11:59 pm ET on Tuesday, February 14. Additional information.

Business Model Canvas Workshop
Wednesday, February 1
5:30 – 7:00 pm
New location: Tompkins Hall, M06
Come learn from experts how you can streamline your business model canvas, a global standard used by millions of people in companies of all sizes. You can use the canvas to describe, design, challenge, and pivot your business model.

Customer Discovery Workshop
Wednesday, February 8
5:30 – 7:00 pm
New location: GW Incubator, Tompkins Hall M06
Experts in the Lean Startup approach will give one-on-one advice and coaching to GW student startups. This workshop will focus on what customer discovery is and why it is important for starting and growing a business.

Introduction to I-Corps @ GW (2-week short course)
February 7-17
All day
SEH, B1270
Do you want the chance to explore the commercial potential of your invention with guidance from expert entrepreneurs and venture capitalists? Want exposure to the entrepreneurial space and industry here in DC? Sign up for the I-Corps 2-week short course right here at GW! Applications to the program are now being accepted.

Feasibility Analysis Workshop
Wednesday, February 15
5:30 – 7:00 pm
New location: GW Incubator, Tompkins Hall M06
Want to learn a great method for outlining your business to a potential investor or funder? Work on your feasibility analysis with us today! Your feasibility analysis should provide a narrative that tells a potential investor about the venture. It should have an arc and flow while describing a compelling need and providing evidence that you understand the customer's need and that you have the tools to implement a solution to that need.

Financials for Startups Workshop
Monday, February 27
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Funger Hall, Room 108
In this workshop, you'll learn how to create concise financial models of your business.

How to Pitch to an Investor Workshop
Tuesday, February 28
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Funger Hall, Room 108
Do you have trouble coming up with a compelling pitch? Want to learn how you can confidently pitch your business idea or current business to a potential investor? Learn from our experts in this workshop!

Save the Date: Research Days 2017 Competition
Tuesday, April 4
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Marvin Center, 3rd Floor

GW’s Research Days Competition is open to all GW faculty, staff, and students. The competition is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research.