Faculty News
Awards & Honors:
On December 15, 2016, Prof. Lorena Barba (MAE) received a 2016 Leamer-Rosenthal Prize for Open Social Science for “her work developing and delivering curriculum focused on transparency in science and education, as well as for her clear dedication to and advocacy of open science and reproducibility.” The awards are given for “working to forward the values of openness and transparency in research.” More information on Prof. Barba’s award is available on her website.
Prof. Murray Loew (BME) is the PI on a recently awarded, three-year, $350,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. This is the first time the NEH has awarded a grant to a SEAS faculty member. The grant was awarded to Prof. Loew and his collaborators at Catholic University of America and The Library of Congress. The purpose of the grant is to create tools that assist in the identification of at-risk glass heritage collection items. Specifically, the grant will support research to develop simple tools, including imaging, organized into a “decision tree” that will allow end-users of varying backgrounds and abilities, from curators and collectors to conservators and conservation scientists, to better identify the risk posed by unstable 19th century glass in historical collections.
Media Mentions:
Wired quoted Prof. Zoe Szajnfarber (EMSE) in its January 10 article “Luxembourg's Bid to Become the Silicon Valley of Space Mining.”
Prof. Shelly Heller (CS) recently published the following paper: R. S. Heller, P. Twining, M. Nussbaum, and C-C. Tsai. “Some Guidance on Conducting and Reporting Qualitative Studies,” Computers & Education: An International Journal.
Prof. Michael Keidar (MAE) and his students have published the following two articles: 1) Z. Chen, L. Lin, X. Cheng, E. Gjika, and M. Keidar. “Effects of cold atmospheric plasma generated in deionized water in cell cancer therapy,” Plasma Processes and Polymers, vol. 13, pp. 1151-1156, 2016 (This paper is featured on the journal’s cover); and 2) D. Yan, H. Xiao, W. Zhu, N. Nourmohammadi, L. G. Zhang, K. Bian, and M. Keidar. “The role of aquaporins in the anti-glioblastoma capacity of the cold plasma-stimulated medium,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 50, 055401, 2017. Prof. Lijie “Grace” Zhang (MAE) is also an author on the second paper.
Research Prof. David Nagel (ECE) is a co-author of the following paper: F. Scholkmann, D. J. Nagel, and L. F. DeChiaro. “Electromagnetic Emission in the kHz to GHz Range Associated with Heat Production During Electrochemical Loading of Deuterium into Palladium: A Summary and Analysis of Results Obtained by Different Research Groups,” Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Physics, vol. 19, pp. 325-332 (2016).
The 2015 article “An approach to integrating occupational safety and health into life cycle assessment: development and application of work environment characterization factors,” co-authored by Dr. Kelly Scanlon (senior research scientist, EMSE Environmental and Energy Management Institute), Prof. Royce Francis (EMSE), and three others was recognized recently as a Best Paper by the Journal of Industrial Ecology.
Prof. Murray Snyder (MAE) and his colleagues have published the following peer-reviewed journal article: N. LaSalle, M. Snyder, H. S. Kang, and C. Friedman. “Modification of Ship Air Wakes with Passive Flow Control,” Naval Engineers Journal, 128-4, pp. 69-80 (2016).
Prof. Volker Sorger (ECE) collaborated with colleagues from the University of Southern California and the University of New Mexico to publish the following paper: J. Touch, A. H. Badaway, and V. J. Sorger. “Optical Computing,” Nanophotonics, Special Issue on Optical Computing (Jan 2017).
Conferences & Presentations:
Prof. Russell Hemley (CEE) led a panel on extreme environments and gave a plenary talk at the December 5-7 NSF Workshop “Mid-scale Instrumentation for Quantum Materials.” On December 15, he gave an invited talk at the Office of Science and Technology Policy for the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on Homeland and National Security . His talk addressed the 2016 activities of the JASON Advisory Group, of which he is the current chair.
Prof. Samer Hamdar (CEE) and the GW transportation research group participated in the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, held January 8-12 in Washington, DC. The group presented two conference papers at the meeting: A. H. L. Hassan, J. P. Schorr, S. H. Hamdar, and S. Arhin. “Structural Equation Modeling: Application to Pedestrian Safety in Washington, D.C., and Exploration of the Impact of Variable Scaling Procedures;” and 2) E. Aguilar, C. Silverstein, S. H. Hamdar, and D. Broniatowski. “Impact of Transit Ridership and Weather Conditions on Flu Propagation: Exploratory Analysis.” This paper was written in collaboration with Prof. David Broniatowski (EMSE). In addition, Prof. Hamdar presided over the meeting’s “Traffic Flow Modeling for Connected and Automated Vehicles” Sub-committee as the subcommittee chair. At the “Emerging Needs for Improving Simulation Models in the Immediate, Intermediate, and Long-Term Horizons” workshop, Prof. Hamdar gave an invited presentation titled “Capturing the Impact of Exogenous Factors on Freeway Performance in the Connected Driving Environment: From Data Analysis to Exploratory Modeling.” His students Pan Dong and Claire Silverstein supported his work on the presentation. He also organized the “Active Transportation Operation and Demand Management in Connected and Automated Traffic Systems: Data Collection and Analytics, Modeling, and Control” workshop, where he gave the invited presentation “Application of ATDM Tools for Tactical and Strategic Decision-making for Operations: A Research Approach.” He worked on this in cooperation with the Battelle research team—with whom GW has a subcontract for a USDOT project—and his students Pan Dong and Amir Farrahi.
Other News:
This month Dr. Kelly Scanlon (senior research scientist, EMSE Environmental and Energy Management Institute) begins a year-long detail in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment via the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Mobility Program.
Prof. Saniya LeBlanc (MAE) participated in a National Science Foundation public relations effort, which included an “Ask a Scientist” video series and an “Ask a Scientist – Superhero” series. Prof. LeBlanc appeared in an edition of each series. Her videos are available at the links above.
Other News
MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS workshops and tutoring: SEAS Computing Facility will hold a series of workshops covering MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS programming through April 1. The workshops will be held in Tompkins 405 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
February 4 : Introduction & Data Structures
February 18: MATLAB Programming Basics I
March 4 : MATLAB Programming Basics II
March 18: Figures & 3D Plotting
April 1: Linear Equation & ODE Solving
Register for the MATLAB workshops
February 11 : Introduction and sketching
February 25: Extrusion and work planes
March 11 : Special features
March 25: Assembly basics
Register for the SOLIDWORKS workshops
MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS tutoring also will be offered from 1:00 to 5:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Tompkins 401. To schedule a tutoring appointment, please email [email protected] . The MATLAB and SOLIDWORKS workshops and tutoring will be hosted by SEAS graduate student Makan Payandehazad.
SEAS Events
SEAS Student R&D Showcase
Wednesday, February 22
SEH, Lobby and Lower Level
Entrepreurship Events
AAAS Lab to Launch Competition: A start-up competition for DC’s young science and technology entrepreneurs
The AAAS Lab to Launch Competition will identify and support promising local innovators by providing $10,000 in total seed capital prizes, training sessions, and networking opportunities at our headquarters in Metro Center. The competition is open to STEM entrepreneurs aged 18-30 years old who: live within the District of Columbia, and/or manage a startup headquartered in the District, and/or are enrolled in a university that has its main campus in the District. The online application deadline is: 11:59 pm ET on Tuesday, February 14. Additional information.
I-Corps Info Session
Monday, January 23
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Funger Hall, Room 320
Learn how to get up to $50k and FREE Lean Startup training to commercialize cutting-edge research or inventions! Join the National Science Foundation's Innovation Corps information session in Funger 320! Free lunch will be provided.
DC I-Corps Veteran Entrepreneur Lean Startup Program
Tuesday, January 31 – Tuesday, February 21
5:00 – 8:30 pm
SEH, B1270
Are you a veteran with the passion for high-tech entrepreneurship, but you don't have a team or a specific idea for a business in mind? DC I-Corps and GW in partnership with the Small Business Administration Office of Veterans Business Development are offering a new program that teaches prospective veteran entrepreneurs how to create technology startups using technologies developed in Federal Labs. The program is free to selected participants.
Business Model Canvas Workshop
Wednesday, February 1
5:30 – 7:00 pm
New location: Tompkins Hall, M06
Come learn from experts how you can streamline your business model canvas, a global standard used by millions of people in companies of all sizes. You can use the canvas to describe, design, challenge, and pivot your business model.
Customer Discovery Workshop
Wednesday, February 8
5:30 – 7:00 pm
New location: GW Incubator, Tompkins Hall M06
Experts in the Lean Startup approach will give one-on-one advice and coaching to GW student startups. This workshop will focus on what customer discovery is and why it is important for starting and growing a business.
Introduction to I-Corps @ GW (2-week short course)
February 7-17
All day
SEH, B1270
Information and application
Do you want the chance to explore the commercial potential of your invention with guidance from expert entrepreneurs and venture capitalists? Want exposure to the entrepreneurial space and industry here in DC? Sign up for the I-Corps 2-week short course right here at GW! Applications to the program are now being accepted.
Feasibility Analysis Workshop
Wednesday, February 15
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Funger Hall, Room 108
Want to learn a great method for outlining your business to a potential investor or funder? Work on your feasibility analysis with us today! Your feasibility analysis should provide a narrative that tells a potential investor about the venture. It should have an arc and flow while describing a compelling need and providing evidence that you understand the customer's need and that you have the tools to implement a solution to that need.
Financials for Startups Workshop
Monday, February 27
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Funger Hall, Room 108
In this workshop, you'll learn how to create concise financial models of your business.
How to Pitch to an Investor Workshop
Tuesday, February 28
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Funger Hall, Room 108
Do you have trouble coming up with a compelling pitch? Want to learn how you can confidently pitch your business idea or current business to a potential investor? Learn from our experts in this workshop!
Save the Date: Research Days 2017 Competition
Tuesday, April 4
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Marvin Center, 3rd Floor
GW’s Research Days Competition is open to all GW faculty, staff, and students. The competition is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research.