James Hahn

Headshot of James Hahn

James Hahn


Department: Computer Science


Email: James Hahn
Office Phone: (202) 994-5920
SEH 5860 | Office Hours: R: 4:00 – 5:00 pm

James K. Hahn is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and a Professor of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the George Washington University where he has been a faculty since 1989. He is the former chair of the Department of Computer Science. He founded the GW Institute for Biomedical Engineering and is the founding director of the the Institute for Computer Graphics. His areas of interests are: medical simulation, image-guided surgery, medical informatics, visualization, and computer animation. He has over 25 years of experience in leading multi-disciplinary teams involving scientists, engineers, and medical professionals. He has over 110 refereed research publications. His research has been funded by NIH, NSF, ONR, NRL, NASA, and a number of high-tech biomedical companies. He was awarded the School of Engineering and Applied Science Distinguished Researcher Award in 2019.

  • Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1989
  • M.S., The Ohio State University, 1983
  • M.S., University of California, Los Angeles, 1981
  • B.S., University of South Carolina, 1979
  • B.S., University of South Carolina, 1979
  • Computer applications in medicine
  • Computer graphics

Please view all of Dr. Hahn's Publications by clicking HERE