Innovation in Sustainability Workshop

Part 1
Thu, 7 December, 2023 5:30pm - 7:30pm

With suppport from SEED SPOT, the Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship will deliver a 2-part workshop for student innovators interested in the sustainability sector. The focus will be on clean energy solutions, waste reduction, infrastructure protection, and cybersecurity solutions. The workshops will provide a safe and inclusive environment for students to ideate solutions and models that accelerate the world’s transition to a more just and sustainable future. Sessions will feature domain experts and sustainability entrepreneurs who will share inspiring insights and lessons, and provide an opportunity to partner with other students in brainstorming solutions and pitching ideas for feedback.

Participants will be strongly encouraged to bring their ideas to the New Venture Competition in January 2024. This event is generously made possible by NEXTERA ENERGY. Spots are limited so sign up today!

Virtual Event

Open to students.

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