Hermann J. Helgert

Hermann J. Helgert
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hermann J. Helgert
Office Phone:
(202) 994-6208
SEH 6640 | Office hours: By appointment
Professor Hermann Helgert conducts research in the areas of communication networks, with specialization in networks employing wireless communication channels. Areas of concentration include transmission systems for satellite and cellular wireless channels and security protocols. Current topics include the development of adaptive coding and modulation schemes, multicarrier systems, position location algorithms, and multiple access algorithms for wireless local area networks.
- B.S.E.E., University of Buffalo,1962
- M.S.E.E., SUNY-Buffalo, 1964
- Ph. D., SUNY-Buffalo, 1966
- Communications and networks
- Electrical engineering
Journal Publications
- "An Improved Chan-Ho Location Algorithm for TDOA Subscriber Position Estimation", IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol.10 No.9, September 2010
- "Genomics-Based Security Protocols, From Plaintext to Cipherprotein", Int. Journal on Advances in Security, vol. 4, no. 1&2, 2011
- "Adaptive Self-Correcting Floating Point Source Coding Methodology for a Genomic Encryption Protocol", Int. Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 55, October 2012. Symposium Presentations and Publications
- "Hierarchical Channel Aware Scheduling Schemes for Mobile WiMax", STEM Enterprise Symposium, Washington, DC, 2009
- "A DNA-Inspired Encryption Methodology for Secure Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" IARA Conference, Valencia, Spain, September 20, 2010
- “Prototype Genomics-Based Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code Protocol" IARA Conference, Valencia, Spain, September 2010
- "A Comparative Overview 802.16e QoS Scheduling Algorithms", The Second International Conference on Evolving Internet, Valencia, Spain, September 2010
- "Scheduling and Admission Control Schemes to Support QoS in Real-Time Applications over IEEE 802.11e HCCA” Internet 2012 Fourth International Conference on Evolving Internet, Venice, Italy, June 2012
- "Endpoint Approach to WAN Optimization to Implement Virtualization on a Wide Area Network", International Association of Science and Technology Conference on Virtualization, Imaging and Image Processing, Banff, Canada, July 2012
- "Model Ka-Band Spot Beam Satellite Uplink Signal to Interference-Plus-Noise Ratio", 32nd Annual AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, San Diego, CA, August 2014
Professional Society Service
- Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Computers and Applications
- Session Chair for Internet Protocols, IARA 2010 International Conference on Internet Applications, Valencia, Spain
- Session Chair for Internet Satellite Applications, IARA 2010 International Conference on Internet Applications, Valencia, Spain
- Member, International Program Committee, International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, July 2005, Banff, Canada
- Member, Executive Committee, 21st National Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, 2000
- Session Chairman, Management of Air Traffic Control Systems, 21st ASEM National Conference, 2000
- Co-Chairman, Air Traffic Control, 1999 Global Summit on International Aviation Infrastructure
- Vice Chairman for University Relations, IEEE National Capital Area Communication Society,1997-2000
- Technical Program Co-Chairman, 1996 IEEE 11th Annual Workshop on Computer Communications, Reston, VA
- Session Chairman, Telecommunications Networks, 1995 IEEE Globecom
- Conference Chairman, 1994 International Symposium on Desalination
Service on Scientific Advisory Committees
- NASA Aerospace Data Standards Committee
- NASA Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
- International Organization for Standardization ISO TC20/SC13
Honors and Awards
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
- National Academy of Sciences Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Fellowship of the American Society of Electrical Engineers