Empowering Change Through Service and Science: A Reflection by GW Engineering Graduate Jack Hatcher

May 6, 2024

Jack Hatcher

In the article "GW Serves: Graduating Senior Builds on Behalf of Others," GW Today featured GW Engineering graduating senior Jack Hatcher. In it, Hatcher reflects on how he has been able to utilize science to affect positive change due to his involvement with organizations at GW, such as Engineers  Without Borders, A Wider Circle, Miriam's Kitchen and other service opportunities.

Here is an excerpt from the article: "When he arrived at GW, he realized there was an opportunity to combine those two passions and become someone who uses community driven and scientific solutions to create positive societal changes. Through his studies in the School of Engineering and Applied Science and various volunteer opportunities through the Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service, Hatcher discovered that he could use science and engineering as a vehicle to helping other people."

Read the full article on GW Today.