Corbella Plays Key Role in 49th and 50th ICMCTF

September 18, 2023

Dr. Carles Corbella

Dr. Carles Corbella, a guest researcher in the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department (MAE), was invited to give an oral presentation at the 49th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films (ICMCTF) which took place May 21 through 26, 2023, in San Diego, CA. The talk, titled "Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jets Generated from Flexible Sources," was given by Dr. Sabine Portal, a Research Scientist in the MAE Department, by delegation.

ICMCTF is recognized as the premier international conference on thin film deposition, characterization, and advanced surface engineering. It provides a forum and networking venue for researchers from academia, government laboratories, and industry. ICMCTF typically draws over 700 attendees, covering over 40 technical sessions and a two-day industrial exhibition. The presented topics include but are not limited to aerospace applications, microelectronics, and biomedical engineering.

Corbella’s presentation was about cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs), which are excellent resources for a myriad of applications in energy and healthcare industries, making cancer therapy a major breakthrough. APPJs originated from a flexible source and can adapt to complex topologies and treat delicate samples such as soft matter and organic tissues. The presentation reviewed state-of-the-art AAPJs and suggested that portable platforms of APPJ arrays showing morphing capabilities will constitute the next generation of plasma devices for surface engineering and biomedicine.

The 50th ICMCTF will be held May 19 through 24, 2024, and will highlight “Sustainable Surface Engineering.” For this conference, Corbella is co-organizing the session, Microfabrication Techniques with Lasers and Plasmas (Symposium “Processes”), which will focus on laser and plasma processes for functional interfaces. If you would like to contribute an oral or poster presentation, please send your abstract by November 15th and reach out to him with any questions.