Bhagirath Narahari

Bhagirath Narahari
Department: Computer Science
Professor Bhagirath Narahari is the associate dean for undergraduate programs and student affairs and a professor in the Department of Computer Science. He joined GW in 1987; was the chair of his department from 1999 to 2002; and has been active in undergraduate education, with over a dozen years’ experience in undergraduate advising and curriculum development.
His research interests are in the areas of software security, architecture support for trustworthy computing, embedded systems, computer architecture, compiler optimization, pervasive computing, and parallel computing. Since Fall 1999, he has collaboratively formed and led the e GWU research group in embedded systems and compilers. He has published several refereed articles in various areas of embedded systems, security, architecture, parallel processing and computer systems. His current research focuses on compiler, operating system, and hardware support for software security, with projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). Professor Narahari's prior research was funded by the NSF, AFOSR, Rome Air Force Labs, NASA, NSA and America Online (AOL), and included research in power-aware computing, embedded systems, optimizing compilers, software systems and specification, and pervasive computing.
- B.E., Birla Institute of Technology and Science
- M.S., University of Pennsylvania
- Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
- Computer science
- Computer security and information assurance
- Networking and mobile computing; Pervasive computing
- Software engineering and systems