Faculty News
Prof. Murray Loew (ECE) has received a two-year, $297,000 grant from the Department of the Army to work on visual perception and image fusion for infrared imagery, in support of the Army's Night Vision Laboratory.
Conferences and Presentations:
Two of Prof. Claire Monteleoni's (CS) students presented posters at The Learning Workshop, a premier, invitation-only, machine learning workshop, held April 3-6, in Snowbird, UT. Scott McQuade, a Ph.D. student in computer science at GW, presented "Global Climate Model Tracking Using Geospatial Neighborhoods," a poster on his work with Prof. Monteleoni. Likewise, Anna Choromanska, Prof. Monteleoni's co-supervised Ph.D. student at Columbia University, presented "Online Clustering with Experts," a poster on her work with Prof. Monteleoni.
Prof. Kim Roddis (CEE chair) was an invited participant of the ASCE/SEI (American Society of Civil Engineers/ Structural Engineering Institute) Structures Congress Workshop: Innovations in Steel Design, held on March 28 in Chicago, IL. The paper "Tensile Capacity of Single-Angle Shear Connections Considering Prying Action," authored by Prof. Roddis and Deborah Blass, was presented in the Steel Connection Design session on March 31 by Ms. Blass, a 2011 graduate of the CEE master's program.
On April 5, Robert Waters (professor emeritus, EMSE) presented a webinar titled "Research in an Engineering Management Career" to the Society of Engineering and Management Systems of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. Among other things, he noted the traditional differences between the goals of research in industry and in academia, but pointed out the gap between them is narrowing.
Student News
Listen to the thumbs-up that Jon Stewart gave GW's Panda Cycles team and GW engineering on the April 2 edition of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. In this clip, Stewart recounts a conversation he had off-stage during the Clinton Global Initiative University with Matt Wilkins, a senior ECE student and a member of the Panda Cycles team.
Other News
At the March 28-31 Structures Congress in Chicago, IL, Dr. Fahim Sedak and his co-authors, Yassar Alaskher and Sherif El-Tawil, received the Moisseiff Award for their paper, "Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel-Concrete Composite Floors." The paper was published in the October 2010 issue of the Journal of Structural Engineering. Dr. Sedak teaches part-time for CEE and serves on its advisory board, and he is the leader of the Structures Group Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
SEAS is a sponsor of the 2012 USA Science and Engineering Festival (April 27-29), a collaborative effort of the global STEM community to re-invigorate the interest of our nation's youth in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). As part of the Festival, SEAS will host a FREE, one-of-a-kind panel discussion and book signing with best-selling science author-pioneer, Robin Cook; Wolfram Mathematica co-founder and pictorial periodic table pioneer, Theodore Gray; engineer and practical pyromaniac, William Gurstelle; retired rocket scientist and author of October Sky, Homer Hickam; award-winning history and science storyteller, Joy Hakim; and physician, philanthropist, and writer, Pendred Noyce. Shawn Lawrence Otto will moderate the discussion. The discussion and book signing will take place on April 28, from 7:30 to 10:00 pm. To learn more details about the event and to register, please visit: http://bookfairevening.eventbrite.com/.
SEAS Events
Frank Howard Distinguished Lecture: "Why We Won't Solve the Cybersecurity Problem"
Professor Eugene Spafford, Purdue University
Wednesday, April 11
6:30 pm
B07 Media & Public Affairs Bldg
SEAS Faculty Awards Presentation
Thursday, April 12
3:00 - 5:00 pm
310 Marvin Center
MAE Seminar: "Imaging Tissue Optical Properties Using the Interaction of Light and Sound"
Ronald A. Roy, Boston University, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Thursday, April 19
2:00 pm
736 Phillips Hall
GWIN Seminar: "Deduction of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Sheet from
Molecular Statics/Dynamics Simulations"
R. C. Batra, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic
Friday, April 27
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
640 Phillips Hall
Save the Date: SEAS Graduation Celebration
Friday, May 18
7:30 pm
Smith Center (a reception in the Marvin Center Ballrooms precedes the event)
Entrepreneurship Events
Business Plan Competition Finals
Friday, April 13
9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Duques Hall 6th Floor
More details to come
Networking Event: for Students and Companies in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Business Fields (Presented by NSBE's GW Chapter)
Friday, April 20
7:00 - 9:00 pm
308-310 Marvin Center
Related GW Events
The Robert P. Maxon Lecture: "Effective Cybersecurity: Perspectives on a National Solution"
Wes Bush, Chairman, CEO and President of Northrop Grumman Corporation
Monday, April 9
6:00 - 7:30 pm
MPA Building, Jack Morton Auditorium
Town Hall with US Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood: "On the Go--Ensuring a Quality Transportation System"
Hosted by GW's Graduate School of Political Management
Thursday, April 19
7:00 - 8:00 pm
MPA Building, Jack Morton Auditorium
Dissertation Defenses
Name of Student Defending: Johnny D. Morgan
Title of Dissertation: "Applying the Science of Networks to Enterprise Information Systems That Implement a Services Oriented Architecture"
Advisor: Professor Howard Eisner
Tuesday, April 24
11:00 am
1776 G Street, Conference Room 120