Faculty News
Awards & Recognition:
"An Integrated Planning Framework for Urban River Rehabilitation," a paper co-authored by Prof. Jonathan Deason (EMSE), has been selected by the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management to receive the 2011 Best Policy-Oriented Paper Award. The award will be presented during the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011, held May 22-26 in Palm Springs, CA. The citation for the paper is: Deason, J.P., Dickey, G.E., Kinnell, J.C. and Shabman, L.A. "An Integrated Planning Framework for Urban River Rehabilitation," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 136, Issue 6 (November/December 2010), pp. 688-696.
Media Mentions:
Prof. Pinhas Ben-Tzvi (MAE) was recently featured in a video and an article by Loudoun Times about the robotics workshop he facilitated during Science, Technology, and Engineering Day at GW's Virginia Science and Technology Campus.
Research & Patents:
Prof. Pinhas Ben-Tzvi (MAE) has been granted U.S. Patent 7,874,386: "Hybrid Mobile Robot."
Conferences & Presentations:
Prof. Vesna Zderic (ECE) will be an associate editor for the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC '11), which will be held this August in Boston. She has also been invited to serve on the advisory editorial board of the journal Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.
Prof. Royce Francis (ESME) presented a peer-reviewed conference paper titled "Bayesian Belief Networks for Predicting Input Data of Risk Analysis Models" at the ASCE 1st International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management on April 12. This paper was co-authored with Gonzalo Pita and Jean-Paul Pinelli from Florida Institute of Technology, as well as Zhang Liu, Seth Guikema, and Judy Mitrani-Reiser from Johns Hopkins University.
Student News
Shutao Wang and Marjan Nabili (doctoral candidates - ECE), students of Prof. Vesna Zderic (ECE), recently presented the following work at the 11th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound - ISTU 2011, New York, April 11-13:
- Nabili M, Patel H, Mahesh S, Liu J, Geist C, Zderic V. Ultrasound-enhanced Delivery of Antibiotics into the Eye. (Oral presentation)
- Wang S, Frenkel V, Zderic V. Effects of Microvascular Perfusion on Focused Ultrasound Induced Hyperthermia. (Poster presentation)
Guest Vignette
The GW chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) was recently approved by the EWB-USA headquarters to adopt the La Peña Project in El Salvador. This project aims to improve the health of the La Peña community by building affordable latrines for human waste disposal. Currently, a group of EWB members are planning an assessment trip to La Peña in May. The people living in La Peña make only about $20 a month; thus, it is important to design and construct latrines that are both economically sustainable and will serve their necessary purpose for the community.
EWB-USA's goal is to help create a more stable and prosperous world by addressing people's basic human needs by providing necessities such as clean water, power, sanitation, and education. EWB chapters work on projects to develop these different necessities, as well as to create a cleaner and more sustainable environment for the community.
Our EWB chapter also works on domestic projects. Recently, Michele Lockhart connected our organization with GW's Food Justice Alliance and Kasey's Trees to help build an irrigation system for the garden across from Amsterdam Hall. This has been a great experience and the students have enjoyed gaining hands-on experience in irrigation systems.
Prof. Baoxia Mi is our faculty advisor, and Dr. Homer Francis is our professional mentor. Recently the chapter elected a new board: Cameron Robertson is the new president; Kristin Metropoulos serves as vice president; Alana Friedman is treasurer and in charge of fundraising; Claire Powers is the secretary; and Michele Lockhart is in charge of community outreach. We always welcome enthusiastic students to join us. (Provided courtesy of ECE student Cameron Robertson)
Upcoming Events
SEAS Events:
Pelton Senior Design Competition & SEAS Senior-Alumni BBQ
Wednesday, May 11
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Grand Ballroom, Marvin Center
ECE Colloquium: "Value of Knowledge in Wireless Networks"
Vaneet Aggarwal, AT&T Labs - Research, Florham Park, NJ
Monday, April 25
2:00 - 3:00 pm
640 Phillips Hall
Entrepreneurship Events
Follow GW Office of Entrepreneurship activities on Facebook and Twitter, and www.gwu.edu/entrepreneurship.
SEAS Seminar on Entrepreneurship: "Building Your Early Stage Startup Team"
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
6:00 - 8:30 pm
108 Funger Hall [Please note the room change for this seminar]
Academic Success Events
Ethical Research Standards: Doing Research the Right Way
Wednesday, April 27
3:30-5:30 pm
Marvin Center 402
Dissertation Defenses
Name of Student Defending: Chris Scrapper
Title of Dissertation: "Adaptive Scan-Correlation for Mobile Robot Localization in Unstructured Environments"
Advisor: James Hahn (CS)
Wednesday, April 27
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
736 Phillips Hall