Alumnus Tom Bostick Discusses Pathways to Inclusion in STEM on NAE Podcast

June 17, 2024

Lieutenant General (Ret.) Thomas P. Bostick

In the article “NAE Launches Diversity Dialogues Podcast with Wanda Sigur,” the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) announced that it launched Diversity Dialogues, a podcast focusing on ways to tackle challenges in inclusion in STEM. The second episode touched on pathways to inclusion and featured GW Engineering alumnus Thomas P. Bostick. 


Here is a summary of the episode from the article: “In this episode, host Wanda Sigur will speak with Lt. Gen. Tom Bostick, a strategic advisor at Gingo Bioworks and the 53rd Chief of Engineers of the United States Army and Commanding General for the US Army Corps of Engineers, and Dr. Earl Lewis, professor of history at the University of Michigan. They will speak about the history of people of color in engineering, the pathways of those people into STEM professions, and how we can join those pathways to create a more inclusive future.”


Read the full article on the NAE website.