Pamela M. Norris

Pamela M. Norris
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Dr. Pamela Norris is a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at George Washington University (GWU) and the Frederick Tracy Morse Professor Emerita of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Virginia (UVA). Dr. Norris previously served in roles as the Vice Provost for Research at GWU and as the Executive Dean, the Executive Associate Dean of Research, and the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at UVA School of Engineering and Applied Science.
She is well-known for her mentoring skills and for her dedication to increasing diversity in the STEM disciplines. In 2016 she was honored with the Society of Women Engineers Distinguished Engineering Educator Award “for enduring, positive influence on students’ lives as a gifted teacher, mentor, and role model; and for promoting greater diversity in STEM higher education.” She is recognized globally as a leading expert in nanoscale heat transfer, especially interfacial thermal transport with a focus on thermal management across a range of length scales. She is also well known for leadership in the field of nanotechnology education, chairing the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) National Nanotechnology Institute’s Committee on Nanotechnology Education from 2003-2010 and organizing the first national Nano-Training Bootcamps, at the leading edge of the field. In 2021 she was elected an honorary member of ASME. She currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, and recently served as the Vice President of Institutional Councils for the American Society for Engineering Education and as Chair of the Engineering Research Council.
- Post-doctoral Scholar, University of California Berkeley, 1993-1994
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Old Dominion University, 1987
“Silica Materials and Methods of Making Thereof” – U.S. Patent Application, 16388725, Filed October 24, 2019; Patent Filed April 18, 2019; Inventors: Jong Ho Sonn and Pamela M. Norris
“Multifunctional Thermal Management System and Related Method” – U.S. Patent 10,107,560 B2, Awarded 10/2018; Inventors: Haydn Wadley, Hossein Haj-Hariri, Frank Zok, and Pamela M. Norris
“A Multifunctional Heat Pipe Solution to Plate Thermal Buckling” – U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 61/295,112 Filed Jan. 14, 2010; Inventors: Haydn Wadley, Hossein Haj-Hariri, Frank Zok, and Pamela M. Norris
“Smart Aerogel” – U.S. Patent 6,447,991 Awarded 9/2002; Inventors: C.E. Daitch, J.S. Brenizer, B. Hosticka, L.R. Mason, P.M. Norris, M. Luo, and L.J. DeLucas
"Multi-stage Sampler and Concentrator" – U.S. Patent 06,101,886 Awarded 8/2000; Inventors: J.S. Brenizer, C.E. Daitch, B. Hosticka, L.R. Mason, and P.M. Norris
“Apparatus and Method for Purification of DNA using Microchips Filled with Sol-Gels and Beads” – U.S. Patent 07,534,623 Awarded 5/2009; Inventors: J.P. Landers, P.M. Norris, M.E. Power, J.P. Ferrance, S. Shrinivasen, K.A. Wolfe, and M.C. Breadmore
P.M. Norris and L. Friedersdorf, Editors, “Women in Nanotechnology – Contributions from the Atomic Level and Up,” part of the Springer Series on Women in Engineering and Science. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19951-7, 2019.
P.M. Norris, L.S. Larkin, N.Q. Le, C.A. Polanco, J.L. Smoyer, and J. Zhang “Progress in Measuring, Modeling, and Manipulating Thermal Boundary Conductance”, Advances in Heat Transfer, edited by Ephraim Sparrow, John Abraham, and John Gorman, Vol. 53, Elsevier, pp. 327-404, DOI: 10.1016/bs.aiht.2021.07.001 2021.
P.M. Norris and L.S. Larkin, “Engineering Interfaces at the Nanoscale,” Women in Nanotechnology- Contributions from the Atomic Level and Up, edited by Pamela Norris and Lisa Friedersdorf, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19951-7, 2019.
A. Slonopas, N.K. Dhar, H. Ryan, J.P. Ferrance, P.M. Norris and A.K. Sood, “Efficient Optimization of the Optoelectronic Performance in Chemically Deposited Thin Films, Thin Film Processes - Artifacts on Surface Phenomena and Technological Facets,” edited by Prof. Jagannathan Thirumalai, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/67315, 2017.
P.M. Norris and S. Shrinivasan, “Aerogels: Unique Material, Fascinating Properties and Unlimited Applications,” Annual Review of Heat Transfer: In Memory of Chang-Lin Tien, Vol. 14, Begell House Inc., New York, pp. 385-408, 2005.
A.N. Smith and P.M. Norris, “Microscale Heat Transfer,” Handbook of Heat Transfer, edited by Adrian Bejan and Allan Kraus, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Ch. 18, pp. 1309-1358, 2003.
P.M. Norris and B. Hosticka, “Temperature Measurements,” The Mechatronics Handbook, edited by Robert H. Bishop, CRC Press, pp. 19-73 - 19-88, 2002.
K. Richter, P.M. Norris, and C.L. Tien, "Aerogels: Applications, Structure, and Heat Transfer Phenomena,” Annual Review of Heat Transfer, Vol. 6, Begell House Inc., New York, pp. 61-114, 1995.
JOURNAL ARTICLES: Published 116 refereed journal articles with an h-index of 45 and over 6,808 citations (as of 2/22/2022).
M.E. DeCoster, H. Babaei, S.S. Jung, Z. Hassan, J.T. Gaskins, A. Giri, E. Tiernan, J.A. Tomko, H. Baumgart, P.M. Norris, A.J. McGaughey, C. Wilmer, E. Redel, G. Giri, and P.E. Hopkins, “Resonant Vibrational Modes from Guest-Host Interactions Reduce the Thermal Conductivity of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs),” Journal of the American Chemical Society.
L. Qiu, N. Zhu, Y. Feng, E. E. Michaelides, G. Żyła, D. Jing, X. Zhang, P.M. Norris, C.N. Markides, and O. Mahian, “A Review of Recent Advances in Thermophysical Properties at the Nanoscale: From Solid State to Colloids,” Physics Reports,, 2020.
R. Rastgarkafshgarkolaei, J. Zhang, C. Polanco, N. Le, A. Ghosh, and P.M. Norris, “Maximization of Thermal Conductance at Interfaces via Exponentially Mass-graded Interlayers,” Nanoscale, 11, 6254-6262, 2019.
A. Slonopas, H. Ryan, and P. Norris, “Ultrahigh Energy Density CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Based Supercapacitor with Fast Discharge,” Electrochimica Acta, 307, 334-340, 2019.
J.L. Smoyer and P.M. Norris, “Brief Historical Perspective in Thermal Management and the Shift Towards Management at the Nanoscale,” Heat Transfer Engineering, 40, 269-282, 2019.
C.B. Saltonstall, T.E. Beechem, J. Amatya, J. Floro, P.M. Norris, and P.E. Hopkins, “Uncertainty in Linewidth Quantification of Overlapping Raman Bands,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(1), 013111, 2019.
L. Qui, K. Scheider, S. Abu Radwan, L.S. Larkin, C.B. Saltonstall, Y. Feng, X. Zhang, and P.M. Norris, “Thermal Transport Barrier in Carbon Nanotube Array for Nano-thermal Interface Materials,” Carbon, 120, 128-136, 2017.
Q.N. Pham, L.S. Larkin, C.C. Lisboa, C.B. Saltonstall, L. Qiu, J.D. Schuler, T.J. Rupert, and P.M. Norris, “Effect of Growth Temperature on the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Arrays and Amorphous Carbon for Thermal Applications,” Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, 214, 1600852, 2017.
A. Slonopas, B. Kaur, and P.M. Norris, “Role of the Colossal Frequency and Temperature Dependent Dielectric Constant in the Performance of the Organo-metallic Tri-halide Perovskites,” Applied Physics Letters, 110, 222905, 2017.
C.A. Polanco, R. Rastgarkafshgarkolaei, J. Zhang, N.Q. Le, P.M. Norris, and A.W. Ghosh, “Design Rules for Interfacial Thermal Conductance-building Better Bridges,” Physical Review B, 95, 195303, 2017.
L.S. Larkin, J.L. Smoyer, and P.M. Norris, “Laser Repetition Rate in Time-domain Thermoreflectance Techniques,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 109, 786-790, 2017.
N.Q. Le, C.A. Polanco, R. Rastgarkafshgarkolaei, J. Zhang, A.W. Ghosh, and P.M Norris, “Effects of Bulk and Interfacial Anharmonicity on Thermal Conductance at Solid/solid Interfaces,” Physical Review B, 95, 245417, 2017.
L.S. Larkin, M.R. Redding, N. Le. and P.M. Norris, “Temperature Dependent Thermal Boundary Conductance at Metal/Indium Based III-V Semiconductor Interfaces,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 139, 031301, 2016.
A. Slonopas, M. Melia, K. Xie, T. Globus, J. M. Fitz-Gerald, and P.M. Norris, “Factors Limiting Doping Efficiency of Iridium in Pulsed Laser deposited TiO2 Transparent Conducting Oxide,” Journal of Material Science, 51, 8995-9004, 2016.
A. Slonopas, H. Ryan, B. Foley, Z. Sun, T. Globus, and P.M. Norris, “Growth Mechanisms and their Effects on the Opto-Electrical Properties of Cds Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, MSSP-D-16-00682R1, 52, 24-31, 2016.
L. Qiu, X. Wang, D. Tang, X. Zheng, P.M. Norris, D. Wen, J. Zhao, X. Zhang, and Q. Li, “Functionalization and Densification of Inter-Bundle Interfaces for Improvement in Electrical and Thermal Transport of Carbon Nanotube Fibers,” CARBON, 105, 248-259, 2016.
J.L. Braun, C.H. Baker, A. Giri, M. Elahi, K. Artyushkova, T.E. Beechem, P. M. Norris, Z.C. Leseman, J.T. Gaskins, and P.E. Hopkins, “Size Effects on the Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Silicon Thin Films,” Physical Review B, 93, 140201(R), 2016.
L. Qiu, X. Wang, G. Su, D. Tang, X. Zheng, J. Zhu, Z. Wang, P. Norris, P. Bradford, and Y. Zhu, “Remarkably Enhanced Thermal Transport Based on a Flexible Horizontally-aligned Carbon Nanotube Array Film,” Scientific Reports, 6, 21014, 2016.
C.A. Polanco, R. Rastgarkafshgarkolaei, J. Zhang, N.Q. Le, P.M. Norris, P.E. Hopkins and A.W. Ghosh, “Role of Crystal Structure and Junction Morphology on Interface Thermal Conductance,” Physical Review B, 92, 144302, 2015.
M.L. Bauer, C.B. Saltonstall, Z.C. Leseman, T.E. Beechem, P.E. Hopkins, and P.M. Norris, “Thermal Conductivity of Turbostratic Carbon Nanofiber Networks,” Journal of Heat Transfer, HT-15-1272, 2015.
C.H. Baker and P.M. Norris, “Effect of Long- and Short-Range Order on SiGe Alloy Thermal Conductivity: Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” Physical Review B: Rapid Communication, 91, 180302(R), 2015.
A. Slonopas, N. Alijabbari, C. Saltonstall, T. Globus, and P. M. Norris, “Chemically Deposited Nanocrystalline Lead Sulfide Thin Films with Tunable Properties for use in Photovoltaics,” Electrochimica Acta, 151, 140-149, 2015.
P.M. Norris, J.L. Smoyer, M.R. Redding, and L.S. Larkin, “Investigation of Nanoscale Heat Transfer with Highly Versatile Phase-Locked Thermoreflectance,” Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference (peer reviewed as a Journal Publication), Kyoto, Japan, IHTC15-KN1234, 2014.
C.A. Pappas, D.A. Jordan, and P.M. Norris, “Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer Performance of a Hybrid Cooling Fin Thermosyphon,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 136, 104502, 2014.
M. Bauer, Q.N. Pham, C.B. Saltonstall, and P.M. Norris, “Thermal Conductivity of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays: Growth Conditions and Tube Inhomogeneity,” Applied Physics Letters, 105, 151909, 2014.
M. Bauer, and P.M. Norris, “General Bidirectional Thermal Characterization via the 3w Technique,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 064903, 2014.
C.A. Polanco, C.B. Saltonstall, P.M. Norris, P.E. Hopkins and A.W. Ghosh, “Impedance Matching of Atomic Thermal Interfaces Using Primitive Block Decomposition,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 17, 263-279, 2013.
C.B. Saltonstall, J. Serrano, P.M. Norris, P.E. Hopkins, and T.E. Beechem, “Single Element Raman Thermometry,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 064903, 2013.
P.M. Norris, N.Q. Le, and C.H. Baker, “Tuning Phonon Transport: from Interfaces to Nanostructures,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 135, 061604, 2013.
C. H. Baker, C. Wu, R. N. Salaway, L. V. Zhigilei, and P. M. Norris, “Resolving the Vibrational and Electronic Contributions to Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Near the Solid-Liquid Transition: Molecular Dynamics Study,” International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 13, 143-150, 2013.
C.B. Saltonstall, C.A. Polanco, J.C. Duda, A.W. Ghosh, P.M. Norris, and P.E. Hopkins, “Effect of Interface Adhesion and Impurity Mass on Phonon Transport at Atomic Junctions,” Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 013516, 2013.
C.A. Pappas, P.M. DeCecchis, D.A. Jordan, and P.M. Norris, “The Effect of Fill Volume on Heat Transfer from Air-cooled Thermosyphons,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 135, 044504, 2013.
C.H. Baker, D.A. Jordan, and P.M. Norris, “Application of the Wavelet Transform to Nanoscale Thermal Transport,” Physical Review B, 86, 104306, 2012.
N.Q. Le, J. C. Duda, T. S. English, P. E. Hopkins, and T. E. Beechem, “Strategies for Tuning Phonon Transport in Multilayered Structures Using a Mismatch-based Particle Model,” Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 084310, 2012.
T.S. English, J.C. Duda, J.L. Smoyer, D.A. Jordan, P.M. Norris, and L.V. Zhigilei, “Enhancing and Tuning Phonon Transport at Vibrationally Mismatched Solid-solid Interfaces,” Physical Review B, 85, 035438, 2012.
P.M. Norris, J.L. Smoyer, J.C. Duda, and P.E. Hopkins, “Prediction and Measurement of Thermal Transport Across Interfaces Between Isotropic Solids and Graphitic Materials,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 134, 020910, 2012.
J.C. Duda, T.S. English, W.A. Soffa, D.A. Jordan, and P.M. Norris, “Controlling Thermal Conductivity of Alloys via Atomic Ordering,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 134, 014501, 2012.
C.V. Haden, D.A. Jordan and P.M. Norris, “Deposition of Polypyrrole Onto Bucky Gel for Use in a Biomimetic Artificial Excitable Cell Membrane,” Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2, 024501, 2011.
M.L. Bauer, C.M. Bauer, M.C. Fish, R.E. Matthews, G.T. Garner, A.W. Litchenberger, and P.M. Norris, “Thin-film Aerogel Thermal Conductivity Measurements via 3ω,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357, 2960–2965, 2011.
J.C. Duda, T.S. English, W. A. Soffa, D.A. Jordan, and P.M. Norris. “Reducing Thermal Conductivity of Binary Alloys below the Alloy Limit via Chemical Ordering,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23, 205401, 2011.
J.C. Duda, P.M. Norris, and P.E. Hopkins, "On the Linear Temperature Dependence of Phonon Thermal Boundary Conductance in the Classical Limit," Journal of Heat Transfer, 133, 74501, 2011.
J.C. Duda, C.B. Saltonstall, P.M. Norris, and P.E. Hopkins. “Assessment and Prediction of Thermal Transport at Solid-SAM Junctions,” Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 094704, 2011.
P.E. Hopkins, J.C. Duda, and P.M. Norris, “Anharmonic Phonon Interaction at Interfaces and Contributions to Thermal Boundary Conductance,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 133, 062401, 2011.
P.E. Hopkins, M.L. Bauer, J.C. Duda, J.L. Smoyer, T.S., English, P.M. Norris, T.E. Beechem, and D.A. Stewart, “Ultrafast Thermoelectric Properties of Gold under Conditions of Strong Electron-phonon Nonequilibrium,” Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 104907, 2010.
J.C. Duda, T.E. Beechem, P.E. Hopkins, J.L. Smoyer, and P.M. Norris, “The Role of Dispersion on Phononic Thermal Boundary Conductance,” Journal of Applied Physics, 073515, 2010.
T.E. Beechem, J.C. Duda, P.E. Hopkins, and P.M. Norris, “Contribution of Optical Phonons to Thermal Boundary Conductance,” Applied Physics Letters, 97, 061907, 2010.
J.C. Duda, P.E. Hopkins, T.E. Beechem, J.L. Smoyer, and P.M. Norris, “Inelastic Phonon Interactions at Solid-Graphite Interfaces,” Superlattices and Microstructures, 47, 550-555, 2010.
J.C. Duda, P.E. Hopkins, J.L. Smoyer, M.L. Bauer, T.E. English, C.B. Saltonstall, and P.M. Norris, “On the Assumption of Detailed Balance in Prediction of Diffusive Transmission Probability During Interfacial Transport,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 14, 21-33, 2010.
P.E. Hopkins, T.E. Beechem, J.C. Duda, J.L. Smoyer, and P.M. Norris, “Effects of Sub-Conduction Band Excitations on Thermal Conductance at Metal-Metal Interfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, 96, 011907, 2010.
P.E. Hopkins, P.M. Norris, M.S. Tsegaye, and A.W. Ghosh, “Extracting Phonon Thermal Conductance Across Nanoscale Junctions: Nonequilibrium Green’s Function Approach Compared to Semiclassical Methods,” Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 063503, 2009.
J.C. Duda, J.L. Smoyer, P.M. Norris, and P.E. Hopkins, “Extension of the Diffuse Mismatch Model for Thermal Boundary Conductance between Isotropic and Anisotropic Materials,” Applied Physics Letters, 95, 031912, 2009.
P.E. Hopkins, J.L. Kassebaum, and P.M. Norris, “Effects of Electron Scattering at Metal-Nonmetal Interfaces on Electron-Phonon Equilibration in Gold Films,” Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 023710, 2009.
P.M. Norris and P.E. Hopkins, (Invited), “Examining Interfacial Diffuse Phonon Scattering through Transient Thermoreflectance Measurements of Thermal Boundary Conductance,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 131, 043207, 2009.
P.E. Hopkins and P.M. Norris, “Contribution of Ballistic Electron Transport to Energy Transfer During Electron-phonon Nonequilibrium in Thin Metal Films,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 131, 043208, 2009.
P.E. Hopkins and P.M. Norris, “Relative Contribution of Inelastic and Elastic Phonon Scattering on Thermal Boundary Conductance Across Solid Interfaces,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 131, 022402, 2009.
P.E. Hopkins, J.C. Duda, R.N. Salaway, J.L. Smoyer, and P.M. Norris, “Effects of Intra- and Interband Transitions on Electron-Phonon Coupling and Electron Heat Capacity After Short-Pulsed Laser Heating,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 12, 320-333, 2008.
R.N. Salaway, P.E. Hopkins, P.M. Norris, and R.J. Stevens, “Phonon Contribution to Thermal Boundary Conductance at Metal Interfaces using Embedded Atom Method Simulations,” International Journal of Thermophysics, 29, 1987-1996, 2008.
P.E. Hopkins, P.M. Norris, L.M. Phinney, S.A. Polycastro, and R.G. Kelly, “Thermal Conductivity in Nanoporous Gold Films during Electron-phonon Nonequilibrium,” Journal of Nanomaterials, 418050, 2008.
P.E. Hopkins, P.M. Norris, R.J. Stevens, T.E. Beecham, and S. Graham, “Influence of Interfacial Mixing on Thermal Boundary Conductance across a Chromium/silicon Interface,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 130, 011806, 2008.
P.E. Hopkins, P.M. Norris, and R.J. Stevens, “Influence of Inelastic Scattering at Metal-dielectric Interfaces,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 130, 022401, 2008.
T. Borca-Tasciuc, et al., “Report on 6th U.S. – Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena – Science and Engineering,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 12, 273-293, 2008.
P.E. Hopkins and P.M. Norris, “Effects of Joint Vibrational States on Thermal Boundary Conductance,” Microscale and Nanoscale Thermophysical Engineering, 11, 247-258, 2007.
P.E. Hopkins, R.N. Salaway, R.J. Stevens, and P.M. Norris, “Temperature-Dependent Thermal Boundary Conductance at Al/Al2O3 and Pt/Al2O3 Interfaces,” International Journal of Thermophysics, 28, 947-957, 2007.
R.J. Stevens, L.V. Zhigilei, and P.M. Norris, “Effects of Temperature and Disorder on Thermal Boundary Conductance at Solid-Solid Interfaces: Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 3977-3989, 2007.
J.M. Klopf and P.M. Norris, “Probing Nonequilibrium Dynamics with White-light Femtosecond Pulses,” Applied Surface Science, 253, 6305-6309, 2007.
P.E. Hopkins and P.M. Norris, “Substrate Influence in Electron-Phonon Coupling Measurements of Thin Au Films,” Applied Surface Science, 253, 6289-6294, 2007.
P.E. Hopkins, J.M. Klopf, and P.M. Norris, “Influence of Interband Transitions on Electron-phonon Coupling Measurements in Ni Films,” Applied Optics, 46, 2076-2083, 2007.
T. Beechem, S. Graham, P. Hopkins, and P. Norris, “The Role of Interface Disorder on Thermal Boundary Conductance Using a Virtual Crystal Approach,” Applied Physics Letters, 90, 054104, 2007.
P.E. Hopkins and P.M. Norris, “Thermal Boundary Conductance Response to a Change in Cr/Si Interfacial Properties,” Applied Physics Letters, 89, 131909, 2006.
R. Stevens, A. Smith, and P.M. Norris, “Signal Analysis and Characterization of Experimental Setup for the Transient Thermoreflectance Technique,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 77, 084901, 2006.
S. Shrinivasan, P.M. Norris, J.P. Landers and J.P. Ferrance, “A Low-cost, Low-power Consumption Miniature Laser Induced Fluorescence System for DNA Detection on a Microfluidic Device,” Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation, 11, 254-259, 2006.
Q. Wu, J.M. Bienvenue, B.J. Hassan, Y.C. Kwok, B.C. Giordano, P.M. Norris, J.P. Landers, and J.P. Ferrance, “Microchip-based Macroporous Silica Sol-gel Monolith for Efficient Isolation of DNA from Clinical Samples,” Analytical Chemistry, 78, 5704-10, 2006.
A. Caffrey, P. Hopkins, M. Klopf and P.M. Norris, “Thin Film Non-Noble Transition Metal Thermophysical Properties,” Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 9, 365-377, 2005.
R. J. Stevens, A.N. Smith, and P.M. Norris, “Measurement of Thermal Boundary Conductance of a Series of Metal-Dielectric Interfaces by the Transient Thermoreflectance Technique,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 127, 315-322, 2005.
J.M. Klopf and P.M. Norris, “Thermalization of Photoexcited Carriers in InP Based Films,” International Journal of Thermophysics, 26, 127-140, 2005.
J.T. McLeskey and P.M. Norris, “The Femtosecond Energy Diffusion Sensor: A Non-contact Tool for Photovoltaic Characterization,” ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 127, 131-137, 2005.
M. Miner, B. Hosticka, and P.M. Norris, “The Effects of Humidity on the Surface Chemistry and Mechanical Properties of Silica Aerogel,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 350, 285-288, 2004.
J. Phinney, B. Hosticka, M.E. Power, J. Ferrance, J. Landers, and P.M. Norris, “The Design and Testing of a Silica Sol-gel Based Hybridization Array,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 350, 39-45, 2004.
S. Shrinivasan, M.C. Breadmore, T.M. Harrell, B. Hosticka, J.P. Landers, and P.M. Norris, “Toward Optimization of Mesoporous Silica Sol Gels for Application to Capillary or Microchip-Based CEC and LC,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 350, 391-396, 2004.
T.Harrell, B. Hosticka, M.E. Power, R.Hull, and P.M. Norris, “Selective Deposition of Biocompatible Sol-Gel Materials,” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 31, 349-352, 2004.
C.E. Davis, J.J. Rychak, B. Hosticka, S.C. Davis, P.M. Norris, and R. Moorman, “A Novel Method for Measuring Dynamic Changes in Cell Volume,” Journal of Applied Physiology, 96, 1886-1893, 2004.
S.L. Jaiswal, J.T. Simpson, S.P. Withrow, C.W. White, and P.M. Norris, “Design of a Nanoscale Silicon Laser,” Applied Physics A, 77, 57-61, 2003.
M.C. Breadmore, K.A. Wolfe, I.G. Arcibal, W.K. Leong, D. Dickson, B.C. Giordano M.E. Power, J.P. Ferrance, S. Feldman, P.M. Norris, and J.P. Landers, “Microchip Based Purification of DNA from Biological Samples,” Analytical Chemistry, 75, 1880-1886, 2003.
M.C. Breadmore, S. Shrinivasan, J. Karlinsey, J.P. Ferrance, P.M. Norris and J.P. Landers, “Towards a Microchip Based Chromatographic Platform. Part 2: Sol-Gel Phases Modified with Polyelectrolyte Multilayers for Capillary Electrochromatography,” Electrophoresis, 24, 1261-1270, 2003.
P.M. Norris, A.P. Caffrey, R. Stevens, J.M. Klopf, J.T. McLeskey, and A.N. Smith, “Femtosecond Pump-Probe Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 74, 400-406, 2003.
J.T. McLeskey, and P.M. Norris, “Femtosecond Transmission Studies of n-type and p-type Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Pumped in the Exponential Band Tails,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 318, 254-261, 2003.
M.C. Breadmore, S. Shrinivasan, K.A. Wolfe, M.E. Power, J.P. Ferrance, B. Hosticka, P.M. Norris and J.P. Landers, “Towards a Microchip Based Chromatographic Platform. Part 1: Evaluation of Sol-Gel Phases for Capillary Electrochromatography,” Electrophoresis, 23, 3487-3495, 2002.
K.A. Wolfe, M.C. Breadmore, J.P. Ferrance, M.E. Power, J.F.C. Conroy, P.M. Norris, and J.P. Landers, “Toward a Microchip-Based Solid-Phase Extraction Method for Isolation of Nucleic Acids,” Electrophoresis, 23, 727-733, 2002.
D.A. Bostain, J.S. Brenizer, Jr., and P.M. Norris, “Neutron Radioscopic Measurement of Water Adsorption Coefficients in Aerogels,” Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 14, 47-57, 2002.
A.N. Smith and P.M. Norris, “Influence of Intraband Transitions on the Electron Thermoreflectance Response of Metals,” Applied Physics Letters, 78, 1240-1242, 2001.
J. Martin, B. Hosticka, C. Lattimer, and P.M. Norris, “Mechanical and Acoustical Properties as a Function of PEG Concentration in Macroporous Silica Gels,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 285, 222-229, 2001.
M.E. Power, B. Hosticka, E. Black, C.E. Daitch and P.M. Norris, “Aerogels as Biosensors: Viral Particle Detection by Bacteria Immobilized on Large Pore Aerogel,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 285, 303-308, 2001.
M. Guise, B. Hosticka, B. Earp, and P.M. Norris, “An Experimental Investigation of Aerosol Collection Utilizing Packed Beds of Silica Aerogel Microspheres,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 285, 317-322, 2001.
J. Sun, J.P. Longtin, and P.M. Norris, “Ultrafast Laser Micromachining of Silica Aerogels,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 281, 39-47, 2001.
J. McLeskey and P.M. Norris, “Femtosecond Transmission Studies of a-Si:H, a-SiGe:H and a-SiC:H Alloys Pumped in the Exponential Band Tails,” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 69, 165-173, 2001.
M. Bunzendahl, P. Lee-Van Schaick, J.F.C. Conroy, C.E. Daitch and P.M. Norris, “Convective Self-Assembly of Stoeber Sphere Arrays,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 182, 275-283, 2001.
J.F.C. Conroy, M.E. Power, J. Martin, B. Earp, B. Hosticka, C. Daitch, and P.M. Norris, “Cells in Sol-Gels I: A High Hydrolysis Ratio, Aqueous Route for the Production of Macroporous Cytocompatible Silica Gels,” Journal of Sol-Gel Science & Technology, 18, 269-283, 2000.
D. Stewart and P.M. Norris, “Size Effects on the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Metallic Wires: Microscale Implications,” Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 4, 89-101, 2000.
J.F.C. Conroy, M.E. Power, and P.M. Norris, “Applications for Sol-Gel-Derived Materials in Medicine and Biology,” feature cover story also reprinted in Spanish, Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation, 52-57, 2000.
A.N. Smith, J.L. Hostetler, and P.M. Norris, “Thermal Boundary Resistance Measurements Using a Transient Thermoreflectance Technique,” Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 4, 51-60, 2000.
J.L. Hostetler, A.N. Smith, and P.M. Norris, “Interpretation of Femtosecond Thermoreflectance Data in the Presence of Interband Transitions and Nonequilibrium Heating,” Thermal Science and Engineering, 7, 61-68, 1999.
J.F.C. Conroy, B. Hosticka, S.C. Davis, A.N. Smith, and P.M. Norris, “Microscale Thermal Relaxation during Acoustic Propagation in Aerogel and Other Porous Media,” Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 3, 199-215, 1999.
J.L. Hostetler, A.N. Smith, D.M. Czajikowsky, and P.M. Norris, “Measurement of the Electron-Phonon Coupling Factor Dependence on Film Thickness and Grainsize in Au, Cr and Al,” Applied Optics, 38, 3614-3620, 1999.
A.N. Smith, J.L. Hostetler, and P.M. Norris, “Nonequilibrium Heating in Metal Films: An Analytical and Numerical Analysis,” Numerical Heat Transfer A, 35, 859-874, 1999.
M.E.F. Kasarda, P.E. Allaire, P.M. Norris, C. Mastrangelo, and E.H. Maslen, “Experimentally Determined Rotor Power Losses in Homopolar and Heteropolar Magnetic Bearings,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 121, 697-702, 1999.
J.L. Hostetler, A.N. Smith, and P.M. Norris, “Simultaneous Measurement of Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Thin Films,” International Journal of Thermophysics, 19, 569-577, 1998.
B. Hosticka, P.M. Norris, J.S. Brenizer, and C.E. Daitch, “Gas Flow through Aerogels,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vo,225, 293-297, 1998.
J.L. Hostetler, D. Stewart, C.S. Ashley, C.E. Daitch, and P.M. Norris, “Optical Polarized Reflectance Characterization of Thin Aerogel and Xerogel Films,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 225, 19-23, 1998.
P.M. Norris and S.C. Palmer, “Effectiveness of the Woodruff School Doctoral Teaching Intern Program,” Journal of Engineering Education, 87, 223-226, 1998.
P.M. Norris, “Application of Experimental Design Methods to Assess the Effect of Uncertain Boundary Conditions in Inverse Heat Transfer Problems,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 41, 313-322, 1998.
J.L. Hostetler, A.N. Smith, and P.M. Norris, “Thin Film Thermal Conductivity and Thickness Measurements Using Picosecond Ultrasonics,” Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 1, 237-244, 1997.
A.S. Lee and P.M. Norris, “A New Optical Method for Measuring Surface Temperature at Large Incidence Probe Angles,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 68, 1307-1311, 1997.
C.L. Tien, T.Q. Qiu, and P.M. Norris, “Microscale Thermal Phenomena in Contemporary Technology,” Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering, 2, 1-11, 1994.
P.M. Norris, K. Hoag, and W. Wepfer, “Heat Transfer Regimes in the Coolant Passages of a Diesel Engine Cylinder Head,” Experimental Heat Transfer, 7, 43-53, 1994.
P.M. Norris, G. Chen, and C.L. Tien, “Size Effects on the Temperature Rise in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Diodes,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 37, 9-18, 1994.
P.M. Norris, M. Hastings, and W. Wepfer, “An Experimental Investigation of Liquid Coolant Heat Transfer in a Diesel Engine,” SAE Transactions - Journal of Engines, 891898, 1989.
Company-wide session with Springer Nature Women Global Network for International Day of Women and Girls in Science, https://www.springernature.
“Not Your Daddy’s Engineering: Increasing the Diversity of our Engineering Workforce”, VodCast recorded for UVA Lifetime Learning Series,
“Not Your Daddy’s Engineering: Rethinking the 21st Century Engineering Workforce”, Invited presentation to Emerson as part of Women’s Week, Charlottesville, VA (March 5, 2020)
“How Can We Close the STEM Gender Gap Before Another Century Passes?”, Op-Ad in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, (January 16, 2020)
Women in STEM - interview for Springer Nature, Women in STEM (April 4, 2019)
“It’s MECH-E, Baby! Not Your Daddy’s Mechanical Engineering”, KEYNOTE - ASME International Mechanical Engineering Education Leadership Summit, New Orleans, LA (March 21, 2019)
“Encouraging Diversity through Communication of the Value of our Science and Engineering,” American Society of Engineering Education, Engineering Research Council, Washington, DC (March 12, 2019)
“Encouraging Diversity through Communication of the Value of our Science and Engineering,” Charlottesville Women in Technology, Charlottesville, VA (November 9, 2018)
“Encouraging Diversity through Communication of the Value of our Science and Engineering”, KEYNOTE - NI Week, National Instruments, Austin Texas (May 25, 2017)
“Diversity Can at Times Trump Ability,” The Virginia Network, Charlottesville, VA (April 13, 2017)
“Communicating the Value of Thermal-Fluids Research to a Diverse Audience,” TEC talk at the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers, TOPICAL KEYNOTE, (August 11, 2015)
2021 Honorary Member of ASME, “for international leadership in nano, micro and macroscale thermal science and engineering research; for tireless efforts to advance diversity in STEM fields; and for demonstrating engineering excellence as an outstanding mentor for students and faculty”
2021 UVA Engineering Distinguished Service Award
2018 Elected to Membership in the Raven Society, “the oldest and most prestigious honorary society at the University of Virginia”
2018 Raven Award, “The Award recognizes excellence in service and contribution to the University and is the highest honor our Society bestows upon an individual”
2016 Society of Women Engineers Distinguished Engineering Educator Award, “Presented to an individual who has made significant contributions to the engineering profession through education”
2016 UVA Zintl Leadership Award, “celebrates the leadership that is found in many areas and positions at UVA”
2015 SEAS Distinguished Faculty Award
2010 Named the Frederick Tracy Morse Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
2005 Elected Fellow of ASME
1996 Georgia Tech Outstanding Young Engineering Alumni Award
1995 National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Grant