May 20 - June 2, 2019


May 20, 2019

Faculty News


Dr. Jason Zara (BME) was recently awarded a $25,000 grant from the Kern Family Foundation for the project “Engineering for the Public Good.” Dr. Zara will work with Annamaria Konya Tannon (GW Innovation Center) and faculty colleagues across SEAS to develop community engagement projects that focus on the development of an entrepreneurial engineering mindset.




Dr. Lijie Grace Zhang (MAE) and her students Shida Miao, Xuan Zhou, and Sung Yun Hann have published these papers: 1) S. Miao, M. Nowicki, H. Cui, S. Lee, X. Zhou, D.K. Mills, and L.G. Zhang. “4D Anisotropic Skeletal Muscle Tissue Constructs Fabricated by Staircase Effect Strategy,” Biofabrication; 2) X. Zhou, T. Esworthy, S. Lee, S. Miao, H. Cui, M. Plesiniak, H. Fenniri, T. Webster, R. Rao, and L.G. Zhang. “3D Printed scaffolds with hierarchical biomimetic structure for osteochondral regeneration,” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine; and 3) S.Y. Hann, H. Cui, T. Esworthy, S. Miao, X. Zhou, S. Lee, J.P. Fisher, and L.G. Zhang. “Recent Advances in 3D Bioprinting: Vascular Network for Tissue and Organ Regeneration,” Translational Research. 2019


Conferences & Presentations:


Dr. Tarek El-Ghazawi (ECE) recently delivered several presentations in his capacity as an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Speaker: 1) “High-Performance Computing at a Crossing Roads” (April 18 keynote), at the Big Data Analytics and Smart Systems Conference (Tunis, Tunisia); 2) “HPC, Exascale and the Convergence with Big Data, AI and IoT” (April 19 keynote), Colloque de Recherche appliquee et de tranfert de technologie (Hammamet, Tunisia); 3) “Rebooting Computing: In Search of Post-Moore’s Law Processors” (April 20 IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Talk), IEEE Computer Society Tunisia Chapter (Hammamet, Tunisia); and 4) "High-Performance Computing at a Crossing Roads" (invited seminar), Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey). On May 16, Dr. El-Ghazawi also presented the paper “A Machine Learning Approach for Productive Data Locality Exploitation in Parallel Computing Systems” at the 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium in Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, held in Larnaca Cyprus. The paper was authored by Engin Kayraklioglu, Erwan Favry, and Dr. El-Ghazawi.


Dr. Erica Gralla (EMSE) presented an invited tutorial titled “Humanitarian Operations Research” with co-author Maria Besiou at the Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, held May 3-6 in Washington, DC. Dr. Gralla also co-authored three presentations given by her students: 1) “Humanitarian response: organizational adaptation to novel emergency types” (with PhD student Lauren Bateman); 2) “Analysis of supply chain relationships in Mbale, Uganda” (with Ph.D. student Megan Peters); and 3) “Scheduling Staff for the FEMA National Response Coordination Center” (with masters student Kai Friesecke, former undergraduate students Shelby Grumer and Jillian D'Arrigo, and EMSE professors Dr. Hernan Abeledo and Dr. Joseph Barbera).


On April 11, Dr. Stephen Hsu (MAE) delivered the opening plenary lecture, titled “Multiscale, Multifunctional Surface: An Engineering Path Towards Applications,” at the Advanced Materials and Application Conference 2019, held April 11-13 in Ningbo, China. On April 12, he also delivered a separate keynote lecture at the same conference, titled “Icephobic surface design and measurement technique.”


Dr. Suresh Subramaniam (ECE) presented two papers and an invited paper at the 23rd Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, held May 13-16 in Athens, Greece: 1) M. Xu, M. Tian, E. Modiano, and S. Subramaniam. “RHODA topology configuration using Bayesian optimization,” (invited paper); 2) R. Zou and S. Subramaniam. “Novel p-cycle selection algorithms for elastic optical networks;” and 3) J. Zhao and S. Subramaniam. “Embedding virtual networks in flexible optical networks with sliceable transponders.” The paper “Novel p-cycle selection algorithms for elastic optical networks” won the Best Paper Award at the conference.


Other News:


Dr. Lijie Grace Zhang (MAE) will serve as the conference co-chair of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM), to be held July 22-24 at GW. The AFM conferences started in 2015 and were supported by top universities globally. The conference aims to showcase the advancement of functional material science and technology and up-to-date research trends.


Student News
SEAS congratulates the winners of the 2019 Pelton Award for Outstanding Senior Project:

Pelton First Place Winners

First Place: CS
Dietrich Reidenbaugh

Project Title: “Elevator Robot Project”

Pelton Second Place Winners

Second Place: BME
Nathan Campbell, Ria Kim, John Schloen and Samantha Horton

Project Title: “Ultrasound Robot”

Pelton Third Place Winners

Third Place: EMSE
Jordan Askey, Anya Welch, Sydney Eskin, and Jaclyn Bellefeuille

Project Title: “Decision Support Tool for Selecting Supplemental Energy Technologies for Healthcare Facilities in a Developing Country”


SEAS Events Re-cap
SEAS students, faculty, and staff marked the end of the regular academic year with a number of celebrations and graduation-related events last week. These included the Graduate Student Sendoff, the Order of the Engineer Induction Ceremony, the Senior Design Showcase, the Pelton Award for Outstanding Senior Project and SEAS Undergraduate Awards Ceremony, and, of course, the SEAS Doctoral Hooding Ceremony and the SEAS Reception and Graduation Celebration. Several of the events are pictured below.





Senior Design

Senior Design


Dean Riffat

Serena Aunon Chancellor

SEAS Celebration


Other News
The University Seminars Funding Program was established to foster sustained discussion of issues that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries among members of the GW faculty, possibly including their distinguished counterparts in universities, research centers, federal agencies, international organizations and private industry throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The goal is to connect the traditional research and scholarly endeavors of the academy across disciplines, thereby ensuring an exchange of perspectives and information. Each seminar receives funding up to $4,000 annually, and may be renewed for up to two additional years. Regular active-status faculty are invited to submit proposals for a 2019-2020 University Seminar. The deadline is noon on Friday, June 14. View more details and download the call for proposals. Submit your application via OVPR's InfoReady Portal (choose "University Seminars Funding Program 2019-20" from the list of opportunities).


Entrepreneurship News & Events
Spring Faculty Grant opportunity: VentureWell is pleased to announce a Spring Faculty Grant opportunity, offering awards of up to $30,000 to support faculty and staff who are committed to integrating environmentally responsible practices and methodology into their I&E curriculum. This sustainability faculty grant provides funding, a hands-on workshop, and peer networking. Read the detailed guidelines and apply today! Deadline: Wednesday, May 29.